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Mezco Toyz One:12 Collective Marvel Figures

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Mister Voorhees
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Posts: 77

D Amazing has a review of Morbius up:

Looks like he turned out well, though still not a huge fan of the cobweb pattern on the clothes.

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Now that Morbius is out who is next on the schedule?

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I have the FF, Doom, Spidey, and Goblin on pre-order... had to pay deposits on them at BBTS, too.

My wallet doesn't mind waiting.

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F4 and Doom are still open at Mezco’s site for me, along with TMNT. I have Silver Centurion POed at BBTS.

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Some packaged pics of the new Spidey figure. I'm pretty excited for this one!

Have a pre-order down at BBTS for Morbius, but...I dunno 🤔 I'm really trying to sell off and condense my Marvel stuff down to my personal favorites right now, and he's just not a character I like enough to have a figure that pricey of. Might just eat the NRD and cancel it, but I probably wouldn't have too much trouble selling it either.

jag2045 reacted
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Got notice from Mezco that F4 and Doom are preparing to ship! That's a big chunk of change. Ugh.

Marvel Legends Man
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Has anyone here gotten Morbius yet?

Mister Voorhees
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Posts: 77

No but BBTS sent me a 'processing soon' notice for Morbius.

Mezco's 'famine or feast' thing with their orders is incredibly annoying. Looks like Morbius, GbG Batman, F4, Doom, and Spider-Man will all be shipping soon. That'll nearly end up 1k after shipping and tax. Luckily BBTS lagging behind will give me some leeway.

supermonkey reacted
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I'll be happy to wait on the FF set with BBTS and Spidey with EE.  I'm still in a hole from the flood of Hasbro product hitting.

But Doom I ordered direct so I guess I'll get notification soon.  Kinda psyched TBH. 

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Posted by: @mistervoorhees

No but BBTS sent me a 'processing soon' notice for Morbius.

Mezco's 'famine or feast' thing with their orders is incredibly annoying. Looks like Morbius, GbG Batman, F4, Doom, and Spider-Man will all be shipping soon. That'll nearly end up 1k after shipping and tax. Luckily BBTS lagging behind will give me some leeway.

Ugh, I won't be able to afford so much dropping at once. I may have to lose my BBTS deposits on the FF.


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Posted by: @whitehawk345


Ugh, I won't be able to afford so much dropping at once. I may have to lose my BBTS deposits on the FF.


Yeah; I need to get about 30 or so more things up for sale on eBay and Discogs quick.


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I pre-ordered this Doom, but didn't the FF set. That might change once I get Victor.. 

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Posts: 83

Cool to see the Spidey final product. IIRC Goblin was offered first, hopefully he's also on track to release soon. He was initially supposed to arrive in Aug/Sept w Spidey in Sept / Oct, but Mezco.

jag2045 reacted
Flexion Dynamo
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I haven't got a notification for Doom yet. I'm super psyched to get this. Guess this will be a X-Mas present to myself 😀 


Time to re-plan my displays and do a little curating.

Mister Voorhees
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 77

My Morbius from BBTS came today. The figure turned out really great.

- The cobweb pattern blends well with the suit, so it doesn't really stick out much.
- All three head sculpts are perfect.
- The collar isn't quite as good as shown in the promo shots but it still turned out well.
- All the hands are great but some can be hard to get on due to the sharp nails. I also kept fearing I was going to bend one of his fingers.
- All the accessories are nice. I doubt I'll ever use them, though -- they just seem very scene/pose specific. The carrying case is great, though getting the top piece off to put in the battery is a pain.

Hopefully the upcoming F4, Doom, and Spidey figures turn out as well.

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