I don’t think this is common knowledge. I ran into a similar problem trying to remove the face print from Classified Falcon and Cover Girl and nearly melted their faces. I don’t know what’s up with that.Making Xmen 2099 Krystalin from Black Panther Shuri and found that acetone does not remove the white war paint from Shuri's printed face. Is this common knowledge that I somehow missed: is the paint applied through face printing somehow diffefent and unable to be acetoned off?
I don't know if this is related, but I had to try a few different brands before I found a product that would actually remove paint.
I don't know if this is related, but I had to try a few different brands before I found a product that would actually remove paint.
That's interesting, thank you. I'll try a few solvents. As a control for what I used, the nail polish remover was removing paint elsewhere on other figures with alacrity. But Shuri's face was impervious, even when rubbing the q-tip vigorously back and forth. Was surprising!
Needing some advice regarding a couple of low-skill customs I'm thinking about. I bought the Retro Hercules to use his arm for X-Men 97 / MvC2 Cable's flesh arm to look more like the 90s comics rather than the all blue arm from the game. This will leave me with an armless Hercules buck and I was wondering:
1: What figure has a robot arm in the scale of Hercules so I could perhaps at least use his upper half for a Reaver?
2: Would AOA Sabretooth's arms fit Hercules' torso if I wanted to just take the chest and make a bare chested battle damaged AOA Sabretooth?
3: Would the BAF AOA Colossus' are be able to fit on the armless Hercules body for a makeshift Reaver, and does the red gauntlet from Colossus come off?
4: What figure has all black legs from the thigh cut down and uses the Bucky Cap body? I'm still trying to find the right legs/boots to at least give my AOA Cyclops proper looking lower legs to the old ToyBiz one.
Thanks to any who might know.
Me again messing with different combinations of faces and hair to get the right Invisible Woman for my display. I think I've settled on this for now. Moonstone head (mask removed) with retro Sue's hair. Hopefully we get updated molds of all the FF when the movie comes out.
That is a great combination for Sue! Good job.
1: Re: robot arm in the scale of Hercules.... I think the Skullbuster arm might fit at the bicep? Or if you can get a spare Cable arm?
2: Re: Would AOA Sabretooth's arms fit Hercules' torso... again it looks like a swap at the biceps should fit i think
3: Re: Would the BAF AOA Colossus' arms be able to fit on the armless Hercules body for a makeshift Reaver, and does the red gauntlet from Colossus come off? - No and No, the arms are too big and the red bracers are pretty firmly connected so i think there's glue in there
4: Re: What figure has all black legs from the thigh cut down and uses the Bucky Cap body... I think the old Brother Voodoo figure? You might find them going cheap now he's had a (pointless) upgrade to Spider UK buck
1: Re: robot arm in the scale of Hercules.... I think the Skullbuster arm might fit at the bicep? Or if you can get a spare Cable arm?
2: Re: Would AOA Sabretooth's arms fit Hercules' torso... again it looks like a swap at the biceps should fit i think
3: Re: Would the BAF AOA Colossus' arms be able to fit on the armless Hercules body for a makeshift Reaver, and does the red gauntlet from Colossus come off? - No and No, the arms are too big and the red bracers are pretty firmly connected so i think there's glue in there
4: Re: What figure has all black legs from the thigh cut down and uses the Bucky Cap body... I think the old Brother Voodoo figure? You might find them going cheap now he's had a (pointless) upgrade to Spider UK buck
Thank you!
Any idea WHICH Brother Voodoo as it seems like there's two aside from the Blackheart wave one. Or are they they same buck basically?
Do you think Skullbuster's torso will split at the waist if I just want to use the legs from Skullbuster but the bare chest from Hercules? Since a number of the Reavers just had open vests. I assume a vest from Thunderstrike may fit.
I think those two early Brother Voodoo gigs are both the same Bucky Cap body, one from Book of Vishanti set and one from Dormammu baf wave if I recall correctly but basically the same crappy figure. Wait a few more weeks and I’m sure people will be offloading them on eBay cheaply for custom fodder.
I don’t think Skullbuster separates cleanly at the torso as he’s pretty solidly constructed, but his legs will bool and pop at the thighs and might swap onto a Herc body at that cut?🤔
I think those two early Brother Voodoo gigs are both the same Bucky Cap body, one from Book of Vishanti set and one from Dormammu baf wave if I recall correctly but basically the same crappy figure. Wait a few more weeks and I’m sure people will be offloading them on eBay cheaply for custom fodder.
I don’t think Skullbuster separates cleanly at the torso as he’s pretty solidly constructed, but his legs will bool and pop at the thighs and might swap onto a Herc body at that cut?🤔
Thank you, I actually picked up a Voodoo for relatively cheap and got the boots off him, they swapped onto AOA Cyclops without too much issue. The calf swivels are a bit loose, so I may have to trim down the peg to get them to sit flush, but it DID work out well, so thanks again! (All this, and I'm still buying the Mafex AOA Cyclops, haha)
I saw a couple folks posting Skullbusters, so I may try your swap idea. Thank you for all your help!
That torso is how they did Power Rangers. The chest joint still should have a ball/socket joint going down into the abs. And those look like normal butterfly shoulders. Usually harder to swap but not impossible. I do it with GI Joe's.
That's the guy that makes and sells the absurdly augmented females upper bodies. It'll make swaps more difficult. He had to cut the square off and said it wasn't worth the effort.
Full disclosure, I have one of his She-Hulks (tank top style!). Never got around to trying it or looking into mixing up some matching paint to her outfit.
Oh yea, power ranger engineering makes it so those shoulder mods are almost impossible to do without breaking something. Its why I only do customs with that line where I just have to repaint them or maybe swap legs or something.
Legit I love the way Lazy Monster did their butterfly joints. Its a ball joint instead of a straight peg going into the torso from the shoulder. Gives it so much rom and the arms are easily swappable/removable. I dont know if other important companies do it this way but I definitely like it better.