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New York Comic Con - Oct 17th thru 20th

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Simultaneously thrilled for anyone who wants that sentinel cos it looks awesome and VERY relieved I have two sentinels I have trouble finding space to display so I can pass on the new one. Looks great, glad I can resist the price tag on this one. The HasLab Sentinel glares at me in my studio where nobody can see him on a daily basis like "why am I in here, dude, c'mon." 

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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This classic Sentinel looks amazing. Battle damaged alternate parts, a huge figure, and articulated hands. All for the a cost that is similar to a 6” import figure. I definitely want at least two. You know some people will army build a lot of these. They seem like a great deal. 

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I don’t love how battle damage gets relegated to just the head on these Sentinels. HasLab was that way, plus a damaged hand. This one has the head and reactor in the chest. That kind of pinpoint battle damage is always less convincing. They gotta start including damaged limbs.

ditko reacted
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Bummer! I hate that about cons. You pay the money, spend the time and then end up watching it on youtube. Not getting SDCC tickets is probably a blessing

Posted by: @shadzcat

room was packed couldn’t get in 🙁

hopefully the guys are there tomorrow on the floor


Rob W
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I’m not worried/cross about the state of ‘teh lien’ at all. It feels like Hasbro is still pushing out a tonne of content right now (my poor wallet) and much of it is the best they’ve ever done (Odin, Dragon Man).

I’m underwhelmed by the Sentinel, mainly because Dragon Man was so awesome - the pure dopamine hit of that unexpected character, the amazing execution and a really keenly priced offering. I was excited at the prospect of similar obscure, oddball and risky characters. But Sentinels are such a mainstream, popular call that it feels like they have a dozen potential routes to market, while Mangog waits patiently in the toy aether. (Plus, Muties are the corner of the MU I’m least bothered by).

I’m not saying it’s a dumb choice. Lots of people are happy and it’s going to sell like hotcakes even at that elevated price. It’s smart business. But I really wish it was something else.

puckace reacted
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Posted by: @rob-w

I’m not worried/cross about the state of ‘teh lien’ at all. It feels like Hasbro is still pushing out a tonne of content right now (my poor wallet) and much of it is the best they’ve ever done (Odin, Dragon Man).

I’m underwhelmed by the Sentinel, mainly because Dragon Man was so awesome - the pure dopamine hit of that unexpected character, the amazing execution and a really keenly priced offering. I was excited at the prospect of similar obscure, oddball and risky characters. But Sentinels are such a mainstream, popular call that it feels like they have a dozen potential routes to market, while Mangog waits patiently in the toy aether. (Plus, Muties are the corner of the MU I’m least bothered by).

I’m not saying it’s a dumb choice. Lots of people are happy and it’s going to sell like hotcakes even at that elevated price. It’s smart business. But I really wish it was something else.

I feel this. I'm excited for these because a good classic Sentinel is something the line has always needed, but it would I would have flipped my lid if they'd shown off Awesome Android, Mangog, or a Clint Barton Goliath. This new preorder model is just getting started, so hopefully there's plenty of opportunity to get those new characters made.


puckace and SDcomics reacted
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@h-bird part of what has personally thrown me about this preorder model is the, to put it in Transformers terms, class of the item. These are meant to be big figures, but not necessarily the same size or price point of Dragon Man. I was stuck thinking that and not realizing that the figure size and price is flexible. So I was expecting an effort to keep the price comparable to what they charged for Dragon Man. There was some sticker shock for me with this Sentinel as a result.

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Posted by: @normdapito

@h-bird part of what has personally thrown me about this preorder model is the, to put it in Transformers terms, class of the item. These are meant to be big figures, but not necessarily the same size or price point of Dragon Man. I was stuck thinking that and not realizing that the figure size and price is flexible. So I was expecting an effort to keep the price comparable to what they charged for Dragon Man. There was some sticker shock for me with this Sentinel as a result.

That's particularly understandable since this is almost the same price as the Giant-Man Haslab from last year.  Seems somewhat clear now that they just look at this as a slightly different way to market big items than crowdfunding.


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Posted by: @rob-w

I’m not worried/cross about the state of ‘teh lien’ at all. It feels like Hasbro is still pushing out a tonne of content right now (my poor wallet) and much of it is the best they’ve ever done (Odin, Dragon Man).

I’m underwhelmed by the Sentinel, mainly because Dragon Man was so awesome - the pure dopamine hit of that unexpected character, the amazing execution and a really keenly priced offering. I was excited at the prospect of similar obscure, oddball and risky characters. But Sentinels are such a mainstream, popular call that it feels like they have a dozen potential routes to market, while Mangog waits patiently in the toy aether. (Plus, Muties are the corner of the MU I’m least bothered by).

I’m not saying it’s a dumb choice. Lots of people are happy and it’s going to sell like hotcakes even at that elevated price. It’s smart business. But I really wish it was something else.


I'm with you.  I think 2024 has been a banner year for Hasbro.  I don't really collect Legends much at all anymore but even I bought Odin and Dragon Man.  They are impressive.  Personally a Skurge and Heimdall set would have been amazing as a follow up. Or Cameron Hodge.  But yet another Sentinel bores me honestly and I think the cartoon will sadly be a blip on the radar from what I keep learning about DeMayo's departure.  


The line going forward looks good I think.  I'm a diehard Transformers fan and will never ever complain when they've given me definitive and borderline high end versions of what I loved and wanted since childhood!  It's just the marketing cycle is odd - PulseCon was worthless and this wasn't any better really. Oh well, the product is great and that's what matters.


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I personally really dig the design of the new Sentinel. It looks like it jumped right of the “Days of Future Past” comic by John Byrne. It’s been a long time coming for them to finally make a comic accurate classic Sentinel.

That said, space and budgetary concerns make this one a non-starter for me. Even though I’d love to have a couple, I just can’t swing it right now.

Plus I already have two of the classic purple MU Sentinels, one I got from SDCD and I found another one at Marshalls for $20. They have a neo-classic look and are a decent size so they work just fine for my needs.

puckace reacted
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Posted by: @ditko

But yet another Sentinel bores me honestly and I think the cartoon will sadly be a blip on the radar from what I keep learning about DeMayo's departure.  

What does this mean? You think the quality of the show is going to take a hit?

ditko reacted
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So I guess the footprint stand was just a tease and isn't being sold with the Sentinel? That's a bummer, I thought that was a really cool piece on its own.

If anyone gets the chance please ask the team the status on NWH Electro and Lizard. It's been a frickin' year. Coming or not?

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@ditko just watched this interview with Beau! Dude had some AMAZING things planned. 


ditko reacted
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Looking closely at the Sentinel, there's a few things I wish were slightly different:

  • Articulation - specifically the torso and butterfly joints. Totally get that this is accurate to the design to have one big unbroken torso but I might have privileged more movement over the look. And if you are going to have it just be one big solid piece, how are you not going to make it into a little mutant jail like the vintage figure?!
  • Accessories. There are so many fun accessories that could come with a Sentinel, and for the price it doesn't seem unreasonable to wish it came with a bit more. Additional damaged pieces and effects are the two most obvious ones - or even an alternate head with open mouth, etc. When I think about how deluxe Odin felt with so many included accessories, Dragon Man and the Sentinel are feeling a little sparse.

Overall though - they nailed the design, especially the color, and I really like the size. Really happy to have some classic Sentinels after all these years.

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Posted by: @schizm

Posted by: @ditko

But yet another Sentinel bores me honestly and I think the cartoon will sadly be a blip on the radar from what I keep learning about DeMayo's departure.  

What does this mean? You think the quality of the show is going to take a hit?


Yeah I am counting on it 😣 DeMayo himself said a season was going to dedicated to AoA, next season would go dark and that an exec at Disney wanted the show to be more "kid friendly" or something.  They scrapped his plans....and whatever.  So the guy who gets X-Men so well and created a stir is now out and so are his season 2 plans.  Which is no surprise cause Disney.  A delay of a year is bad enough, but just expect a backlash.


The animation will be really good still.  I hope I'm wrong, but doubt it.  I certainly don't think they need to wait until Season 2 airs for another series, but they probably will.  So yeah my enthusiasm is nill again.


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