I get you with Lockjaw and the lack of knees. But I fear that a boycott on the figure wouldn't read to Hasbro as "we should have made that figure better, then it would have sold more", but rather "oh, people don't actually want packs like this - let's not try something like that again".
Zavvi has the Shield 3 pack on sale for $55+5.95 shipping, if anyone needs it.
Among the 75% Christmas markdowns at Walmart today I noticed most of the Nacelle stuff was marked down as well.
Not sure on Biker Mice but the Sectaurs and Robo Force figures were $15 and the little Garloo was $5 for those interested.
I think $15 is still too much for the Sectaurs but I grabbed a Garloo and Wrecker from Robo Force. It took about 3 minutes for me to realize that $15 was also too much for Wrecker and now he's back in the box with the receipt to head back to Walmart. He's got giant feet with suction cups on the bottom and I still had trouble getting him to stand on his own. He was really loose and the back attachments were fairly useless, added to his inability to stand and seemed like they were going to break at the post at any moment. Just seemed very cheaply made and put together, overall.
Back when they first released those bots, someone had a video where they took the suction cups right off and it stood fine on the remaining "feet" just fine. That doesn't account for the other issues, but the suction cups are an issue that can be easily resolved.
MCU Colossus is retail price with a 10% off coupon right now on Amazon - haven't seen him lower anywhere and at this point not sure we will? Until secondhand stores.
Also Zemo/Zola two pack is $33 with coupon.
MCU Colossus is retail price with a 10% off coupon right now on Amazon
No coupon available when I look at the listing. Must be customer-specific.
No coupon for me either. I placed an order anyway.
@schizm I got the coupon for the Zemo/Zola too; thanks for the heads up on this!
I didn't get the coupon for Zemo/Zola, but I did get a 20% off for Patch/Fixit bringing it down to 41$
Anyone know how well the Shadow King head looks on white tuxedo Fixit? Never wound up getting a body for him and now now sure what suits ShadowKing best for what's available.
Anyone know how well the Shadow King head looks on white tuxedo Fixit?
I have that head on the BAF Fixit and it looks... Okay, I guess. If no one else steps up before Friday I can post a picture this weekend when I get back in town. It sits a little bit low but it's better than sticking it in a box and never seeing it.
You guys got me interested and I found something on Reddit. They seem pretty happy with the Fixit solution.
I think $15 is still too much for the Sectaurs but I grabbed a Garloo and Wrecker from Robo Force.
I was a big fan of Sectaurs back in the day. When Nacelle revealed their figures, I was disappointed that they really didn't update the figures. Just added a couple of points of articulation, but they didn't modernize them at all. Unlike their other lines. I cracked a few months ago and got Dargon. Man, what a disappointment. I knew the figure's limitations going in but somehow it still disappointed me. Nigh-loose knees. Barely movable head. I don't have much faith in that company. I know some people like their Biker Mice figures, so hopefully their Star Trek figures end up being good. But Sectaurs...what a disappointment.
As someone who bought the Biker Mice and the Sectaurs - I can tell you it was hard for me to understand these were made by the same company. The Biker Mice figures were well constructed and were solid, modern updates of those older figures. The Sectaurs, by comparison were basically like buying bootlegs of the original figures - I hated the design choice to not modernize the sculpt, size or articulation at all. Those Sectaurs figures were a big regret of mine, honestly.
I wanted to support them hoping Nacelle would see there was demand - it seemed like such an easy no brainer - just do the same thing Super7 is doing with Thundercats and Silverhawks - make modern updates of the Sectaurs characters in a scale and style that could blend well with the existing MOTU Classics and Thundercats Ultimates lines and it would have done fine. It would have appealed not only to fans of the original toyline but also to the people world building that Classics/Ultimates universe. Especially if they could have done it closer to that Biker Mice price point and undercut Super7's pricing. I would have bought SO many had they gone that route - including extras to customize.
This vintage reproduction choice was bizarre and stupid in my estimation.
Might just be me, but the Destiny/Rogue 2-pack is down to $44.99 with an additional 30% off coupon on Amazon today.
Might just be me, but the Destiny/Rogue 2-pack is down to $44.99 with an additional 30% off coupon on Amazon today.
No coupon for me. As far as I can tell those are almost always user-specific. I've still never seen an example of an Amazon coupon that shows up for everyone, but I'm sure that's a possibility.