Surprised he didn't do a group shot with the Mezco F4. And, yeah, I would've preferred the figure being even $10 less than have that power harness.
He did say he loaned a friend his FF set.
I cancelled my pre-order for the FF set, and I'm leaning toward cancelling Doom. They don't look bad by any means, but I'm just going to hold out for discounted prices at some point, like we've seen with that Wolverine deluxe figure.
If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. In the case of Doom, I think I'm pretty okay with the two Legends figures (Skrull BAF wave and retro card). They're both among the best Legends ever.
Surprised I haven't got an email from BBTS yet.
Hmmmmm. I guess its time to retire my Skrull Wave Doom and sell off the Retro Card Doom I never opened.
If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. In the case of Doom, I think I'm pretty okay with the two Legends figures (Skrull BAF wave and retro card). They're both among the best Legends ever.
Super Skrull wave Doom was Hasbro's best Legends figure of 2020. It's absolutely sublime in almost every way, but wow, Mezco seems to have crushed it with this release. The half-dozen or so blast effects, that awesome cape and tunic, the two head sculpts and three removable masks, a 1:12 scale spellbook with dozens and dozens of printed pages, the unimprovable cosmic power siphon, the best back jets we've ever seen, and to top it all off the armor is mostly made of actual metal? Holy crap, I'll be very surprised if this guy doesn't sell out fast even at that high price.
Very rarely do I see a figure and think this is the last version of this character you ever need, but that's what jumps to mind when I think of this Doom. Hard to imagine how you can improve upon this release. 🤩
My Doom got held up by CC verification at Mezco, but that’s been cleared up for weeks and it’s still just processing.
My current One:12 shelf is perfect for 6” figures, with just enough space for them to stand. However, the stretched parts on Reed make him nearly 9-10” tall, so I can’t display him in that shelf. Gonna have to swap his regular torso back on, which bums me out. He looks so good stretched.
I'll admit that I like the Super Skrull wave Doom so much that I had trouble replacing him. Even if this figure is better.
Very rarely do I see a figure and think this is the last version of this character you ever need, but that's what jumps to mind when I think of this Doom. Hard to imagine how you can improve upon this release. 🤩
The Joints Could have more range. It's not impossible, it's a suit of armor so it doesn't have to follow anatomy perfectly.
I also think all of the masks are too large. I also don't think there is a perfect iconic Doom face of the three, even if they were scaled better to the body. I am going to have to find an alternative Face plate or make one.
But it is very cool.
I think the spell book is the best accessory.
I was very dissappointed to see their Silver Centurion Iron Man was just a kitbash of their previous Iron Man that looks nothing like the actual Silver Centurion armor. I would have paid so much money for a perfect Mezco version of that Armor.
This Doom is a much better representation for the shelf, small nitpicks aside.
Anxiously awaiting my Doom. Yeesh.
Re: Doom, I got a pre-order arrival notice from BBTS today.
Doom is up for in-stock sale on BBTS. I'm ordering him ASAP.
I got my FF set in yesterday. In general I don't like full-body cloth goods and didn't think I would like Sue or Johnny much, but I was dead wrong--it works quite well for the FF uniforms. I felt this same way about the recent steel box Wolverine, and when I got him in hand I did find the cloth goods slightly disappointing--but the FF outfits work MUCH better. I think it's mostly because they're such simple colors whereas Wolverine's outfit is more busy and shows the oversized cloth details more than the brightly saturated blue of the FF uniforms that helps to obscure the stitching details. Once you're more than 2-3 feet away you can barely even tell they're cloth goods due to the bright colors and minimal and out-of-the-way stitching. It's an absolutely astounding set, and right now I'm over the moon in every way, LOVE LOVE LOVE it far more than I anticipated I would. Reed and Ben are CLEARLY the best versions of those characters ever made in 1:12 scale and both of those alone are worth the price of the set. The Legends Thing is so good that this one isn't a huge upgrade, but it's a SOLID upgrade in a lot of ways. He's spectacular. I particularly love that they went with sizing him to be about 6 feet tall relative to the other characters whereas Hasbro scales their Thing to be a bit under 7 feet tall. More often than not Thing is shorter than Reed so it's great to get that scale for once.
More later after I have time to fiddle with accessories more. This set takes more time to sort through than any figures I've ever gotten, and it's hella fun. 😀 I've watched two reviewers break Johnny's flame base at the peg where the top part slots into the bottom, so I'm going to be extra careful with that.
Usually I slide accessories into one or more plastic bags, but there are so many with this set I'm leaving them in the steel box for now. Unfortunately that thing is REALLY big at about 1.5 feet wide, 1 foot deep, and 9 or 10 inches tall, but the accessories and figures are packed so well in there I hate to replace it for now. I'm sure space concerns will supercede that later and I'll end up sliding it all into a half-dozen or more bags.
Be careful with Thing's arms. The pegs that go from the shoulders into the torso are very thin, and I've seen photos of the figure broken at that peg.
I wish the soft goods were a brighter green. I have been cleaning that hood/cape/tunic every single day at work for the past 25 years, there is a very specific color that it needs to be in my mind and they missed it. At least it is not nearly black like the early pictures showed.
Another FF set design issue warning--the light in Torch's flaming head is at the base above the peg, and you take that base out of the head to put batteries in. Pretty much every time I peg the head off of the body that light-up base stays in the neck, and it has two TINY batteries in it. Little to nothing holds those two batteries in, so whenever you take that head off there's a decent chance the tiny batteries will go flying in a random direction.
Had a nice half-hour of combing my floor for that tiny battery last night and eventually found it. No more taking that head off in any kind of place where something tiny can easily get lost. 😳