A little surprised, Beamish, you didn't add the David Cannon version in there too. I know we already have a Whirlwind figure but before he was Whirlwind he was the Human Top in a silly, bulky silver age costume. It's not actually a figure I need. You're just usually so thorough.
Oops! Added!
First few pics of Nebular for sure. I'd probably get the Tops in a box set with fellow teammates.
I'm definitely all-in for a classic Buscema comic Nebula. Make her just like the Marvel Universe figure that came in that SDCC Infinity Gauntlet set (which also had Starfox). Heck, release them together as an homage to that with an Infinity Gauntlet accessory (the new one from the upcoming Adam Warlock figure). Can't say I'd be as excited if they do the later Lim cyborg version, which likely means they'll do that version first.
Pass on any and all of the Human Tops. Just not invested enough in any of them. Plus, I already have the David Cannon identity I want.
I would probably pick up any version of Human Top. Preference would be Cannon, Mitchell and then Brevalle.
Infinity Gauntlet era Nebula is an easy yes.
Classic Nebula with the dark hair is a definite purchase.
I would pass on all the Human Tops.
I'd get them all, especially classic 80s Handbook style Nebula. 😀
A Buscema / Palmer era Nebula is easily in the top 5 of essential missing villains.
Yes to classic Nebula. Pass on the various Tops.
Yes to the Davy Mitchell Human Top. I'd prefer to round out the Invaders first but I'm definitely in for the Kid Commandos too!
As everyone else has said big yes to classic comic Nebula. And since it's one of the images used...it's always grated my OCD that the cover of Avengers 318 says "Nebula TriumPANT". Who was proof-reading back then?!?
Yes to Nebula
I’d like a David Cannon Human Top.
The David Cannon Human Top looks like he could be easily used as some type of army builder, for some bad guy. Like if Whirlwind decided to dress a bunch of hired thugs, in copies of his old costume, and sent them out to do crimes, on his behalf. 😀
@felgekarp I want him simply because his head looks like an onion. How many action figures have onion heads?
I'd buy both! I've still got the Dennis Dunphy (D-Man) Scourge in my display with the Cap villains. I'd happily put both of those to put right there with him.