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Mezco Toyz One:12 Collective Marvel Figures

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Review of Mezco's One:12 Doctor Octopus


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Looks really good. I'd have liked a little more portliness but looks very well done. .

Magneto Was Right
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That physique feels so out of place for that costume.

Mister Voorhees
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They teased the Hulk:

Hopefully they don't just retool their Gladiator Hulk.

Magneto Was Right
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I just can't imagine it'll have the articulation I'm looking for in a Hulk figure.

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Posted by: @mistervoorhees

They teased the Hulk:

Hopefully they don't just retool their Gladiator Hulk.

That Hulk had 3 completely different greens used on it. Looked so bad. Maybe they can go for 4 this time?


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Posted by: @tsi

I just can't imagine it'll have the articulation I'm looking for in a Hulk figure.

I tend to agree, but they did pretty well with the Thing in that 4-pack so I'm holding out a shred of hope I'm wrong.  Plus Ock loods odd in that onesie, but they appear to have nailed bendy-wire tentacles in a way Hasbro never did so they certainly can kill a figure at times when they want to.

Their best recent example is Doom, and closely behind that is the entire FF 4-pack.  So hopefully they put that kind of effort into a great Hulk, but like you I won't be surprised if they skimp on articulation.

Magneto Was Right
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I can't unsee it.

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Will it or won't it include a Bruce Banner figure?

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Seems the Mezco 1/12 Gladiator Hulk body would be a little too tall and not quite wide enough for a true Silver Age classic Hulk. Not sure. I don't have one.

I mean there's a physics barrier when you're talking articulation on that thick a character. Especially in a line that is used to hiding their joints in cloth costumes.

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Posted by: @derrabbi

Seems the Mezco 1/12 Gladiator Hulk body would be a little too tall and not quite wide enough for a true Silver Age classic Hulk.

Do we have reason to believe it will be a Silver Age Hulk?  I really can't tell what age that promo image came from, but it definitely doesn't look like any of the early Kirby/Ayers/Ditko art.

Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @derrabbi

I mean there's a physics barrier when you're talking articulation on that thick a character. Especially in a line that is used to hiding their joints in cloth costumes.

I thought so, too, for a long time. Several of the third-party and import brands are proving that incorrect, though.

I've also been a proponent of Mezco using wireframe bodies under their cloth-covered figures. They could get as much articulation as anyone. If they added a plastic shell on top of the wireframe, the figures could maintain their musculature.


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Posted by: @tsi

I've also been a proponent of Mezco using wireframe bodies under their cloth-covered figures. They could get as much articulation as anyone. If they added a plastic shell on top of the wireframe, the figures could maintain their musculature.


The main  drawback to something like that is, we don't know how long the wire skeleton would last with repeated or continued manipulation. I have barely moved my Keaton Batman once I got him set up the way I wanted him, just as a precautionary measure.


2nd most posts
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I have to imagine that a wire skeleton/silicone skin figure with cloth costume would double the price.

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I would absolutely, positively stop buying Mezco if they went the Hot Toys route of silicone skin.  Nobody who buys those poses their figures for more than a few hours for fear of it ripping.

But there should be some other substance they can use if it's skin covered by cloth.  It doesn't have to look seamless if you can't see it.

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