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Mondo Marvel 1/6th Line

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @misfit

That giant blast effect definitely has some weight issues. I probably would only use it if as a display piece if the other end was contacting another figure, like a potential Sinister or something, for some support.

My current plan is to push that blast up against Magneto's magnetic circles to support the weight of the blast.  That's a particularly fitting pose since both the 1963 X-Men #1 and the 1991 X-Men #1 covers feature Cyclops blasting Magneto's shield.


Posted by: @misfit

I haven't removed the ungloved fists from the jacketed arms yet and I'm assuming that will be as challenging as the regular arms.

They are just as hard to remove, and there's a surprise under there you can't easily see until they're out--the ball joint is yellow.  They must have used the gloved fists for the ungloved hands, but then just painted the fist a skin color.  It's definitely painted because there are some subtle skin tones on the fists that look great.

You can barely see the ball joint under the jacket sleeves so I've got no issue with those ungloved hands having a yellow ball joint.

Be careful, I broke the peg on the left ungloved fist...even after heating 😞  


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Just got a shipping notice for red/blue Spidey! Looks like the Spidey figures will be making their December release date or close to it.

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Watched a review of Mondo Cyclops a few days ago where the reviewer tried to see how much twist the upper leg had.  As soon as he tried twisting it let him do it ALL the way around fairly easily, but the peg isn't designed to do a full 180 to 360 so he had twist-sheared the peg off.  Yikes!  😱 

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My Cyclops and Rogue hadn't shipped two weeks ago so I checked in with Mondo who said they wouldn't ship until the new year, which was great because I left town yesterday - and got a shipping notification for Rogue.


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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Watched a review of Mondo Cyclops a few days ago where the reviewer tried to see how much twist the upper leg had.  As soon as he tried twisting it let him do it ALL the way around fairly easily, but the peg isn't designed to do a full 180 to 360 so he had twist-sheared the peg off.  Yikes!  😱 


I saw that, though in fairness to Mondo, he posted they said they would send him a replacement figure


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Posted by: @jag2045

For anyone after Mondo's Gambit figure he is back in stock (although showing as almost gone)


Just a head up - Gambit is now listed as "Almost Gone"


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Just opened the deluxe Cyclops. I prefer the figure with the jacket, but would prefer the jacketed arms to have the yellow gloves. I half-heartedly tried to take the hands off but they wouldn’t budge, so didn’t push too hard.


Has anyone successfully swapped them out? I’m aware of the hot water and hairdryer tricks. 

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@gpmartin414 Nostalgia Unboxed did, but he also admits he broke one during the process and Mondo sent him a new arm. You can tell in his video review that once he got them out, he didn't want to push the flesh-colored fists all they way back in as you can see part of the yellow ball joint.

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My Rogue was delivered today. Pulled out the hand and it snapped within 5 minutes of pulling it out of the box. 

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jag2045 reacted
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Posted by: @mechamajin


Got my Spidey today. Will be opening him up tomorrow. Symbiote Spidey also shipped. No real movement on the tracking but once there is an update, it’s taken less than a week to have the figure delivered.


Also, I just opened Classic Cyclops. His hands don’t feel like they can be removed. I’ll try the hairdryer trick, but that shouldn’t need to be the case for a $200+ figure. 


jag2045 reacted
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Spidey looks good. EE had some deal a month or so ago that worked on preorders so I ended up ordering him there. Of course, I just got off the phone with my card company because it was compromised so hopefully it's not a huge hassle to update the order with a different payment method. If I lose out on that deal then I probably won't get him and learn to be happy with just Venom.

For Cyclops, hot water did the trick for me. It was easy to use that method because the arms popped off easily. I was able to place them in a bowl bent at the elbow so that just the forearm was submerged and not the fist. I didn't want the fist itself to heat up and get soft as then it might just separate at that pin instead. They need to just do what they did with Jubilee for these things and make a long, square, peg that goes in and out easily. Especially for characters like Cyclops who don't need to hold anything. Or just stick with one ring on the peg, or go with hands that separate at the peg. These aren't little kid toys where you need to be mindful of the hands coming off inadvertently. I'd rather they come off too easy than be too hard. Granted, Cyclops is the first one I've had any issue with since Magneto so it hasn't been a consistent problem.

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Some people have begun to receive the Symbiote Spider-Man - they posted pics here

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