I've been wanting to do this since at least the first movie, if not for sure the second movie, and DEFINITELY since the Legends 2-pack came out, when I even considered putting a comic-style head on the movie body. I'd been trying to find cheap X-23s I could cobble together to get a more movie-style costume, when I realized I had this 60th Anniversary Jubilee body sitting around without any head plans for it, and since literal day 1 had always planned on using a non-bubblegum Jubilee head anyway.
Sliced off Jubes' earrings, septum ring was a stripped down twist tie, black paint for lipstick & yellow paint for irises, same Tamashii effects piece I was using for movie version on my comic shelf (so now movie version can go join Wade & Colossus on the MCU shelf), and some Captain Marvel effects pieces from eBay (they match the Tamashii piece better than the ones NTW came with herself) on her forearms & shins.
Now I need a Yukio!
That’s cool, but I just see super saiyan Jubilee. ✨💫
I pulled the helmet off of Avalanche and found annoyed Conan O'Avalanche.
Kinda mixing looks here but since I had the juggernaut wave Phoenix body unused since I upgraded to the deluxe figure I made a stand in Rachel summers using the Grey black widow head
Sup guys, i never come down here to the Legends area but i have a question, Do you know which is the smallest sabertooth figure? and which sabertooth has the best hands?
The smallest Sabretooth is almost certainly the one from the Bonebreaker wave since it's supposed to look close to the early appearances of the character before the cartoon(?) or Jim Lee(?) made him enormous... I honestly forget who made him giant first.
The smallest Sabretooth is almost certainly the one from the Bonebreaker wave since it's supposed to look close to the early appearances of the character before the cartoon(?) or Jim Lee(?) made him enormous... I honestly forget who made him giant first.
Jim Lee definitely made him big, but I think it was the animated series that really bulked him up to outrageous proportions.
Whose body is this? No crosshatching so not Mysterio. No forearm decorations so not Vulture. No mechanical bits or different hues of green so not Goblin or Guardsman. Just straight metallic green.
Whose body is this? No crosshatching so not Mysterio. No forearm decorations so not Vulture. No mechanical bits or different hues of green so not Goblin or Guardsman. Just straight metallic green.
Looks like it could be retro Black Panther with something funky going on with the photo editing affecting the color: https://legendsverse.com/checklist/marvel-legends/figures/marvel-vintage-collection-2-black-panther-2018-192
This is the Spider-UK body I believe.
I agree that's Black Panther with wonky lighting.
In that listing it cracks me up that other listings for the seller show he is selling the Warlord Professor X WalMart exclusive body for $11.95 plus $5.95 shipping without a head. I just bought two of that figure mint in box direct from Wal Mart for $6.95 each and shipped free. So, I'll pay less total for two complete version of that figure from the store than he is selling that headless fodder body for. He may be sitting on that one a while.
Also funny is another of his listings is titled as Marvel Legends Male Body Custom Fodder but is clearly the G.I. Joe Classified Retro Stalker with no head or hands. He is selling that one for only $9.49 while WalMart is still listing that one at $14.80. Of course after the $5 shipping it comes about about even.
Whose body is this? No crosshatching so not Mysterio. No forearm decorations so not Vulture. No mechanical bits or different hues of green so not Goblin or Guardsman. Just straight metallic green.
Looks like it could be retro Black Panther with something funky going on with the photo editing affecting the color: https://legendsverse.com/checklist/marvel-legends/figures/marvel-vintage-collection-2-black-panther-2018-192
This is the Spider-UK body I believe.
Thank you and now that you point it out I can see clearly that you're right. Cheers, sleuth!
I agree that's Black Panther with wonky lighting.
In that listing it cracks me up that other listings for the seller show he is selling the Warlord Professor X WalMart exclusive body for $11.95 plus $5.95 shipping without a head. I just bought two of that figure mint in box direct from Wal Mart for $6.95 each and shipped free. So, I'll pay less total for two complete version of that figure from the store than he is selling that headless fodder body for. He may be sitting on that one a while.
Also funny is another of his listings is titled as Marvel Legends Male Body Custom Fodder but is clearly the G.I. Joe Classified Retro Stalker with no head or hands. He is selling that one for only $9.49 while WalMart is still listing that one at $14.80. Of course after the $5 shipping it comes about about even.
Yeah, the prices from Godfather toyz are whack and I just spent silly money on some accessories I need for Xmen 2099 customs. He was the only option for several of these and I do appreciate the availability.
I mean... I wouldn't call the prices "whack" exactly - less than retail price for fodder bodies is still somewhat reasonable... it's just that with the shipping costs added on many of the figures offered can be had cheaper on clearance - and fully intact.
I mean... I wouldn't call the prices "whack" exactly - less than retail price for fodder bodies is still somewhat reasonable... it's just that with the shipping costs added on many of the figures offered can be had cheaper on clearance - and fully intact.
I agree his fodder body prices aren't crazy. I was thinking rather of piecemeal accessories/hand pairs that he sells in the $6-9 range when most can be had from other sellers in the $3-6 range.
Making Xmen 2099 Krystalin from Black Panther Shuri and found that acetone does not remove the white war paint from Shuri's printed face. Is this common knowledge that I somehow missed: is the paint applied through face printing somehow diffefent and unable to be acetoned off?