I don't personally like Shartimus's style but it was kind of entertaining to watch that SDCC interview with the team. If they don't like fielding the kind of flak he was tossing at them {They looked kinda flummoxed) then avoid him.
Nah, won't happen.
I'd get both characters, the comic versions. 🙂
The Ancient One! Please, very much and thank you.
I don't think I'm familiar with Prester John? I like that design a lot.
I'd be down for a comic Ancient One. Not familiar with Prester John, and he doesn't do much for me, so he'd be a pass.
I'd be a pass on both Prester John (no familiarity) and the Ancient One (no interest).
I only know Prester John from Cable/Deadpool - which means I would absolutely get him. Comic Ancient One would be good for a BaF wave.
For Prester John I really like the bigger beefier look in that third image - the mask looks better there as well. I'd pick up a Prester John figure if it got made (which it never will)
As for the Ancient One - it's not essential to my collection but if Marvel decided to put out a comic version of the Ancient One i'd probably pick it up. No interest in the MCU figure. Bald Tilda Swinton is not my jam.
Definitely in for a classic comic Ancient One! Prester John is a fun character, I'd pick him up for the FF shelf for sure.
I think there used to be a guy who posted on this board that went by PresterJohn! I don't know the character, but that third image of him looks like it would make a dope action figure.
Would take either/both versions of Ancient One. But I'd want a comic Wong first.
I’d take beefy John.
I'd like the 2nd pic of Prester John. That's the one that I'm most familiar with.
Evans looked SO goofy in that outfit with the ill-fitting mask. I'd get it on novelty alone, maybe, but if it came with one of the background singers, almost definitely.
Nitro is a definite yes.