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Probably not - those legs are beefy!

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Alex Brewer interview about the Designer con reveals

Wolverine from 1hr 53mins

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Alex also mentions at the end that Cyclops is now shipping so keep an eye on your email.

jag2045 reacted
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Just got a shipping notification for the limited edition Cyclops. Looks like it’s shipping directly from China, so don’t expect it for weeks.

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Posted by: @gpmartin414

Just got a shipping notification for the limited edition Cyclops. Looks like it’s shipping directly from China, so don’t expect it for weeks.


I'm excited, he looks great.

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Just got a notification that the classic Cyclops also shipped as well. 

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X-Men TAS Rouge is showing as "Back in stock" on Mondo's site

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @gpmartin414

Just got a shipping notification for the limited edition Cyclops. Looks like it’s shipping directly from China, so don’t expect it for weeks.


I'm excited, he looks great.

Update--mine is now at the Cincinnati customs hub.  I've had DHL send dozens of the packages I get from Japan through there, and based upon that experience it should be here tomorrow or Wednesday.

Still no reviews of Cyclops on Youtube yet so I guess everyone's left China for every other country around the same time...


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I thought Omega Red updated was supposed to ship last month... any news?

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @gpmartin414

Just got a shipping notification for the limited edition Cyclops. Looks like it’s shipping directly from China, so don’t expect it for weeks.


I'm excited, he looks great.

Update--mine is now at the Cincinnati customs hub.  I've had DHL send dozens of the packages I get from Japan through there, and based upon that experience it should be here tomorrow or Wednesday.

Still no reviews of Cyclops on Youtube yet so I guess everyone's left China for every other country around the same time...



Same. I was hoping mine would come yesterday, because I now have to wait two weeks to get it. I mentioned it way earlier in the thread, but I have this ridiculous situation with Mondo figures where someone from the local (NYC) USPS was marking them as delivered but never actually delivering them, so I decided to have future Mondo figures shipped to my parents' house in Michigan to make sure I'd actually get them.


This happened with Mondo figures three times in a row where the final deliverer was USPS. When they've been delivered other services like DHL or UPS, they were delivered. I suspect what was happening is because the Mondo shipped boxes literally say something like "MONDO LIMITED EDITION X-MEN FIGURE #X of 1000", USPS employees were just straight up stealing them. I was home at the supposed times of delivery and can hear when a package is dropped off. 


To Mondo's credit, they shipped replacements with no questions asked, but I didn't want to risk it going forward -- hence, shipping to my parents'. This means now that I'll get to open like 3-5 Mondo releases at a time when I visit, which feels kind of ridiculous. 


I was just visiting for Thanksgiving and anxiously following Cyclops' journey hoping he'd come before I left, but missed him by a day or two. I'll be back in a few weeks, so no big deal, but annoying.


Speaking of Mondo shipments, it looks like the Classic Cyclops is also shipping, although there hasn't been any movement. And all three of the Spider-Man TAS figures are supposedly going to ship in December, too. The comic Omega Red and Rogue figures are delayed until January, though. 


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Posted by: @gpmartin414

This means now that I'll get to open like 3-5 Mondo releases at a time when I visit, which feels kind of ridiculous. 

Yes... yes, it does.

I only had Rogue but thanks to the Mondo sale and a really good Ebay listing for Sabretooth I am caught up minus Wolverine, and I'll wait for the new version. And Cyclops, Magneto and another Rogue are on their way... plus the Uncanny Rogue and Omega Red versions. And I bought Harley Quinn because she looked fantastic. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

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My Cyke has been in Ohio for two days going through the clearance process, but looks like it's done. It is usually quicker than this, but we are in the thick of the holiday season this time. I'm guessing he'll be in my possession before the end of the week though. I'm just glad that I'm working from home this week so I'll be here to receive it since it's also prime porch pirate season. Thankfully, I'm the last house on a dead end street and have never had anything swiped, but I'd rather this not be the first.

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My Cyclops was in Ohio for two days as well.  It never showed as departing there, but suddenly this morning it's out for delivery.  I live in Richmond, Virginia, so that's not far from Ohio and usually DHL packages go from Ohio to Richmond overnight.  I know at least once or twice I had DHL packages that arrived in Ohio early in the morning and somehow still made it here to be delivered that same day.

As far as I can recall any overseas package I've ever received via DHL has always gone through that Cincinnati, Ohio import hub.

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My Cyclops was delivered yesterday. Just haven't had a chance to open him yet.

We are living through a "snowpocalypse" right now...busy trying to keep the roof from caving in 🤪 

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Got Scott in today and unboxed him.  Initial impression is I love him!  However, that was my initial impression with Magneto as well, but that soured after a few weeks of posing him and having him take shelf dives from relatively vanilla poses.  I can say that Scott's joints are MUCH tighter than Magneto's.  The feet are so tight I have to really strain to hinge and pivot them which is a VERY good thing.  I only have those two Mondo figures for now, and I have no plans to buy any others.  I'm sure I'd have to buy a Colossus if they got the scaling right.

The accessories with the timed edition are absolutely insane.  Still need a few hours to try them all, but they all seem to be great.  I'll have a more nuanced opinion later.  My only concern for now is that the mega optic blast that comes with the timed edition warps under its own weight a bit.  It sags about 3 to 5 degrees after a few minutes, so I'm wondering what it'll look like after a few weeks, months, or years.  We'll see, but no big deal for now.  At least the neck is plenty tight enough to hold it up despite the weight.  I'll probably try to find something to prop it up on if I display him with it for any length of time.

FYI the upper leg straps are not part of the sculpt and have fallen about a dozen times over the past 15 minutes.  Reminds me of the Warlock wave Cyclops figure from Legends, but hopefully I'll find a position where they stay up.  The lower straps seem secured in place, but I'm not sure of that yet.  The chest straps are interesting--they're a pliable plastic, and they attach at the front and back belt.  You can easily move them side to side on his chest because they aren't attached anywhere except those two spots at the belt.  His torso has so little articulation that it hasn't been an issue yet.

jag2045 reacted
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