- Hasbro Toy Panel – Action Brands
Fri, Oct 18, 2024 5:15 PM – 6:15 PM Room 408
Hasbro hosts an action-packed toy panel with brand marketing team members revealing exciting new products, giving fans a first look across its iconic action brands. The panel will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of TRANSFORMERS with new Studio Series figures, and announce new team members joining the G.I. JOE Classified Series line. And you won't want to miss the launch of the latest HasLab project for Ghostbusters! In addition, the panel will bring updates on the Hasbro lines inspired by Star Wars™, including The Black Series and The Vintage Collection, and MARVEL, including exciting news about the Marvel Legends product line.
The usual admonishment applies here, folks. DON'T GET TOO EXCITED. Keep your expectations in check. Don't go dreaming about Swordsman, Mantis, Classic Falcon and others on your wish list. That way, if it turns out to be yet another Wolverine, Spider-Man and Iron Man, you won't be tempted to throw yourself off the top of the nearest tall building.
If they DO show something cool, great. If not, well hey. At least you didn't get your hopes up.
Well, I think we had confirmed we'll see the next offering in the Dragon-Man style pre-orders. I assume we'll get some more MCU stuff. For me my only real hope is maybe some new X-Men announcements. Maybe a Rachel Phoenix (though with Jean just out my guess is Rachel will be late next year at earliest).
I'm gonna guess a full reveal of either Spider-Boy, or Spider-Man Unlimited, or Chameleon, or all three, or two of the three. 😀
I’ll be there, so excited! Dwight is super friendly.
Don't expect it, but any indication that they have plans for more Disney+ figures would be great.
An hour for all the brands including a HasLab launch is going to be pretty light on each category. Hopefully they announce one cool thing we haven't heard of before.
I'm guessing:
Spider-Boy, based on the tease
Something X-related, like the rumored Jean & Scott X-Factor 2-pack
Mephisto, based on the recent pictures Dan re-posted from Paul Harding on Twitter of the MS Mephisto
Maybe a Rachel Phoenix (though with Jean just out my guess is Rachel will be late next year at earliest).
Surely they wait another few months to let Phoenix force Jean sell what its gonna sell then announce a Rachel deluxe with Phoenix force for $50. No single card version.
Classic Mastermind, Feral, Thorrn, and Exodus will be shown. 😉 😛 lol
Maybe a Rachel Phoenix (though with Jean just out my guess is Rachel will be late next year at earliest).
Surely they wait another few months to let Phoenix force Jean sell what its gonna sell then announce a Rachel deluxe with Phoenix force for $50. No single card version.
Or Rachel in Hound/Phoenix costume on retro card with no Phoenix effect. Make everyone buy the Jean Phoenix for that.
Before SDCC I said my most-wanted reveal was Rom, and that actually happened, so for NYCC I'm going to say my most-wanted reveal is Slapstick.
Slapstick would be an instant purchase. Better yet, put him in a 2-pack with Stingray to build a bigger Mercs for Money team.
I want Madcap to be revealed, since they already made his head and hat. Maybe, hopefully they make him in his classic costume. 😀
Maybe a Rachel Phoenix (though with Jean just out my guess is Rachel will be late next year at earliest).
Surely they wait another few months to let Phoenix force Jean sell what its gonna sell then announce a Rachel deluxe with Phoenix force for $50. No single card version.
Or Rachel in Hound/Phoenix costume on retro card with no Phoenix effect. Make everyone buy the Jean Phoenix for that.
This except they'll sell Rachel with the Phoenix effect as a deluxe down the road.