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Mondo Marvel 1/6th Line

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Not the most popular line here, but so far one of the few I’ve been mostly all-in on. SDCC had a lovely new Omega Red to show off which is coming for New York Comic Con. Mondo didn’t offer any details that I saw, but I’m assuming Red will be a preorder like Logan was for SDCC. He looks awesome, so it looks like I need to start saving.

At Power Con, Mondo showed off artwork for two more in the X-Men line:  Rogue and Cyclops. Cyke will even have swappable arms and a removable jacket. How many people will buy two and convert one into a proper Morph?

Also unveiled, is that Mondo is jumping into the Spider-Man animated series. I don’t have room on my shelf for both X-Men and Spider-Man, but it’s pretty cool to see Spidey get the same treatment. If they do Venom (and you know they will) I may need to grab at least that.

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They also revealed Cyclops and Rogue for X-Men and Spidey and Black Costume Spidey from the ‘94 animated series!

Mondo seems to be on a schedule of releasing 10-12 of these a year between X-Men and Batman now that Funko owns them. I don’t usually collect 1/6 scale figures, but the these animated shows were my favorite fandoms from childhood and Mondo’s figures are as close as you can get to having 3D representations of them.


I think it’s safe to expect a full X-Men team and core villains like Sinister and Mystique. I’d love Apocalypse, too, but he’d be too big I imagine.

I don’t have the space to properly display them all at once, though, and will have to cut back on other lines if they keep up this release pace. Still, I’m all in, because I don’t see another company faithfully recreating the source material — and the aftermarket price on these can be absurd. I’d rather get them now and figure out how I’ll display later. 


I wonder if they’ll go hard on the Spidey figures right out of the gate, or if they’re starting that line to ramp up once they’ve basically wrapped up the X-Men (which would just need Beast and Jean Grey for the core team assuming Xavier wasn’t possible because of the hover chair). Spidey has so many villains that “normal sized” from that show that a line dedicated to him could go on for many years. 

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Juggernaut and Cyclops are REALLY tempting, but my Magneto's ankles can't support his weight in almost any kind of dynamic pose other than straight-legged so I'm probably done with this line.  It was disappointing enough that the articulation was so much more limited than Legends, but the fact that the figure can't even stand up in poses whenever you try to use the little bit of articulation it does have is a complete deal-breaker.  😉 

Those 12-inch Legends figures from 2015 to 2018 are so nice in retrospect.  Great articulation and no shelf-diving at all for a MUCH more reasonable price.

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I received a shipping notification for Sabretooth last night. It hasn’t been picked up yet, but I’m assuming I’ll have him in-hand next week. I’m really looking forward to seeing how this one turned out.

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Mine is supposed to be delivered tomorrow.

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Sabretooth arrived for me on Saturday and, not surprising, he's pretty damn great. His joints are nice and smooth and it seems Mondo has continued to improve the wrists which work great for all of the hands I've tried. The paint and sculpt are immaculate and the only real con with this figure is the size. Mondo didn't really hide it given all of the promotional shots they put out there, but Sabretooth is not true sixth scale. I've got him at a little under 12.5" to the top of his head which would make him 6.25' tall when we know he's much larger than that (the official chart shows him at 6.5', but in a crouched stance making him officially somewhere north of 7'). He did seem to start big and get shorter in his later appearances so it's not a huge deal to me as I get why he isn't bigger. It's just something that compounds the issue given that Wolverine is too tall for the line and the fudging of the scale means Sabretooth's head is a bit small compared with the other 3 releases. He still poses well with Wolverine and the others and it's hard to imagine a more show-accurate Sabretooth ever getting released. The extra stuff he comes with are mostly more hands. I got the limited version and I honestly can't remember what the extras were, but he has the dynamite, remote, head of Talos/Shiva, mouth restraint, and a pistol. It might have been fun to have more restraints instead of the Talos head, but it's a fine spread. Overall, he might be my new favorite in the line, but it's like splitting hairs since I've really been impressed with the others.

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The USPS never delivered mine. Thankfully, tracking shows it as not delivered.


This happened with the UPS with animated Magneto back in spring. Because Mondo ships in a box that says exactly what's in it, I'm starting to get concerned the carriers are stealing them. Sounds paranoid, but it's extremely strange that two in a row don't actually get delivered. 


Hoping Mondo can send me a replacement. These are way too much money to be concerned about them actually being delivered. 

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Their customer service is second to none, so I'm guessing they'll take care of you. They just might ask you check with the carrier first. Has it just been stuck on the tracking? Mine ended up coming via UPS and moved really fast once it was picked up. It actually arrived on Saturday when I wasn't home, but thankfully my neighbor was watching the house and put it inside for me.

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Posted by: @misfit

Their customer service is second to none, so I'm guessing they'll take care of you. They just might ask you check with the carrier first. Has it just been stuck on the tracking? Mine ended up coming via UPS and moved really fast once it was picked up. It actually arrived on Saturday when I wasn't home, but thankfully my neighbor was watching the house and put it inside for me.


It was shipped via DHL two weeks ago and then transitioned to USPS for "the last mile." It went out for delivery on Saturday from the USPS and never scanned as delivered and has an "exception" saying it's not been scanned as delivered. I'm glad it shows that, actually. My local USPS used to fraudulently scan as delivered when they didn't to get their numbers up and that makes it harder to get a replacement. At least with this it shows Mondo that it wasn't clearly delivered. 

I live in NYC, so the USPS is a shitshow compared to living somewhere else like a suburb. I did file a missing mail claim, but they've never replied to any of the ones I have done so for in the last year.

I can't have this happen with every Mondo figure, though. It's frustrating because I don't want to pay like an addition $70 for express shipping that'll guarantee like UPS or FedEx actually delivers it, as I'm in no rush to actually get the items. I just want to get them at all. They're also extremely expensive, especially now that they'er basically a monthly expense with the increased cadence. 


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@gpmartin414 that sucks. I used to have lots of issues with USPS when I lived in a condo so I feel your pain. I had to create standing instructions with my local post office to hold my packages for delivery and I'd go pick them up or I'd have stuff shipped to another residence, like my parents' house. It was such a pain and something I was happy to leave behind.

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Posted by: @gpmartin414


They also revealed Cyclops and Rogue for X-Men and Spidey and Black Costume Spidey from the ‘94 animated series!

Mondo seems to be on a schedule of releasing 10-12 of these a year between X-Men and Batman now that Funko owns them. I don’t usually collect 1/6 scale figures, but the these animated shows were my favorite fandoms from childhood and Mondo’s figures are as close as you can get to having 3D representations of them.


I think it’s safe to expect a full X-Men team and core villains like Sinister and Mystique. I’d love Apocalypse, too, but he’d be too big I imagine.

I don’t have the space to properly display them all at once, though, and will have to cut back on other lines if they keep up this release pace. Still, I’m all in, because I don’t see another company faithfully recreating the source material — and the aftermarket price on these can be absurd. I’d rather get them now and figure out how I’ll display later. 


I wonder if they’ll go hard on the Spidey figures right out of the gate, or if they’re starting that line to ramp up once they’ve basically wrapped up the X-Men (which would just need Beast and Jean Grey for the core team assuming Xavier wasn’t possible because of the hover chair). Spidey has so many villains that “normal sized” from that show that a line dedicated to him could go on for many years. 


Well crap, I need that Cyclops.


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Omega Red is a timed release tomorrow. Only 1k pieces and no plans for another version. Mondo killing my wallet.

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Oh yikes. That's not a fun marketing decision.

Kinda curious why Omega, in particular, needs to come with three complete heads - wouldn't face plates make more sense? Or swappable hair? With all that volume and paint that's a LOT of unnecessary extra plastic in the box. Don't get me wrong - happy for multiple heads - but isn't there a better way to do the same thing?

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I'm a little surprised they didn't make the hair removable, but I'm guessing it's a case of the figure just having the budget for it since Omega Red isn't begging for accessories. He looked awesome at Comic Con so naturally I grabbed him. So far, I'm all-in on this line, but it wouldn't bother me if Red is the last solicitation of 2023. Mondo has already taken over a grand from me this year.

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Yep - I was all in on the line also but made the hard decision to just stick to the good guys when they teased Cyclops, Rogue and Animated Spidey line. It's costly but also I don't have the space for all the figs.... plus I'll probably go all in on the Spidey line. I sold off my Sabertooth and Magneto - passing on Omega Red. They all look incredible though.

I wonder if we will see Rogue and Cyclops prototypes at NYCC. 

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