@stoopid_sandwich I can see preferring the Legends version because it's in a preferred scale, is better articulated, and was a lot cheaper (not sure what it goes for now), but that's pretty much where I'd end that comparison. The Legends one was undersized, had lousy accessories, and features a headsculpt that looks like it was put through a vice. I was really disappointed with that figure. The Mondo figure pretty much nails the aesthetics of the character and I think that's the priority.
I hope one day Medicom can give us Mafex Spider-Man: The Animated Series figures. Like this, but 1\12. At least give us Spider-Man and Venom. Like...Everyone asking for it, custom heads sell out instantly. They can do it, just don't want to for some reason...
This Spider-Man figure looks fine. Maybe I can get him and Venom...maybe.
@misfit I'm talking about the most recent spider-man that came with the Vulture pack. that figure is taller and and a better looking headsculpt
The eyes are WAY off. The size, the shape, the angle. Just compare it to the DST bust. I don't collect 1/6 since it eats up too much space and cash, but I might have gone for this if it were executed better. For the price, I expect a lot better. Means more money saved for me, at least.
@stoopid_sandwich that one? Way over-sculpted for a proper animated Spidey, which is what you get when a comic based sculpt is repurposed. And he has that square-jawed head as I'm guessing it's the same sculpt that was featured on Web-Man and probably other Spider-Man figures. Not sure what you mean by taller, we don't know how this one will scale, but since it's a foot tall it's basically saying Spider-Man is 6' which feels about right for the animated series. You can like the Hasbro figure all you want, though I don't really see anything about either that I'd consider more source accurate than this figure. They're both extremely compromised takes on the character, but they're also way cheaper and take up far less space.
The eyes on the Mondo one do stand out. They should have included a couple of masked portraits with different shapes (and not just the limited edition, which appears to be in use for several of the promo shots including the Toy Talk thumbnail). Alex Brewer's sculpt looks to be based on the model sheet which is how the character is supposed to look, but with animation I think we all know it varies. The curve on the top of the white portion is what stands out to me as something that varied a lot in the show. Sometimes it was pronounced, almost with a pointed portion, and other times it was nonexistent. The promotional art (like what we saw on the old Toy Biz cards and new retro cards) that came out before the show usually had more of an angled tear-drop shape that's in-line with the Mondo head. I think the neck could have been beefed up more too, though if it is indeed based off of the model sheet it's pretty close. I personally prefer the DST bust look to this portrait, but if I was a big fan of the show I don't think it would stop me from buying it. It's a valid thing to nitpick though, this is an over $200 action figure so we should nitpick the hell out of it. I don't think either of the Legends animated Spider-Man figures are any good, but for 25 bucks or whatever it was a lot easier to say "Eh, why not?" Though I didn't and have no plans on getting the two-pack one.
Yeah the early promo art was definitely inspired by the old Ditko/John Romita Sr and Gil Kane art from back in the 70's. I think even the earliest conceptual sketches featured the retro spider logo on the front and back of his costume, along with the armpit webbing. Inevitably the costume elements would look slightly modernized to match how the character was drawn in the late 80's to early 90's by artists like Ron Frenz. I think the reason given was because they didn't want audiences to confuse this show with the previous spider-man cartoons that ran simultaneously in the 1980's.
Also for the record the new animated 2-pack is not a repaint of the Spider-UK/Webman figure. its a Sunfire body with pinless joints and a completely new headsculpt.
[IMG] https://imgur.com/izjZabe [IMG]
The limited edition is still available two hours later! Glad it's not selling out immediately like the X-Men one. I'm assuming the Venom will be very popular and go on sale for NYCC.
The hoarder in me really, really wants to buy this guy and Venom. But I just can't imagine liking this guy more than the late 2010s Legends 12-inch Spider-Man figures due to dramatically better articulation.
The limited edition one didn't have enough cool things to go with it. A hand, a black piece of ooze, and almost the same head for an extra $20. Pass.
As a form of therapy for my "OOO SHINY NEW FIGURE MUST BUY" addiction that is flaring up due to this new Mondo Spidey that looks aesthetically incredible I pulled out the Marvel Legends 12-inch Spider-Man figure released in 2016 and the Symbiote 12-inch Spider-Man released in 2017. I posed them around a little to see how they hold up, and...I am newly amazed at just how good this line was.
Look at this pose below shot from two different angles to illustrate what the 2017 symbiote Spidey is capable of. Note that symbiote Spidey is able to do a McFarlane-esque deep lean/crouch, and yes, that pose is hovering less than an inch over the ground and the legs are EASILY supporting him in that insanely deep stance. That figure is the most poseable Spider-Man action figure I've ever had, and I didn't realize that was true until the past 24 hours. He's been sitting on my shelf for years so I mostly forgot, plus I had never really tried to push the articulation on him before. But now we've had Mafex Spidey, Legends retro Spidey, Renew Your Vows Spidey, and Amazing Fantasy 15 Spidey all pushing the 6-inch articulation boundaries, and in my mind Hasbro had passed these now-older 12-inch figures in articulation with the latest in their 6-inch line. Nope, I'm just plain wrong. The 2017 12-inch symbiote Spidey is better than all of them. He's got the upper diaphragm joint and the lower ab crunch that we now refer to as "super-articulated" in the Legends line, and he had them YEARS before they ever tried it in 6-inch. Plus look at the pics below--the engineering on the joints and articulation is absolutely sublime. If you look at the poses in the pics below the joints on these figures are SOLID, and both of them in the pics could stay in this pose I have for years, they're just that sturdy. The 2016 red-and-blue Spidey has a more limited range of motion in the hips and he can only do about 120 degree splits, but they improved that range with symbiote Spidey quite a bit allowing him to get the deepest crouch I've ever been able to achieve. It's really an amazing figure.
I had completely forgotten how good this line was, and I now know I hadn't ever even fully appreciated how good it was. And Spidey wasn't even the peak of the line--the tiger stripe Wolverine was, and I still rate it as the third-best action figure Hasbro has EVER made behind Galactus and the Sentinel. These figures are action figure nirvana, and they've really wiped out all of the FOMO I've been feeling for weeks leading up to this Mondo release. You can tell from the promos this Spidey isn't much more poseable than Mondo's other figures, so I'm at peace...Mondo's line absolutely, positively is not for me for any character with any amount of agility.
My intent here isn't to yuck anyone's yum other than my own. I find these Mondo figures VERY yummy and I look forward to receiving Cyclops since he's basically a laser turret of a character so the lack of articulation won't matter as much, but they've left me feeling unfulfilled once I have them in hand and try to pose them. The pics below illustrate why that is--I'm longing for the continuation of the defunct Legends 12-inch figures, and looking at what Mondo, Hot Toys, and Sideshow are releasing reminds me we've lost something in this scale of figures that there's no sign of us getting back anytime soon. 😩
The Legends 12" line is for people who love Marvel Legends and want them bigger. For me personally, they just highlight the things I don't like about the sculpting and paint on Legends when blown up to that size. And articulation that breaks up sculpting like shin and thigh swivels and the like look a lot worse at that scale, but I'm also the type of person that won't use a shin swivel on my 6" figures if it breaks the form. The two lines between Hasbro and Mondo are only comparable in size alone, they're really after two different consumers.
The two lines between Hasbro and Mondo are only comparable in size alone, they're really after two different consumers.
As a former statue collector that definitely makes sense, and I would also extend that to both Hot Toys and Sideshow in terms of who they're trying to appeal to. Mondo (and the others) prioritize aesthetics over function in an action figure, so to the extent it's more like a statue than most action figures these days is fine because that appears to be exactly what they're going for. Yet you can still move it around, so that gives you FAR more variety than a statue ever would.
Still on the fence on Spidey, not feeling its worth $220/240 (also surprised how few extra heads/stuff the deluxe has compared to Cyclops, Gambit and Rogue deluxe versions)
Also its now showing as "Almost Gone"
I watched that YouTube Toy Time video on it which almost motivated me to just buy the damn thing anyway. I hadn't noticed all of the extra pictures they attached to the sale page. It does look pretty damn nice even if I have some nitpicks. I plan on getting Venom, am I going to regret not having a Spider-Man?
One of the accessories they showed with Venom is a web to wrap around Spidey, so you may want to get him just to do that.