I'd pass on Outcast. Just no connection to the character and would rather have more important villains get a slot.
Diamond Lil in the green/yellow look would be a pick up.
Not familiar with Outcast but he looks cool and would be a unique new figure (in terms of being both a new-to-Legends character and unique looking on the villains shelf) so I say yes.
And definitely in for classic green and yellow Diamond Lil! It's been a long time since the box set and Alpha Flight could use some love.
I'd be down for Outcast. Toyetic design, Ghost Rider villain...and think of all the great memes people could make with his figure of him singing "Hey Ya", "Roses", or "Ms. Jackson".
Double pass today. Unfamiliar with both characters.
Classic costume Ultragirl is a “Yes”. A New Warriors adjacent character is certainly welcome.
Pass on Elixir. Don’t really know this character.
So, I'd be a yes on Ultragirl - I always enjoyed Dodson art and Ultragirl was fun. I don't want her in the Ms. Marvel costume at all though. If they didn't do her in the orange/green jumpsuit look, then maybe better to skip it. But if they made the first look Ultragirl I'd grab the figure for sure.
And Elixir would be big yes too. X-characters are always a yes, but the gold skin pops. My preference would be the first two pictures with that white and gold outfit, but if they gave us the outfit shown in the last two pictures I'd be OK as well.
Yes to Elixir in X-Force uniform.
maybe to Ultra Girl.
I'd get Ultra Girl for the New Warriors sort of connection, but mostly because I enjoyed the Initiative. Elixir in his first costume matching his teammates might be cool.
Double pass today. As much as I like Kree stuff, I've got less than no connection to Ultragirl. And Elixir is a pass based on my "very specific and narrow X-stuff only" mandate. And he sure as heck ain't it.
I'd buy both, but Elixir would be the priority. He's relatively high on my wish list, but not quite Top 10 worthy. He came in at #24 on the last list that I did, right behind Volstagg and just ahead of Frenzy. I've got a decent stand-in kitbash of Elixir on my X-Men shelf already (using the MCU Adam Warlock head and hands).
According to ComicVine, Elixir is closing in on 1,000 comic appearances now (980) which puts him in the top 200 Marvel characters overall by that measurement, but of course that includes more than just the English versions of comics. He's right there with Drax, Lady Deathstrike, Wong and Marrow and just ahead of characters like USAgent, Sentry, Sif, Kraven, Kang, Ultron and Scott Lang. I consider that a pretty important character!
By the same metric, this Ultragirl has 95 appearances. I was going to pass on the upcoming dark Ms Marvel but I might use Ultragirl as an excuse to justify getting it for myself and have that as the stand-in for her on my shelf (with a different head).
Double pass today. I don't know either character.
Ultragirl looks terrible in that 6th picture. I'd be embarrassed if I drew that.
Yes to Elixir, no costume preference, would love to get the Five version or UXF but any of the Acadmeny kids are more than welcome on my Xmen Shelf
Probably a pass on both today.
Ultragirl in her early look would be a maybe.
Depending on how they did Elixir I could be a maybe. However he would need to be a nice painted gold.
Elixir and Ultragirl are both characters I'd forgotten about but actually liked - I'd pick up both (preferably Ultragirl in her orange/green uniform). Not big priorities but both characters I wouldn't mind in my collection.