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Official toys on sale thread

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I'd kind of given up on the Bucky O'Hare stuff at Ollie's — are folks still finding stuff? Never did see the Toad Troopers in my parts.

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I'm in the Richmond, Virginia metropolitan area of about 1.3 million people and we have two Ollie's.  I'm guessing most small to medium sized metropolitan areas have a few of them.

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Ollie’s is not a nation wide chain.

left field
Kansas City MO
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Amazon has the Hydra Stomper wave that includes MCU Kingpin and Agatha Harkness listed as releasing Sept 6, and free delivery for members Sept 7. 

I got screwed by Walmart on this wave a couple weeks ago and have been waiting for Amazon to change their Release and Ship By dates. I've never had big problems with Amazon they usually come thru.

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Yeah, those of us west of the Mississippi get no Ollie's love  😭 

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Posted by: @panthercult

Yeah, those of us west of the Mississippi get no Ollie's love  😭 

While that might be true:

Posted by: @normdapito

Not that there's anything I need anymore from what seems to be offered at Ollie's right now, but yeah, it would be nice to know there's one in the area for me to hunt at. I don't think I've ever seen an Ollie's.

I believe NORM is in NJ, and he doesn't have one near him either.


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That’s definitely not true. Texas has these stores.

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@kablam  Man... I knew some pedant was going to come here and tell me about the handful of stores in Texas and Missouri.   Yeah, I know man,   the stores in Texas are still 1500 miles from me so that's NOT helpful.   It was a freakin' generalization.   Sheesh.

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@panthercult oh ok well sorry it got your panties in a bunch. My bayd ✌️

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Well for those folks who do have stores near them, McFarlane Toys has joined the Ollie's party. A local store had a bunch of the Endless Winter BAF wave figures for $9.99 and different assortments of the Disney Mirrorverse stuff. I didn't look at the prices.

The store also had that giant Jurassic World Mosasaurus for $14.99, which I happily grabbed for the price.

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Don't sleep on the McFarlane Endless Winter Wave. The BAF Frost King is awesome as a Frost Giant with Marvel Legends or with Mythic Legions.

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I saw the Walmart exclusive Infinity War Captain America at Ollie's this weekend for $9.99.

I took a gamble since it was a new Ollie's that had opened just over a week ago that it may be well stocked... and it was! It had everything that has been mentioned to be at Ollie's on this thread. I finally found Apocalypse and Sabretooth from the Age of Apocalypse wave so I can complete my Colossus BAF.

I didn't grab any Caps because I found him on clearance at Walmart the first time around so I have what I need. I assume Cap will show up at other Ollie's but there's a small chance this was reserved for store "grand openings". I don't get the idea that Ollie's is that sophisticated in their planning, but who knows.

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Posted by: @zengopher

I saw the Walmart exclusive Infinity War Captain America at Ollie's this weekend for $9.99.

I took a gamble since it was a new Ollie's that had opened just over a week ago that it may be well stocked... and it was! It had everything that has been mentioned to be at Ollie's on this thread. I finally found Apocalypse and Sabretooth from the Age of Apocalypse wave so I can complete my Colossus BAF.

I didn't grab any Caps because I found him on clearance at Walmart the first time around so I have what I need. I assume Cap will show up at other Ollie's but there's a small chance this was reserved for store "grand openings". I don't get the idea that Ollie's is that sophisticated in their planning, but who knows.


Ollie's can also be random.


I found a case of first edition, first printing Star Trek CCG trading cards at one store. Limited edition, from 1994. This was maybe a year ago? Whole case. Never seen any at any other location.


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Count me as one who has no Ollies stores, has never even seen one in real life.  Six or seven Targets within 15 minutes of me, however.  Two Walmarts, both of which are equally terrible.  

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Gamestop is having a sale on select collectibles - 10% off over $75, 20% off over $125.  this includes the 60th anniv stuff, the blob, and some recent wave figures too. Not the hugest sale but since most of the 60th anniv stuff isn't as overprices as usual, seems like a decent deal on those.

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