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New York Comic Con - Oct 17th thru 20th

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Hopefully when they get to Goliaths they're back in the $100 range.  No need for 27 pts of articulation in their fingers.

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Had the same initial reaction as @panthercult, that it is too big if the goal was an army builder. 

I hope to see the Sentinel next to the HasLab version. I am not sure they will look good together as Master Mold and minions...? 

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The waist looks gappy, but I'm in for 1.

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A classic sentinel has been my top desired haslabbish want so I'm pretty stoked.

Right now, I feel like I'm in for 3 of em.

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Posted by: @rob-w

 I already have all the Sentinel I need in my life with the Toybiz BAF and the MU one.

I thought I was the only one of my kind!

The Toybiz BAF is probably going to be the only "big" sentinel I ever have in my life.  Going in order from biggest to smallest, I also have the Toybiz Sentinel from the pre-ML days, and four of the recent 7 inch versions (I only hear the music from the video game when I look at them).  Yeah, I don't need any more, I think.  Just no room.


puckace reacted
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Glad most of you are happy with the 97 Sentinel.  I'm happy that I don't need it.  $175+ I can put to other stuff I really want.

Like classic versions of  Mantis, Swordsman, M'Baku, Attuma, Mandarin, Falcon, etc....

JOEL aka JoMiHa, Justice, Beamish and 2 people reacted
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I think a smaller Sentinel (~15-18", $125) would have been a little bit better for troop building.  I'll likely get two of these.  The minimum for a troop-building feel.

We get rather regular reveals spread out throughout the year, but it's still not enough for people.  Hell, we have another Hasbro livestream event in 9 days.  Still not enough.  And some people declare the line is "obviously" ending because they didn't like the last couple of reveals.  Good lord, people.  If your hobby is causing such anguish, move on from it.


Akatsuki, hmmberto, Silent Red and 1 people reacted
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Honestly, I feel like I'm trying to convince myself that I like the Sentinel more than I actually do. A mockup will be at London con next week. If I'm not feeling it then, I may just be happy with all the Sentinels I already have.

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I feel like “The line is clearly coming to an end” has been a topic of discussion the entire time I’ve been in the fandom.

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Posted by: @hbhfback

I feel like “The line is clearly coming to an end” has been a topic of discussion the entire time I’ve been in the fandom.

Yeah, I don't see that happening at all. Legends are still an amazing seller and they aren't going anywhere anytime soon.


hmmberto and hbhfback reacted
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There's only one dude freaking out over anything here.

I got to sit through the panel. I waited in line, about 100 people deep, with probably 150 behind me in line. They cut the line off right after me, but sprinkled a few more in after that. It was an hour split between Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Transformers, Star Wars, and Marvel (which you all probably know already having watched the streams).

One reveal from ML did seem sparse and abrupt, but it clearly was a very massive reveal. This is a great piece for anyone who didn't get the HasLab Sentinel. But at this price, I most likely wouldn't army build, not having backed the HasLab. I want that to be a focal point. I like having the MU versions being what the HasLab Master Mold produces. 22" Sentinels wouldn't really fly. I'd like to get at least ONE to put with classic X-Men though. This one is SO classic looking. Bronze Age X-Men figures don't look right with the HasLab. So at least one for me.

Comic Cons just aren't for me. I've said a lot of this before, I know for sure after last year's. The crowds are dense and meandering, it's overstimulating, it's just not my speed. But this go around, I actually ran into a handful of people I've known through Fwoosh for decades. Spotted Tommy "therewasme" on line for the panel. Found my old NJ buddies Ralph "stitchem" and Joe "BlueBat5". Ralph is the owner of Toytastik, which specializes in Pops, but also sells some ML. And Joe works with the Four Horsemen studio out of NJ! It's really great to see how we've all evolved and matured into this hobby.

puckace, sepster, Akatsuki and 3 people reacted
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Had missed this earlier but we’re apparently getting a few more reveals this month at other events.

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I'm loving the Sentinel reveal and for right now pre-ordered 4. I missed the Haslab Sentinel campaign so this is great for me. I may try to grab 1 Haslab Sentinel to be Master Mold.

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Posted by: @normdapito

There's only one dude freaking out over anything here.

I got to sit through the panel. I waited in line, about 100 people deep, with probably 150 behind me in line. They cut the line off right after me, but sprinkled a few more in after that. It was an hour split between Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Transformers, Star Wars, and Marvel (which you all probably know already having watched the streams).

One reveal from ML did seem sparse and abrupt, but it clearly was a very massive reveal. This is a great piece for anyone who didn't get the HasLab Sentinel. But at this price, I most likely wouldn't army build, not having backed the HasLab. I want that to be a focal point. I like having the MU versions being what the HasLab Master Mold produces. 22" Sentinels wouldn't really fly. I'd like to get at least ONE to put with classic X-Men though. This one is SO classic looking. Bronze Age X-Men figures don't look right with the HasLab. So at least one for me.

Comic Cons just aren't for me. I've said a lot of this before, I know for sure after last year's. The crowds are dense and meandering, it's overstimulating, it's just not my speed. But this go around, I actually ran into a handful of people I've known through Fwoosh for decades. Spotted Tommy "therewasme" on line for the panel. Found my old NJ buddies Ralph "stitchem" and Joe "BlueBat5". Ralph is the owner of Toytastik, which specializes in Pops, but also sells some ML. And Joe works with the Four Horsemen studio out of NJ! It's really great to see how we've all evolved and matured into this hobby.


I was in the panel room, too, so one more long-time Fwoosher (if 2009 counts as long time).


I think the Sentinel looks amazing. It’s exactly what I’ve wanted from a Sentinel since I got the original Toy Biz one in 1994. I definitely was surprised at the price after Dragon Man being unexpectedly cheap. I was hoping for maybe $125 to army build. I think I’m going to get two because the bill won’t be due for a year but I want three.


NORM reacted
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I prob would have traded a few inches off the Sentinel for some $ off the price. I do understand the desire for a Sentinel to be able to hold an XMan around the waist in its hand. 

NORM reacted
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