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Mezco Toyz One:12 Collective Marvel Figures

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Nope, no butterflies. There's a bit of wobble, but I don't think that's an articulation point.

Another odd bit with Doom is that they gave him the standard Mezco ball and socket ankles, but the top socket is cut in a way to give him rockers. Not even a bad thing since it essentially achieves the same range that a ball hinge and pivot would, but it's really funny how allergic Mezco is to that specific set-up. I've only owned one figure from them that had it, which is their Nosferatu; those broke on me, so maybe that's a good thing.

Yeah, my flash photography REALLY makes the green look super vibrant, but even under regular lighting it's not as dark as the promo pics made it out to be.

reefer shark
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@vondoom Thanks for taking the time to take those pics, very much appreciated!


it’s a bit disappointing that he can’t achieve that advertised pose.  I really can’t stand this photoshopping trend with Mezco & Super7’s promo pics.  I feel that it’s so misleading.


the figure does still look great though, will have to watch a few more reviews and see if there’s some good shots alongside ML villains.

VonDoom reacted
Flexion Dynamo
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@reefer-shark I knew as soon as i saw the heavy shadow that pose was not in the cards.

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Some reviews for Amazing Spider-Man have shown up

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Pretty Ditko-tastic. The seam on the back is a little unfortunate and not really sure why the head really needs to light up. That half Peter / half Spidey head is super cool. Would be nice if it fit on the Peter Parker Legends body and scaled well.

jag2045 reacted
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Posted by: @derrabbi

Pretty Ditko-tastic. The seam on the back is a little unfortunate and not really sure why the head really needs to light up. That half Peter / half Spidey head is super cool. Would be nice if it fit on the Peter Parker Legends body and scaled well.


I think the light up "Spider-Sense" head is pretty cool (like the light up "Heat vision" head they did with the Man of Steel Superman) 🙂


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@jag2045 I mean I get it. I'm king of making the point here that comic lines should be read as signifiers and not necessarily as literal representations. In that context the lights certainly make sense with the Spidey sense lines in particular.

jag2045 reacted
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I picked up the first One12 Spider-Man off eBay for probably more than I needed to (117). But I like it more than this one that just came out. I don’t love the proportions on this one, the seam on the back of the costume is unsightly, and I’d be paying for a lot of extra accessories that wouldn’t make it out of the package. 

Flexion Dynamo
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My first Mezco, my favorite character and a nice addition to the collection. I KNEW I wasn't going to feel $160+ worth of value here, but I was determined damnit!

I did play with the Doom a bit. I understand the head proportion gripes. Realistically the size makes sense, but artist often draw these characters like the real head under the helmet is under sized to match the overall proportions.

My only true gripe with the pack ins is the "scarred" head. It looks like he fell asleep at the beach. I really, really would have rather had a disfigured face sculp. That is a huge driver to his motivations and personality.

I need a new back drop that isn't so beat up to do the pictures damaged, but I'm very motivated to start shooting this figure.



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Posted by: @flexion-dynamo

My only true gripe with the pack ins is the "scarred" head. It looks like he fell asleep at the beach. I really, really would have rather had a disfigured face sculp. That is a huge driver to his motivations and personality.

The Mezco version is pretty close to the way Jack Kirby intended it.  Kirby once described Doom's scar as only affecting one cheek in an interview.  He never actually drew it, but John Byrne did in issue #278, and some of the key panels from that issue are shown below.

Why would Kirby and Byrne want to give him a relatively minor scar?  Dunno, but my guess is it adds to his megalomaniacal image.  He's such a perfectionist that any blemish meant he thought he had to hide his face.

Magneto Was Right
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That's how I take it, as well. Doom is such a narcissist that even minimal scarring is enough for him to believe that he's deformed.

Fuzzy Blue Intern
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I've had Doom a few days now.  I find him really impressive.  I didn't need him to be diecast, but I don't feel any buyers remorse on this one.  I do find myself wishing his hood was a bit rounder at the peak.  And he could really benefit from a cape with no wire as an option.  The wire on this is pretty weak, so you can kinda pose it, but it's really like a second option that just drapes really well.


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I'm really getting annoyed that there's been no movement on mine from Mezco. Other retailers are getting their stock already.

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Posted by: @normdapito

I'm really getting annoyed that there's been no movement on mine from Mezco.

In one of the reviews I watched the reviewer said Mezco delayed his order three times, and then cancelled it saying they were out of stock so he got his from BBTS.  He said they didn't proactively inform him of any of that, but that he pulled it out of customer service by contacting them.

Is there a compelling reason to order from Mezco directly?  I've gotten all of mine through other retailers so far.

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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Posted by: @normdapito

I'm really getting annoyed that there's been no movement on mine from Mezco.

In one of the reviews I watched the reviewer said Mezco delayed his order three times, and then cancelled it saying they were out of stock so he got his from BBTS.  He said they didn't proactively inform him of any of that, but that he pulled it out of customer service by contacting them.

Is there a compelling reason to order from Mezco directly?  I've gotten all of mine through other retailers so far.

I honestly don't know why I ordered from Mezco. I have the Silver Centurion ordered at BBTS. I don't want to cancel mine at Mez because I think I'll lose that deposit. Maybe I will just order from another retailer, let this PO ride at Mez, then flip it later if they actually fulfill? I got initially delayed because my CC wasn't up to date (even though it was the same card they used for every other order I've made before and since). This move is reminiscent of Target's PO shenanigans. I updated my card, and have heard nothing since. I didn't think Mezco themselves would cancel their own preorders. I've never heard a story like what you just shared. But if there's even a little bit of merit to it, it may be worth it to reorder somewhere else because I have no intention of missing out on this piece.


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