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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @raybot

Might just be me, but the Destiny/Rogue 2-pack is down to $44.99 with an additional 30% off coupon on Amazon today.

No coupon for me.  As far as I can tell those are almost always user-specific.  I've still never seen an example of an Amazon coupon that shows up for everyone, but I'm sure that's a possibility.


I wonder how they choose who gets the coupons when. I used a 30% off coupon on a Transformers set I had been waiting to drop in price, but would totally love to use that coupon for other things. But it hasn't popped up again on any of the things that keep getting reported.


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Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing that coupon. I just saw the post on toyshiz's Instagram. He implied the coupons are regional. First time I'm hearing that.

For what it's worth, I'm in the northeast. Is that where all the couponless people are from?

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Posted by: @mrboshek

Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing that coupon. I just saw the post on toyshiz's Instagram. He implied the coupons are regional. First time I'm hearing that.

For what it's worth, I'm in the northeast. Is that where all the couponless people are from?

I was wondering if it might be regional - if they're sitting on a surplus of x product at a specific distribution center it makes more sense to clear them out at a steep discount vs shipping them across the country. I don't see the coupon and I'm in the southeast US.


Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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I'd love to get a coupon for the Rogue/Destiny 2-pack.

I don't have coupons for anything, even stuff I don't want.

rocko reacted
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Found two fresh Dan Ketch sets at Target, marked down to 24.99 each! Bought ‘em, fo sho.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posted by: @normdapito

Found two fresh Dan Ketch sets at Target, marked down to 24.99 each! Bought ‘em, fo sho.

Nice finds. They'll make for great trade fodder. When was the last time a GR with bike set didn't eventually triple in value?

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yeah... getting a motorcycle and figure for the price of a regular figure is a steal and will pay off significantly if you hold onto them for a few months.   Sheesh.   I never saw any of those at Targets around this way in the first place, let alone at clearance.

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Posted by: @panthercult

yeah... getting a motorcycle and figure for the price of a regular figure is a steal and will pay off significantly if you hold onto them for a few months.   Sheesh.   I never saw any of those at Targets around this way in the first place, let alone at clearance.

Yeah nothing good like that ever seems to be in stores down here either, let alone on clearance/discount prices.  Sigh...


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I’m usually in the same boat as you guys. This was a very lucky run-in. Very rare. 

Still plenty of Classified clearance on the shelves, but ML stock sooo rarely gets replenished. However, my two stores have had random restocks of Dan Ketch several times. Not sure why him. They also had plentiful Odins, 10-15 at a time or so. Those got picked up in one of the December sales.

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Wow!  I've only seen 1 lone Odin at a Target.  Never seen Ghost Rider.  I still enjoy checking at retail whenever I'm out running errands.  But the things I like are rarely stocked/restocked.  Marvel Legends seems to be the worst.  The pegs are almost always empty.  It's almost entirely online purchases for me these days.

Red Ogre reacted
mr potatohead
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DeepDiscount has Jada Ice Man (Mega Man) marked down to $16.38.  That's the lowest price I think I've seen on these so far.  Not to mention he's the only one from the 1st wave that never seems to get discounted for some reason.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Rogue/Destiny is under $40. That was my cut-off for buying them. Threw in a couple of Indiana Jones bystander stand-ins.

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Picked up NECA Mirage Rat King and naked Last Ronin for under $6 each at an out of the way Walmart today. Couldn’t pass on those prices.

supreme_d reacted
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Posted by: @normdapito

Picked up NECA Mirage Rat King and naked Last Ronin for under $6 each at an out of the way Walmart today. Couldn’t pass on those prices.

Wow, that's unbelievable! Nice find, Norm!


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