It took lots of back and forth, but I got my refunds for everything they didn't ship from my credit card company. I did end up with the Monster Cereal guys, Fortnite Mancakes, DnD Owlbear, and Super 7 Pinky for 40% off or so out of the deal (just wish I had gotten the Brain too).
I got S7 Ultimates Cobra Commander and BAT. Duke and Snake-Eyes weren’t fulfilled. So instead of getting the whole wave for half off, I paid full price for two. If I had gotten Duke instead of the BAT, it would have stung less.
thanks for whoever gave a heads up regarding Target marking down the deluxe Legends SpiderVerse Spider-Woman. Got her for $17.
thanks for whoever gave a heads up regarding Target marking down the deluxe Legends SpiderVerse Spider-Woman. Got her for $17.
Damn, nice!
Mine all cleared out at 50% off.
Any end of summer sales going on online?
My Ollie's is out of control...
Almost full waves of AOA, MOM, BP: Legacy, & Eternals. A few of each from Avengers (Controller), Black Panther, Retro FF, & Disney + (Cap wings) waves.
@andru I went to an Ollie’s for my first time yesterday and saw a butt ton of that stuff as well. The other end was full too + 1/8 of the aisle in between. Wild!
I’m very frustrated there are no Ollie’s anywhere on this side of the country.
Not that there's anything I need anymore from what seems to be offered at Ollie's right now, but yeah, it would be nice to know there's one in the area for me to hunt at. I don't think I've ever seen an Ollie's.
I’m very frustrated there are no Ollie’s anywhere on this side of the country.
I hear yah! The nearest one to me is in Texas just a little over 1,000 miles away 🙄
They don’t last that long at my Ollie's. I saw a few interesting things there recently. Found 1 Squirrel Girl on bike for 13$, AOA deluxe Apocalypse for 20$ and 1 each of Scarlett and Baroness from Snake Eyes movie/Classified figures for 5$ each.
Never saw one of these mythical Ollie's in my life, either. I'm lucky if I find figures in person at more than a handful of locations at all, much less at heavily discounted prices.
Ollie's had Lady Jaye and the movie figures today. They're charging $12.99 for some reason, not sure why there is a little extra on Joes.
I have one Ollie's in my state approximately 2 hours away from where I live -- but there's no way I'm making a special trip that far away. I hope they get one closer to me in the near future.
I keep stalking my local Ollie's in vain hopes that I'll find the last 2 Bucky o'hare figures I want, the first red/yellow Bucky and Dead-Eye Duck. I got lucky and found Jinny and a Toad Trooper. So far, in my recent Ollie's hauls I've picked up 3 of the FF retro 3.75 figures, still need a Torch, the 6" retro Torch, an Archive C-3po and another Hand Ninja.