And now Hasbro will announce GOTGv3 High Evolutionary on Friday. Druig will have died a noble death.
But this is just Druig with the first Mordo's head and hands, and the robes chopped. Not perfect, and I could do more on the face, but I do think Hasbro will get to HE and I didn't want two figures permanently destroyed. Had to buy a Mordo figure because he's one of the only MCU figures I never owned - maybe the only one?
*sigh* D@mnit, Hasbro, come on...
@slixta It's answered in the comments:
Finally saw the pulse con gi joe classified Duke picture and I think I have found the perfect head for Jim Hammond Human Torch.
Just out of curiosity, do we think Blue Marvel's black boots would fit swapped over to AOA Cyclops to help flesh out that figure a bit more? I'm not sure what body either are on.
@jtmarsh I don’t think that will work, if I remember rightly it’s smaller pegs on Blue Marvel (Spider UK) and thicker ones on AOA Cyke (Bucky Cap 1) so they’ll be a bit loose.
A good option might be the chunky boots from a modern costume Wolverine, I think the one from the Puck BAF wave?
Thanks, I'll keep looking then. I've yet to give up on making this AOA Cyclops into something decent looking. And by the time I finish the Mafex version will be out and I'll have bought that most likely as well.
Same, the AOA Cyke feels very much like a phoned in botch job to me as did a few others in the series, so I’ve been considering a full transplant of the head and belt and arm to another base body to make a better overall silhouette. Tbf, a complete update on the Vulcan body as a 2pk of Cyke and Havok would be ideal but they seem to have paused on any more AOA for now so I doubt it would happen
Seriously, AOA Cyclops was one of my favorite designs from the comics / figures from the ToyBiz wave, this side of Sabretooth. He should have been a stand out. And Morph deserved more than a clueless look for a head.
Hey all, glad I finally figured out how to get back on the forums. I have a question: has anyone tried to put the Eric Masterson Thor head on the Thunderstrike body? Or any alternate head? I’m not a big fan of the yelling head it comes with.
Can anyone who has both the new Blade figure and Blue Marvel stick Blue Marvel's head on Blade? I wanted to see if it works for a more stoic look. I realize the hair is wrong, but was curious.
Seen this making the internet rounds some time back. Got most of the parts and may push through.
Blue Marvel head, Safari WM torso, Movie Mordo hands, Red skull legs, Blade accessories and for the goggles I just went with McF MHA Hawks. I don't really have a fitting piece for that and haven't tried removing the earmuffs. My chubby fingers make it hard without damaging it.