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Posted by: @misfit

Now, what constitutes the full team is a bit of a subjective question as it pertains to the likes of Morph, Bishop, and Nightcrawler, though all feel like safe bets right now.

I'd be fine with missing Bishop, as I assume they're not going to do his 90s mulleted look at all unless it's a single expression head.  Morph, I don't really like with the AOA-looking head unless it's in the AOA, so I'd have to see more 90s heads to consider that one.  Nightcrawler would be the one I'd buy happily, but as the 97 show progressed it seemed like his eyes kept getting bigger and bigger and more elongated.  So long as it comes with some suitable 90s expressions I'd be content to buy that one.  If it's a straight-up 97 look with the overly large eyes and nothing else for every expression, I'd be convinced to miss it.  I'd imagine we'd get a 97 Rogue re-release with the same body but just more 97 looking heads, as that would be an easier option for Mondo to push out than a totally new sculpt.  Since the headsculpts/hair differed greatly between the 92/97 Rogue model.


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Posted by: @misfit

@jtmarsh your wallet may need some attention. Sounds like they're planning as many as five releases this year if I'm remembering correctly from the stream (which jag just posted too). I thought I heard Hector confirm 3 X-Men and two villains. Sounds like we're also getting a brown costume Wolverine variant and I don't know if that's part of the 3. On the plus side, they basically promised that we'll get the full, core, team so sounds like sales are going strong. Now, what constitutes the full team is a bit of a subjective question as it pertains to the likes of Morph, Bishop, and Nightcrawler, though all feel like safe bets right now.


Do you know the approximate time where they talk about the new figures? I don’t have time to watch all of this. Did they mention figures for any other lines?

And, to me, a full team includes Morph, Bishop, Nightcrawler, and Cable.


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My full team is the 90s intro nine. It would be interesting to see how they would tackle Xavier. But dangerou$$$ly probibitive.

Unless they also went with the Safari version.

@Misfit, no, neither of my Rogues is floppy. The legs aren't the sturdiest, but they aren't floppy. It's difficult to get her on the Sentinel base and keep the lines of her costume lined up. Really wish they would move the chest cut on the females to right under the breasts, like the ML versions. Utilize the natural break there.

jag2045 reacted
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@gpmartin414 no, I had it playing while I was working. They didn't mention any other lines other than some Godzilla sofubi they discuss during the video. I think Wolverine talk is only about half the video.

I also got the impression that while the box art is being changed to a 97 theme, the direction of the figures is still very much the 92 show. I think Wolverine being more of a 97 inspired figure has a lot to do with him being the second Wolverine. They discuss how the new show is much more angular with its art direction, but they're still sticking to the chunkier bodies of the old show. For that reason, I suspect most, if not all, figures will be 92 expressions with optional 97 heads. They pack so many heads into these things that someone like Bishop should be able to get multiple 92 and 97 heads and same for Nightcrawler. Since he was only in two 92 episodes though, I could see that one leaning more into the new series. As long as he can hold a sword with his tail I'll be happy.

As for my characters, I'm thinking original opening title plus Morph is all I need to be content. Xavier I could even go without just because he's going to be such a space hog on the shelf, but I bet they get to him. I think Bishop is a safe bet as well. The ones that strike me as more of a longshot (no pun intended, but he would qualify) are Colossus, Archangel, Iceman, and basically any other one-shot cameo. Hector did single out Psylocke as someone he wants to do so, by that very nature, she has a better chance than some of the others. The two villains they have planned are a bit fascinating to me. I think Sinister is a pretty obvious choice, but the other less so. Apocalypse and Juggernaut make a lot of sense, but they'd be huge. Mystique might be the safest assumption unless they want to do a 97 villain like Goblin Queen or Bastion. 

jag2045 and gpmartin414 reacted
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Phoenix would be glorious - someone would FINALLY get the hair right.

jag2045 reacted
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to me the essential heroes would optimally be Storm, Jean and Beast (Morph and Bishop after them)

and villains Mystique, Juggernaut, Sinister and Apocalypse


if we get any 3 on of those heroes and any 2 of those villains would be a good year

jag2045 reacted
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Was there any mention in any interviews of when a non-timed 97 Wolverine would come out? Or minus what accessories?

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@schizm no, but I would guess the exclusive accessories are the Sentinel base and maybe a couple heads. That's pretty much the pattern Rogue took.

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Posted by: @schizm

Was there any mention in any interviews of when a non-timed 97 Wolverine would come out? Or minus what accessories?


Personally I think the swapabble torso might be exclusive to the timed edition 


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That's what I was thinking. And I like that part. 🙂

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