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Mezco Toyz One:12 Collective Marvel Figures

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Posted by: @madmaxx

Some packaged pics of the new Spidey figure. I'm pretty excited for this one!

Have a pre-order down at BBTS for Morbius, but...I dunno 🤔 I'm really trying to sell off and condense my Marvel stuff down to my personal favorites right now, and he's just not a character I like enough to have a figure that pricey of. Might just eat the NRD and cancel it, but I probably wouldn't have too much trouble selling it either.


Looks great! Can't wait for him to ship 🙂


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Mez charged for F4 yesterday so hoping that ships VERY soon. Doom and Spidey aren’t far behind…

Mister Voorhees
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The Fantastic Four boxset is now officially listed as 'now shipping' on their site. I wonder which I'll get first: the F4 from Big Bad Toystore or GbG Batman directly from Mezco. It's been over a month since they charged me for the latter and still zero movement.

Magneto Was Right
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I'm going to keep a close eye on the Dr. Doom reviews. If he's good, I'm gonna grab him. I am concerned about articulation, though. The Hasbro figure is already very good.

Mister Voorhees
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Looks like they tweaked Sue's headsculpts some and they now look better, which was one of my biggest complaints about the set.

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Man they really should have done a fully flamed on Torch.

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Fully stretched out Reed is a thing of beauty. The swappable parts reminds of of the Fantastic 4 Movie Wave 1 Mr Fantastic, with all of his detachable limbs. I'll still find some random severed sections to this day.

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This set looks fantastic, but buying just one Mezco is a big enough toy budget event for me let alone four.  I suspect my poor man's Hasbro Walgreens set will be the FF representation in my collection for quite some time.

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Posted by: @derrabbi

Man they really should have done a fully flamed on Torch.

I've got complaints about this set and this is one of them, but it's REALLY far down the list because the Legends flame-on Johnnys are just fine for me.  I'm excited mostly just for the base that I'll be using for all of my Johnnys now.  The only Mezco value add I can think of over the Legends version anyway is interior lighting as we get with the base and head.  Shame we're not getting that, but maybe the head will work on a Legends figure, although I highly doubt it.

I watched D Amazing's review and this set looks just as good as it did in the promos so I'm pretty excited for it now.  The only thing he didn't cover that I wish he had was just how bendy Thing's lamp post and steel girder are.  Do they bend right back when you bend them, or do they stay bent?  I couldn't tell from the descriptions if they had some kind of wiring so that they can stay bent.  If they just bend right back when you bend them then they're pretty mediocre.  The best figures after seeing the review are still in the same order I could tell from the promos--Thing is best, Reed is a VERY close second-best, HERBIE is third best, then Johnny, then Sue.  Too bad we didn't get invisible Sue parts, but the focus on her force fields is a good replacement for it.  I'd rather Hasbro also focused more on force field accessories than invisible parts as well.

My money is on this set sticking around for a while and going on discount/clearance pricing, but I'm not sure of it so I'll be getting it now.  I had a Dorkside preorder that I didn't replace, but I don't expect any issues getting these over the next few months.  Maybe I'm wrong and it will sell out, we'll see--but at that price point I see this warming the virtual shelves for a while.


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What would have been better for Mezco to include--the best HERBIE we could ever hope for or want, or another flamed-on Human Torch?  HERBIE is a pretty minor character, but this guy looks amazing for what he is.  I'd much rather have him than another flamed-on Torch since the Legends ones are mostly fine.

If they release a separate flame-on Torch I am interested to see what they can do with it though.

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I don't see how they'd pull off Sue or Johnny's powers in this format. I guess they could have just given Johnny a red-orange uniform with removable flames. But how do you show off invisibility with fabric? Sheer material? Over a clear body? Clear Invisible Woman figures already look odd since they can't maintain the illusion without showing the mechanics of the figure. Same would be the case with a clear figure under sheer fabric. I think they came up with the best possible solution for Sue. But I think I prefer Johnny wearing the blue uniform for.. um.. uniformity.

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Your two options are Mego style Human Torch but find a way to raise the flames or mimic the Thing in this very set. All plastic with unique sculpt. Same as if they did a Silver Surfer or something. I’d prob go with the later. Things that are cloth should be cloth; things that don’t appear like cloth shouldn’t.

 I wish the 4 on the Things belt was removable too. 

Mister Voorhees
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I don't know how feasible it would've been (and it would've undoubtedly driven up the price) but having removable clothes on Johnny with a 'flamed on' body underneath and swappable feet would've been great.

I haven't liked any of the ML Human Torches, so I guess I'm stuck with the partially flamed-on Johnny until someone makes a decent Human Torch.

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I mean I will probably display him unflamed or just flaming up a hand. Don’t think I can think of any reason or instance of him flaming his head but not his body. Maybe he took Franklin trick or treating and dressed up as Dormammu or something. 

Think of a sculpted red body (same texture as the flamed head in this set) with little “windows” capped with slightly raised clear flame casts. Put a light inside so it “ignites” the flame clear casts but the body remains opaque. 

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Doom is now closing in. My order is processing after a snag with my CC info not being saved. I think that will be my most expensive One:12, but if I have the Four, there's no way I could skip a character that seems made for this format.

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