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Exclusive edition is now sold out

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For those who are curious, Johnny Nostalgia did a comparison video on the Rogue replacement portraits. I think they're pretty much as expected, the eyes were a little too far apart and now they're not. He also ended up with a new winking face and body, which I didn't realize were in scope (he said he just sent pics of everything and Mondo determined what warranted a replacement).

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Got my Rogue replacement body...less heads and hands.

Joints are much tighter and she feels like a solid figure now. Head still wobbles a bit, but the hair resting on the jacket collar holds it in place.

Very pleased with Mondo for correcting the issue!

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My replacement heads arrived tonight.  They look improved, especially the lips which were very sloppy on my originals.  Looking back, I probably should've put in a request for a body.  Hips arrived looser than any of my other Mondo figures.  I definitely can't trust her to stand freely too long without support.

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Mondo have posted a hint that Venom will be going up for pre-order soon

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I opened my two replacement Rogue heads - winking and angry. The angry face sculpt is smooshed - has the sculpt for this face always been weird?

I'm a little bummed I didn't also request a replacement for my regular Rogue head - that messy lipstick is a bummer, but I think this version is going to stay winking and the Uncanny variant will be neutral.

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Venom goes up tomorrow at 12 CT. Here's the spread:


Limited Edition will set you back $255 this time. Regular is $245. More news can be found here:

jag2045 reacted
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It looks like I will be picking this one up.


I wonder how that exclusive webbing fits around Spider-Man's waist? Hopefully there is a tab that you can undo and fit it around him like a belt.

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Now up for pre-order


Venom looks really cool, but why did they have to release him 1 week before B:TAS Scarecrow!

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I somewhat reluctantly ordered Venom. He looks great, but the price creep on this stuff is awful. Sabretooth was $225 so why so much more for Venom? I'm hoping I'll be less fixated on the cost when it arrives so I can enjoy it more. Definitely not in for more from Spider-Man. It's too costly in terms of space and money so I'll keep focusing on X-Men (and I am enjoying this nice breather on that line). And I bet the first Real Ghostbusters set is coming on Halloween so there's that expense to look forward to.

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Sabretooth was $240 and came with 13 accessories/hands/heads.


Venom is $255 and comes with 21 accessories/hands/heads.


Therefore the prices are fairly reasonable at the moment, I wonder if you will take that comment back?

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Posted by: @misfit

I somewhat reluctantly ordered Venom. He looks great, but the price creep on this stuff is awful. Sabretooth was $225 so why so much more for Venom? I'm hoping I'll be less fixated on the cost when it arrives so I can enjoy it more. Definitely not in for more from Spider-Man. It's too costly in terms of space and money so I'll keep focusing on X-Men (and I am enjoying this nice breather on that line). And I bet the first Real Ghostbusters set is coming on Halloween so there's that expense to look forward to.


At NYCC, the Mondo Batman: TAS Scarecrow had a release date of specifically 10/31/2024. They typically haven't done two separate 1/6 figures at once. 


And I kind of hope they don't! I got Venom today and will definitely get those ones. Hoping for a 3 or 4 months break at some point with Mondo. I had a break from October '23 to February '24. Hoping for something similar this year!


jag2045 reacted
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@toonturts no, I won't. Sabretooth is right here on their website for $225:


@gpmartin414 Real Ghostbusters aren't 1/6 so I think they're in play for Halloween. Plus, the first set includes Samhain so 10/31 or 11/1 would make sense. Either way, we know from Mondo it's coming soon.

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Posted by: @misfit

@toonturts no, I won't. Sabretooth is right here on their website for $225:



That is their regular edition Sabretooth whereas you quoted the special edition Venom price. That isn't a fair comparison, instead the two special editions should be compared with each other, and the special edition Sabretooth went up for $240. Now will you concede that the pricing for Venom is fair if the pricing for Sabretooth is fair?


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Holding out for the Wolverine 97 rerelease.  I figured with Spidey fans these things would be selling out quick.  I snagged Rogue and minutes later she was gone because of that exclusive base and multiple head sculpts.  Cyclops, who comes with less sold out similarly quick though not as fast.  I think for Storm and Wolverine I'm gonna have to be quick, but the rest of the team will probably take a while, if it's just Beast / Xavier / Jean.  Not sure if they'd do a Cable or which version but that might be cool.

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