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Posted by: @kurtwagner

Posted by: @retrovintage

Can we get some visual aids, Norm? Pretty please 😭 

You can see it in this video:

Shoulder tutorial

(Jump to the 3 minute mark and ignore the step of supergluing the disc, the ML ones are too small for this trick to work safely)




Thank you. How does the shoulder stay secured to the hinge ring without any glue? And doesn't this only work if the hinge is the same color as the shoulder? If you swap from another figure (or another Gambit in this case) the colors won't match.


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I’ve found that there’s enough plastic to cover enough of the hinge. It’s not bad. But it’s all still easier than cracking a torso.

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Posted by: @retrovintage

Thank you. How does the shoulder stay secured to the hinge ring without any glue? And doesn't this only work if the hinge is the same color as the shoulder? If you swap from another figure (or another Gambit in this case) the colors won't match.


I would definitely recommend dremelling the disks a little and painting over them, but that requires brushes, paint and a dremel. There's no free lunch.


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Got to practice painting fire. I wasn't happy with solid orange flames on retro Human Torch so I decided to add some yellow (left). I was less satisfied the longer I looked at it so I googled some tips on painting fire and tried again (middle). Decided to add some highlights to make it pop (right) but I think I'm regretting it, though it does looker hotter. What do you think?

puckace, thwippersnapper, allynewns and 5 people reacted
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Nothing to regret. I did the same with Walgreens Torch and Dormammu. I plan to do the same with this one but just haven't gotten around to it.

Red Ogre
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All three look good. The second picture is definitely the lowlight of the trio. Third pass is very good. I think your first attempt though was.... well, FIRE.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Looks awesome, @neozero35 ! I paint a lot of customs and mods, but never thought about embellishing the flame effects like this. There goes my weekend... 🙂

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I did this same thing with the same figure, but I just went full yellow, mostly to mimic the look it would have in a comic or from the original Marvel Superheroes toy. Yours looks much better with the variation in yellow and orange.

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So, just out of curiosity, has anyone found a head that looks better on Quasar than the stock head? I just can't get over how much that looks like Robert Redford, and would really like a replacement.

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What do you mean he looks like Robert Redford?


I would also like to replace his head, but normal blonde guys are hard to find in the Marvel Universe! There's Hank Pym, Cap, Thor and Havok - and all of those are very specific. I've been trying to get a good head for Cannonball for years!

allynewns and Thor-El reacted
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I've always gotten a younger vibe from Quasar. Granted, I know little about him besides what I've seen on the '90s trading card. I feel like a Luke Skywalker head would give the desired effect, but I would never use a Luke Skywalker.

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With some heat and a screwdriver, I was able to pry out the original faces of the standard Kang, ground out some of the plastic, and popped the extra Council faces in. Glued in place, though it probably didn’t need it. Might as well make these permanent mods.

Red Ogre, hmmberto, Akatsuki and 3 people reacted
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Those actually look great.   Now I won't feel so bad having extra Kang figures as they can be nice legit variants.

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Does anyone know if the new Flash Thompson head will fit and match the skin tones on The Hood? I was thinking of grabbing one so Flash would have a body if it works.

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I like this. He should be blonde and blue-eyed, but this is way closer to Steve than some other options.

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