Loved that series! I want all the originals
A whole lot of passes today. No interest interest in these characters.
I'd buy absolutely every one, but Reptyl would be at the top of the list! I've loved him ever since SuperHero Squad.
Everyone except the last two. Avengers Academy is my top modern want in Legends. I loved that series so much. Made me a huge fan of Christos Gage.
Absolutely yes for the Avengers Academy kids. Loved that series and would love to get the original line-up on the shelf. Not to mention they'd all make really striking action figures.
Don't have any connection to these characters at all. So most would be a pass at today's prices. However, I am a big hockey fan, so I might pick up Finesse if she came with her hockey stick 🙂
Reptyl and Mettle would be pickups, maybe Fiona as well.
I enjoyed the series at the time, and a lot of the character designs are pretty good. However I don't know that I am really looking to get figures of any of them.
Once upon a time I’d have been in for them all. But those days are long gone.
Passes all around.
So much yes to this. These are characters that need toys and a new book.
Im in for all of the characters except the last two. No need for Butterball or Fiona, but I would love figures of the rest Reptyl is one of the few remaining characters they made in Super Hero Squad we still need as Legends (Volcana is another).
I'd get Kwannon.
A hearty Yes to Mysterium. Any Squadron Supreme character is eagerly welcome.
Kwannon is welcome too. With so many looks, it’s hard to pick a definitive one.