@toonturts where did I say I bought the special edition Venom? I'm comparing apples to apples. Are you going to take back your asinine question now? No? That's fine, move along. You don't have to agree with my take on the pricing of this line.
@jtmarsh definitely seems like there's far more fans of X-Men than Spider-Man so far. The Spidey special edition lasted awhile, Venom is still up, and I'm not sure there's a more popular character they could do than those two. Maybe if they locked a Harry Osborne alternate portrait behind a Limited Edition Green Goblin that would get fans to pounce quicker, but so far it's been a little surprising. Though I do think the extra parts that came with Rogue were far more enticing than the extra stuff that comes with most. Cyclops too. I'll be curious to see if Wolverine goes as fast as prior to Rogue and Cyclops the LE versions hung around for at least a little while, but maybe X-Men '97 just ratcheted up the interest.
So I ended up purchasing both the Hot Toys Classic Comic venom and now this animated venom from Mondo. One of these figures is bound to be a Monkey's paw. I can already feel it.
@toonturts where did I say I bought the special edition Venom? I'm comparing apples to apples. Are you going to take back your asinine question now? No? That's fine, move along. You don't have to agree with my take on the pricing of this line.
I think you may have edited your post. Which version did you buy then? It is very rare for someone to not purchase the 'special', (timed/limited), edition over the regular edition, if the former is available at the time of purchase, due to the additional accessories of the special edition being only a slightly higher price. The odds of you actually electing to buy the $245 regular edition Venom instead of the $255 limited edition Venom where you get four additional substantial accessories for only $10 more, are close to 0% at this point. So I think it's fairly safe to assume you purchased the limited edition, even if you have edited your original post.
Regardless, I think everyone will agree that the 'special' edition version is the best value proposition version of their offerings and so should be the basis for comparing the value differences over time between various figures, so the $240 Sabretooth should be compared with the $255 Venom. Only a $15 difference and Venom comes with 8 extra parts, and the biggest and most elaborate accessory across the two figures comes with Venom as well, and bendy wire is in a fair amount of Venom's accessories too, which I am sure makes those particular parts cost more to manufacture.
So you don't think those 8 extra parts are worth the $15 and you actually think Mondo are charging much higher prices now than they were before with Sabretooth, is that right? I don't think what you're saying makes sense when you break down what you get with each figure, but if you can back your point up with reasonably objective criteria, please do so.
No doubt you will just evade the issue rather than simply accepting that you mispoke here, and that Mondo's pricing of this latest figure has not suddenly just jumped up in an unjustifiable way after all. It's ok to admit when you got something wrong you know.
@jtmarsh definitely seems like there's far more fans of X-Men than Spider-Man so far. The Spidey special edition lasted awhile, Venom is still up, and I'm not sure there's a more popular character they could do than those two. Maybe if they locked a Harry Osborne alternate portrait behind a Limited Edition Green Goblin that would get fans to pounce quicker, but so far it's been a little surprising. Though I do think the extra parts that came with Rogue were far more enticing than the extra stuff that comes with most. Cyclops too. I'll be curious to see if Wolverine goes as fast as prior to Rogue and Cyclops the LE versions hung around for at least a little while, but maybe X-Men '97 just ratcheted up the interest.
Venom definitely came with more than Spiderman did. I was really surprised at how little Spidey had for the exclusive, plus the head seemed off. I think if they stopped trying to count a small patch of symbiote goo as a major accessory and did a partially transformed Eddy head, even as a blonde, more people would bite. Heaven knows I don't have an X-Men Evolution Rogue body to stick the exclusive head on.
In defence of the Spider-Man exclusive being more bare bones, not all the figures in this Marvel line have always come with a tonne of extra accessories for the exclusive edition, (for example Magneto I think only came with two extra heads), although they do seem to be trending in the direction of including more items as exclusives to improve the value of the exclusive compared to the regular edition. Both Rogue and Cyclops came with a lot of extra stuff recently. For the DC Bane and Mask of the Phantasm releases, they included half a figure as part of the exclusive additions!
For the Spider-Man figure, there is also a possibility that the 'Web Shooter Hand with Short Webs' was also supposed to be an exclusive accessory, in addition to the extra head piece, symbiote goo and Green Goblin mask. This is because on the initial launch page, there is an asterisk next to these four items in the text that says they are exclusive items. Then when you look at the picture breakdown, only the latter three items are included in the exclusive section.
It could be that the picture was wrong and the text section was right, or it could be the other way round too, meaning that it is slightly unclear now what the $20 uplift was originally for. Either way, I expect that Mondo will deliver on what the picture breakdown shows, so the exclusive will likely just come with the three extra items, which makes the exclusive Spider-Man not be quite as good value as the exclusive Venom.
I notice that Venom Limited Edition has now sold out.
@toonturts where did I say I bought the special edition Venom? I'm comparing apples to apples. Are you going to take back your asinine question now? No? That's fine, move along. You don't have to agree with my take on the pricing of this line.
I think you may have edited your post. Which version did you buy then? It is very rare for someone to not purchase the 'special', (timed/limited), edition over the regular edition, if the former is available at the time of purchase, due to the additional accessories of the special edition being only a slightly higher price. The odds of you actually electing to buy the $245 regular edition Venom instead of the $255 limited edition Venom where you get four additional substantial accessories for only $10 more, are close to 0% at this point. So I think it's fairly safe to assume you purchased the limited edition, even if you have edited your original post.
No doubt you will just evade the issue rather than simply accepting that you mispoke here, and that Mondo's pricing of this latest figure has not suddenly just jumped up in an unjustifiable way after all. It's ok to admit when you got something wrong you know.
Rather than admit you were wrong you are jumping to "You must have edited your post." You want to make it about my integrity now like I'm being deceitful with a baseless accusation just because you take issue with me not liking the price of something, something I still even went ahead and purchased against my better judgement. I say this with all sincerity: I don't care. I don't value your opinion. I have no desire to interact with you.
@toonturts where did I say I bought the special edition Venom? I'm comparing apples to apples. Are you going to take back your asinine question now? No? That's fine, move along. You don't have to agree with my take on the pricing of this line.
I think you may have edited your post. Which version did you buy then? It is very rare for someone to not purchase the 'special', (timed/limited), edition over the regular edition, if the former is available at the time of purchase, due to the additional accessories of the special edition being only a slightly higher price. The odds of you actually electing to buy the $245 regular edition Venom instead of the $255 limited edition Venom where you get four additional substantial accessories for only $10 more, are close to 0% at this point. So I think it's fairly safe to assume you purchased the limited edition, even if you have edited your original post.
No doubt you will just evade the issue rather than simply accepting that you mispoke here, and that Mondo's pricing of this latest figure has not suddenly just jumped up in an unjustifiable way after all. It's ok to admit when you got something wrong you know.
Rather than admit you were wrong you are jumping to "You must have edited your post." You want to make it about my integrity now like I'm being deceitful with a baseless accusation just because you take issue with me not liking the price of something, something I still even went ahead and purchased against my better judgement. I say this with all sincerity: I don't care. I don't value your opinion. I have no desire to interact with you.
I'm fairly sure I saw you mention Venom's $255 price in your original post, but if you didn't and haven't edited it, then I apologise for saying that, but at the same time it's also irrelevant and a misdirection to the real topic at hand.
You said something objectively wrong about Mondo's pricing of Venom when comparing it to Sabretooth, and I called you out on that incorrect information, objectively with accessory counts and accessory complexity. You are now trying to switch this into actually being about my assumption of you buying the special edition rather than the regular edition, (which you still haven't confirmed one way or the other which version you bought, likely because it's fairly certain you would have bought the special edition and you don't want to validate any assumption I may have made by confirming that I could have assumed accurately).
So yes, this is about you saying something objectively wrong about Mondo's recent pricing and not taking that back or elaborating when asked to back it up further. This is likely because you are too attached to the ego of your online persona where you will not back down or accept you could be wrong about something. I don't exactly enjoy interacting with you and your Misfit persona either, but I'm also not going to stand by and see something false mentioned without calling it out. When I asked if you would take it back, I was fairly sure that you wouldn't do, even with objective numbers being used to disprove your point, as I am aware of your stubborn ego all too well. You're very predictable in that way, and it's a shame you're not more humble, because you do bring a lot of value to this forum with your posts and make a lot of good points usually.
Now it may well be that Mondo's pricing has increased too much if we look back over many years when compared to figures from a few years ago, that is not something I have looked into, but the specific comparison you were making was in relation to Sabretooth, a figure that went up for pre-order almost a year and a half ago, and the example you have given actually shows how Mondo have not really increased their prices over the last year and a half when comparing it to the pricing of this Venom figure, the opposite to what you were alleging.
Sea kelp
For anyone after Mondo's Gambit figure he is back in stock (although showing as almost gone)
Mondo sent notifcation this week that the Uncanny Rogue and Omega Red variants have been bounced back to January. Booooooo.
X-Men '97 Wolverine also coming (with Sentinel head base)
Mad Hatter booth tour
0:52 - Black Suit Spider-Man and 5:22 - Wolverine
For Wolverine "Wolverine is a brand new sculpt (to be shorter than the original version). There will be more heads than just what is shown at the Con and there will be an exclusive version with a shirtless torso based on the finale to '97"