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One A Day: Day #1155 - Hildegarde, plus Speedfreek

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I'd buy Quark, but have no interest in that costume for either Carol or Moonstone. An update of the Warbird costume for Carol however would likely get my attention.

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I'd pick up a Quark if they made him and 2 of early costume Ms. Marvel with a Dark Avengers head.

Warbird should get an upgrade too considering how sloppy the paint on some of those figures was.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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I would love a redo of Carol’s Warbird costume. It’s one of my favorites. Pinless limbs would give her a significant improvement.  I felt like the original figure, while very nice, felt fragile to me. 

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Quark would be a fun looking figure but if I didn't need him as part of a BAF wave I'd probably skip or wait for a deep discount.

Classic Carol/Karla is a big yes, and her face plastered all over the SDCC artwork (plus the movie) is a good sign she's likely on the way.

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Day #656 - Coal Tiger, plus Steel Spider (archive Day #12)


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Happy to see the One A Day thread back!

Coal Tiger is a cool bit of trivia brought into the continuity, and it'd be very neat to see a figure made.

Steel Spider I would also love to see get a figure - the silver and dark blue of his costume is a combination that absolutely speaks to me. It doesn't seem like much of a stretch that he could be made considering they can reuse Ock tentacles and he's a Spider-themed character.

Basil Elks
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Coal Tiger would be neat. 🙂 And yes to the 2nd and 3rd pic, for Steel-Spider, I'd also like to eventually see his identity of Spider-Kid get made, too.

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I mean...  I'm sure it goes without saying but YES! to Coal Tiger.    I would buy at least three.   One would go straight into my Black Panther display cases,  one would go onto my Avengers shelf and one I would cradle in my arms as I sleep... or something.     Seriously though -  as a huge Black Panther fan I love this as trivia (although I love more that Stan pushed back and made the character Black Panther despite political concerns) -  and I like it from The Crossing storyline and I would be very happy to get an official figure.


And on the retro tip... yes I'd buy Steel Spider.   Still have some room on that Spidey shelf.

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Wow, I'd get Coal Tiger just because I'd be impressed they pulled it off.  Later pictures Steel Spider would be great in BAF wave.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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I'd be a maybe on both Coal Tiger and Steel Spider, leaning toward yes. Also, "That makes sense in an insane sort of way" is gonna be my new catchphrase IRL.

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Both are a "No" from me. I'd be interested in Coal Tiger if there were other Gatherers coming, or if he was the start of building the team. But on his own, while a neat And Steel Spider is a no just because I have no interest in him whatsoever.

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Day 657 - Shalla Bal, plus Exodus (archive Day #13)


Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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I'd take a Shalla Bal, but she's not one I'd consider a priority for me.

Pass on Exodus.

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Yeah...   I do not care a single bit about Shalla Bal.    I actually find Silver Surfer to be mostly boring and occasionally annoying and have never been a fan of his solo book or adventures.   As such Shalla Bal hold's zero interest for me.     If they made a figure that looked like the second image I'd probably pick it up just for the unique look... but if it came in one of those more generic looks it would be a pass.


Exodus on the other hand is a huge want of mine.   I would think he HAS to be on docket for release in the line relatively soon.    He has a great 90's look to him,  was important in that era, and has had a resurgence in recent times  and he had a Toy Biz 5" figure so all of that means he needs to get released sooner rather than later.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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I'd be a pass on both Shalla Bal and Exodus.

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