I have a friend who worked in Disney Marvel production. Worked on one of the shows with the animators. There are a lot of very good talented people there, but also plenty of selfish morons (execs, directors), who couldn't care less about source material and think it's "some old outdated garbage". The kind of people who would look at Jack Kirby work and say "it was drawn by a child lol".
So yeah...next season can be really bad. Can. A delay is not good. That means they're changing, rewriting the script. Сancel and rework ideas that have already been laid down. We will see, I guess.
Hmmm... I'm actually relieved to skip AoA. No desire to watch that for a season, or, really, any time-travel shenanigans.
Thanks for the link - very interesting.
I'm sorry, how is this not a $60 or $80 toy? which you find in a big box on the bottom shelf at the store.
The zomg "80 points of articulation" seems like a convenient reason to charge double. This is not a special figure.
Honestly, I feel like I'm trying to convince myself that I like the Sentinel more than I actually do. A mockup will be at London con next week. If I'm not feeling it then, I may just be happy with all the Sentinels I already have.
Same boat. The more I look at it, the less I like it. Leaning towards canceling my PO.
But yet another Sentinel bores me honestly and I think the cartoon will sadly be a blip on the radar from what I keep learning about DeMayo's departure.
What does this mean? You think the quality of the show is going to take a hit?
Yeah I am counting on it 😣 DeMayo himself said a season was going to dedicated to AoA, next season would go dark and that an exec at Disney wanted the show to be more "kid friendly" or something. They scrapped his plans....and whatever. So the guy who gets X-Men so well and created a stir is now out and so are his season 2 plans. Which is no surprise cause Disney. A delay of a year is bad enough, but just expect a backlash.
The animation will be really good still. I hope I'm wrong, but doubt it. I certainly don't think they need to wait until Season 2 airs for another series, but they probably will. So yeah my enthusiasm is nill again.
Don't despair. DeMayo is a piece of shit and there are plenty of talented people around to steward the show. If anything, maybe this is an opportunity to slow things down. They were flying through material last season.
DeMayo is also a practiced liar so I wouldn't believe anything he says. Above all else, Hollywood is risk-averse. X-Men '97 was a success. They'll do everything they can to replicate season one.
Yeah. I'm totally fine if the time-travel stuff set up in the finale is completely done away with within one or two episodes. And then... just tell stories and don't rush through them. The direction the show was trending by the end of the season was WAY less enjoyable to me than how it started, so I'm hoping this transition keeps it closer to the version I liked.
I don't know what to make of DeMayo the person, but it's a tall task switching head writers between seasons. The first season did have pacing issues, but I think he really got the X-Men and what made them special. I could see Disney not liking some of the stuff he did and I can certainly imagine him having plans that pushed the envelope further and ran afoul of what some of the execs wanted. I like it when a show has a singular vision and is allowed to execute it, so his firing from a purely creative place was not welcome news. That said, he's not the only guy who understands the X-Men so it's not all doom and gloom. I guess we just have to wait and see, but it sucks that we're in for a long wait. I miss the old broadcast model of a new season every fall, but this is the streaming model.
I wish that NYTF would come back, or at least be in the beginning of the year, again.
I certainly wouldn't call a person a "piece of shit" if I didn't really know him. Believing rumors on the internet from “verified sources” who “know exactly what happened” is even more foolish. None of us were there. People who write nonsense online can either make it up or deliberately humiliate someone because of personal animosity. But what can you do, most people are now willing to destroy a person life just because they read something on Reddit. And I'm not even talking about DeMayo.
Who I certainly wouldn't trust are the corporate freaks at Disney. All their excuses and statements mean absolutely nothing. Everyone has already forgotten that they kicked out James Gunn, only to bring him back later to make a GOT3. They can't even make a fucking Blade movie and it's been 5 years.
It's true, Hollywood is risk-averse (well...sometimes). But X-Men 97 didn't try to entirely replicate X-Men: The Animated Series. After episode 5, a lot has changed. The last thing I want is another season one and Wolverine as a leader, because he is popular and Deadpool 3 made money.
Unfortunately, that’s been Marvel’s M.O. since the beginning of their modern movies, going all the way back to Blade, the first X-Men, and the Raimi Spider-mans. They change their product to match the movies, instead of making the movies more like their product. I would be surprised if they changed their practices now.
@basil-elks it is. Starts March 1st of 2025 and is booked for '26 and '27 too.
@enigmaticclarity alleged misconduct. He denies it. If there's been anything further I haven't seen it.
EDIT: this is a more comprehensive rundown. Some stuff has been corroborated by independent journalists, and the lawyer doesn't deny HR complaints were made: https://thestreamr.com/2024/08/20/beau-demayo-lawyer-responds-x-men-97/
@enigmaticclarity alleged misconduct. He denies it. If there's been anything further I haven't seen it.
No details there other than Beau himself claiming it was due to him posting a shirtless artistic depiction of himself as Cyclops to Twitter.
I know Disney in general doesn't like it when their celebrities and pundits who work for ESPN, ABC, etc take a controversial political or social stand via their on-air programs or their personal social media accounts. They've fired several ESPN pundits for that, and I could see them really not appreciating DeMayo being so publicly LGBTQ for that reason Michael Jordan made famous in 1990 when asked why he wasn't publicly supporting a Democratic candidate for the US Senate in North Carolina--"Republicans buy sneakers, too." Not sure that Republicans in America still have the monopoly on homophobia like they used to when Jordan said that in 1990, but homophobia itself is still extremely prevalent, and in many if not most countries it's still the overwhelming majority of people who feel that way.
But if that's actually the reason they fired him then it's a ticking time bomb. With him claiming they fired him for being outwardly gay they really should just go ahead reveal what he did that was so egregious.
Who I certainly wouldn't trust are the corporate freaks at Disney. All their excuses and statements mean absolutely nothing. Everyone has already forgotten that they kicked out James Gunn, only to bring him back later to make a GOT3. They can't even make a fucking Blade movie and it's been 5 years.
Exactly this. When a company fires an employee, they control the narrative. They'll say well-liked employees were toxic, talented employees were incompetent, etc and often the employee has no platform from which to offer their counternarrative or are constrained from doing so by non-disparagement agreements and the threat of litigation by a high-powered team of lawyers backed by inexhaustible cash. And this company is Disney, one of the most powerful on the planet. Don't trust a thing they say about employees they've fired.