We're also rumored to be getting a Super Colossal Allosaurus. Mattel hasn't been very consistent with their allosaurus designs so no idea what design they'll use. Especially with two very different ones appearing on film.
Yeah, I think I'm underestimating how large 1/12 dinos really are. My display space can only hold 3 t-rexes at best. That said, I still want as many big dinos as possible. I'd be over the moon if I can get a 1/12 stegosaurus and triceratops.1/12 is just a tough scale for dinos. Only the smaller ones really work, because the most impressive animals size-wise would just be too big/expensive in properly-scaled toy form. Most of the answers people give on this traditionally are based on subjective "good enough" size estimates. Yeah, Mattel makes some big toys, and the Super Colossal T-Rex is probably the closest to actual 1/12 scale of anything that'll ever get made for a species its size, but there are sacrifices in terms of sculpt and design that don't work for me personally since I am more interested in dinos as animals than as movie monsters. But then, you're looking to display them as part of a comic book world, so some fudging doesn't seem all that egregious. 🙂
As for design accuracy, I prefer movie depictions over scientific speculation. Which is weird given that I much prefer the realism of MCU figures over comic figures. Anyway, I'm a "scales over feathers" dino fan.
To be clear, feathers aren't speculation. They've found fossilized impressions. Not all dinos had them, but it's not a question anymore.
I'd be over the moon if I can get a 1/12 stegosaurus and triceratops.
If we get either of those within the next decade I'd be surprised. I hope I'm wrong, but there's just nobody who seems to want to create those, even in premium formats catered towards whatever high-end market exists for dinosaur collectibles.
Legends Zabu just announced today. For my tastes, the Creative Beasts one is leagues better, but it's gonna stand out against the rest of your Legends style-wise so might as well go for this one.
Turns out Zabu is the BAF for the wave.
@maczero Don't know if you ever saw them, but waaaay back in the day Resaurus did some dino figures. All sort of mixed scale, but articulated and interesting paint schemes. The molds later god sold to Discovery channel so you can find second printings of them under that brand, but there might be some stuff in that line to check out. The raptor they had was very Jurassic Park in look and scale.
I watched the livestream and cackled like a madman when they revealed Kazar and Zabu! It's like I willed these two figures into existence when I posted a couple of days ago that I was sure they were coming. Don't even mind that Zabu is a BAF because I like nearly every figure in the wave.
Turns out Zabu is the BAF for the wave.
I agree that the Creative Beast Smilodon looks way better but like you said, hyper-realism sometimes doesn't work in a Legends display. Also doesn't hurt that Zabu is essentially free if I get every figure in the wave.
@jakeekiss Thanks for the tip about the Discovery Channel figures. I've seen a few of their sets. Their animals seem a little cartoony but if they're the right size I can probably get over it.