I'd be a pass on the Blackbird (don't have inclination or space for vehicles larger than a sky cycle/GR bike). I'd also be a pass on Obnoxio. Definitely a yes to Maelstrom, but his minions would be an "on sale" pickup only.
Sigh.... So far I've passed on the 1/12th scale Joe air vehicles - I don't have the display space for them really, they are an inefficient use of space, frankly unless you hang them from the ceiling, and if you do that, then they don't really need to be functional to interact with your figures. So while the Blackbird is iconic I can't say it's something I need in my Legends collection. That being said, if there was a Haslab for a $500 Blackbird jet I don't know if I'd be able to pass it up
As for the clown, on the one hand, I don't care if Hasbro never gets around to making an Obnoxio the Clown figure. But if for whatever reason they decided to do it... I don't think I could pass on it. He took on the X-Men, more than once. He's goofy, but menacing, he's stupid, but fun. I'd do it.
Big yes to Maelstrom, definitely want that figure. A less hearty, I guess so to the Minions. Helio is the most visually appealing of the three and the easiest to do as a basic legends figure. Gronk could be fun and the body type would be interesting to have to use for other potential projects. Phobius has that skirt design that lends itself to statue type posing in legends figures... still, they'd look good as a group on the shelf. They are minor enough though that I don't care if they ever get figures. Maelstrom deserves one though.
So, big yes to Piranha - love those simple old school villain designs. Just classic, awesome fun. I would 100% buy that figure with no hesitation. Great design, would look marvelous on my shelf.
I don't know Sleeper. I don't need a figure. He looks like another in the now endless slog of symbiote villain characters from the Spidey side of the Marvel universe. I have a soft spot for the Symbiote based characters as figures, but holy hell there are so, so many of them now. I don't really care if this guy gets a figure or doesn't.
I'd get both. 🙂
Double pass for me today.
I would be down for a Piranha figure. Not a high priority want, but if made I would probably pick him up.
I read a little bit of stuff with Sleeper in it, but the character was not memorable and just seems like another derivative character of a derivative character. Pass.
I'd likely pick up Piranha as part of a BaF wave, or on clearance.
Sleeper I'd get for my youngest son, who is a fan of all things symbiote. But personally, I'd MUCH rather have one of Red Skull's Sleeper robots.
Piranha would be a fun visual to have in Legends. Not to mention Namor could use more rogues.
When I saw “Sleeper” I immediately thought of:
..which would have been a hearty “Yes”. Unfortunately this is just another in a long line of recycled symbiote characters, which is a pass for me.
I also thought the Sleeper would be one of the Red Skull's many killer robots and would definitely pick that up. But I don't know this Sleeper so it's a pass.
A classic Piranha would be a purchase. I like goofy characters like him.
I feel like I say this a lot, so I'm sorry to be repetitive but I'd buy both, but neither is a priority.
Piranha would be a yes.
I have to admit I'd be in for an Obnoxio if he was made. I remember reading the Crazy magazine at the grocery store as a kid, and Obnoxio was a big part of that book. Plus...he fought the X-Men, so hey...I'd probably put him on the X villains shelf.
I’d consider Piranha to have another Namor opponent.
Sleeper has a cool look, but I too was expecting to see on of Red Skull’s robots, which would be a buy for me.
Day #1132 - Daken, plus Red She-Hulk update (Archive Day #416, and is Andru's first Guest Star choice, along with Daken update.)
What? Daken hasn't been featured yet in all these years of One A Day?
Well - yes and no. Day #416 was strictly an update to the existing Daken figure. So today we'll focus on his other looks.
As far as Red She-Hulk goes, I'll only be focusing on Betty Ross's Red She-Hulk persona today. Betty herself has her own One A Day where all of her personas are celebrated.
Still needing that Red She-Hulk update!