Sounds like Rogue will go up for sale in February so at least there’s a nice buffer between she and Omega Red (and Christmas). And Gambit is supposed to start shipping any day now, though give our position on the calendar, it wouldn’t shock me if they just wait until after Christmas when shipping starts to slow down. I’m looking forward to seeing how Cyclops turns out, and while I’m sure the Spider-Man figures will look good, I intend to pass there. I’m fine with the limited articulation for the X-Men, but I need more from a Spider-Man. Venom not so much so I’ll do my best to avoid that one for budgetary reasons.
Juggernaut definitely looks like more of a statue than an action figure.
Juggernaut definitely looks like more of a statue than an action figure.
He's a vinyl figure, so at most he's going to have 4-5 POA.
I keep trying to remind myself, "These are $200 a piece, just wait for Mafex, at least they're half the price, you buy too many Marvel Legends as it is, you can't have these AND the AOA Mafex figures!" After a while the question becomes "how much more X-Men stuff can you possibly need?" To which my inner dialogue echoes back "How much you got?"
I have my Gambit coming in a few days -- can't wait to get him. Will defintely add Rogue and Cyclops.
And Spidey, Venom and Symbiote Spidey.
I don't collect 1/6 AT ALL but I love seeing more merchandise based on the '90s Spider-Man toon. I'm gonna be awfully temped by regular Spider-Man and Venom at least. Gonna be hard to say no to Green Goblin too if they ever get around to him.
I keep trying to remind myself, "These are $200 a piece, just wait for Mafex, at least they're half the price, you buy too many Marvel Legends as it is, you can't have these AND the AOA Mafex figures!" After a while the question becomes "how much more X-Men stuff can you possibly need?" To which my inner dialogue echoes back "How much you got?"
Same. Rogue, Sabretooth, and Cyclops are all calling to me. So is Venom. 🤩
But I have Magneto, so on top of reminding myself that I don't have the space for this scale I additionally remind myself that the mediocre articulation means that no matter how awesome they look I need to stay away. 😣
@jtmarsh for me, it's purely nostalgia for the cartoon that gets me. No one is making stuff for that show that even comes close to this, and I don't expect that to change. It's basically Mondo figures or DST busts, and while those busts look pretty nice, I'm an action figure collector and just don't have any interest in that format. I have a sizable collection going now with Mondo that if a 1:12 line popped up then I'd probably keep going, but it would probably make me more selective.
@jtmarsh for me, it's purely nostalgia for the cartoon that gets me. No one is making stuff for that show that even comes close to this, and I don't expect that to change. It's basically Mondo figures or DST busts, and while those busts look pretty nice, I'm an action figure collector and just don't have any interest in that format. I have a sizable collection going now with Mondo that if a 1:12 line popped up then I'd probably keep going, but it would probably make me more selective.
Yeah, this line is the only one that actually looks like the cartoon and isn't just figures of them in similar costumes and/or with cel shading.
I think a line like this can only go so far, which is why they're now doing Spider-Man.
@gpmartin414 agreed, and honestly, it's kind of nice knowing there's probably an end point for me with this line. We know Rogue and Cyclops are coming so that just leaves Storm, Jean, and Beast as the ones I'd really like to have. I have no idea if I want a Professor X or not in his chair as that would need some major shelf space and probably cost a pretty penny. I also would like Morph to get his own figure as I can't see myself buying a second Cyclops to customize at this price. And anything else they want to do (Sinister, Apocalypse, Cable, etc) is just gravy for me, but not essential.
I'm not a bust guy either, but the DST ones scratch this itch for me - they are so on-model excellent and look so good on a shelf. But I'm definitely getting Rogue, and I will want a perfectly on-model articulated Jean, and maybe Storm - that dang slippery slope!!!
I just got a shipping notification for Gambit. The email said it would arrive on the 23rd, but it’s still in label created status. I’m kind of hoping it doesn’t arrive until after Christmas so I don’t have to keep an eye out for another package.
Same. Rogue, Sabretooth, and Cyclops are all calling to me. So is Venom. 🤩
But I have Magneto, so on top of reminding myself that I don't have the space for this scale I additionally remind myself that the mediocre articulation means that no matter how awesome they look I need to stay away. 😣
I watched a review where the reviewer's whistful Bed Wolverine's leg fell off mid-review. I've also heard Magneto has an issue where he's too top heavy to stand in many positions. I almost went in on the Batman the Animated Series back when it was just Batman, Mr. Freeze and Catwoman, but people were showing Mr. Freeze's "rubber" gaskets on his suit were cracking and wearing already. So I'm coasting on just Omega Red to see how he feels. If I get the impression he's poorly made, I may just sell him since he's a limited edition one and be done with the line. Ideally I'd like to have some of these as quality pieces for what we're paying for them.
I've also heard Magneto has an issue where he's too top heavy to stand in many positions.
Yes, his ankles can't support his weight. You can get him into poses, but his ankles slowly give out and he shelf dives within a day or two in every pose I've tried aside from straight-legged poses.
Same. Rogue, Sabretooth, and Cyclops are all calling to me. So is Venom. 🤩
But I have Magneto, so on top of reminding myself that I don't have the space for this scale I additionally remind myself that the mediocre articulation means that no matter how awesome they look I need to stay away. 😣
I watched a review where the reviewer's whistful Bed Wolverine's leg fell off mid-review. I've also heard Magneto has an issue where he's too top heavy to stand in many positions. I almost went in on the Batman the Animated Series back when it was just Batman, Mr. Freeze and Catwoman, but people were showing Mr. Freeze's "rubber" gaskets on his suit were cracking and wearing already. So I'm coasting on just Omega Red to see how he feels. If I get the impression he's poorly made, I may just sell him since he's a limited edition one and be done with the line. Ideally I'd like to have some of these as quality pieces for what we're paying for them.
There's definitely a fail rate with the line. I can't speak for the Batman figures, but the X-Men ones have been okay for me where joints are concerned. Magneto is indeed top heavy, though the one I have hasn't had any issues with looseness. He's able to stand in basic Magneto poses for me, with or without the effect parts, and hasn't taken a shelf dive. I had issues with the hand pegs as the hands don't spin freely like they should and one broke. Mondo sent me a whole new figure for my troubles. I had a paint error on the Wolverine one too and they did the same thing (my best friend has been the prime beneficiary of the extra figures). Jubilee and Sabretooth were great and I like that I'm seeing improvement as the line goes. Hopefully Gambit is more of the same.