Thor looks terrific. Looking forward to see what he all comes with. Wonder if they'll give him a bearded head sculpt.
Toyark has an image of the newest Captain America and the original Iron Man near each other. Unless they plan on making a new body for Thor, I'd expect Thor to be about as big as Captain America.
I was just wondering the other day when they'd finally complete the Big 3. The other two were released years ago.
Yeah Yeah, Thor looks ok.
Can we get some Avengers villains? Like Ultron figure with metal parts and light up head...painted in metalic silver
Three different unmasked heads and not one looks like Hugh Jackman. Suit does look well-tailored, though, but I'm surprised they didn't go with swap-out arms like Hot Toys did.
I get a ML yellow Wolverine one week ago and now they've got a Mezco and a Diamond Select one being shown off. All three look OK but I'm not seeing one that looks significantly better than the other. Just going to stick with the good ol' $25 offering.
I have a modest amount of Mezcos but they are all DC. Will the completion of the Big Three open the Marvel door?
I think the masked heads are way better than the unmasked. Mezco didn't do a great job with the Jackman likeness here.
Give Hasbro their flowers. Their 25 dollar likeness is a lot better than Mezco's $125 one. And no swap-out arms is a dealbreaker at this price point. I know that probably creates some issues with their soft goods, but if Hot Toys can figure it out then Mezco should be able to as well.
I think the masked heads are way better than the unmasked. Mezco didn't do a great job with the Jackman likeness here.
All of Mezco's actor likenesses are baby-soft. It's to be expected.
I scored the Ditko Spidey and Goblin figures over the last week or so for a little less than retail off Amazon.
I was tempted by the FF set for less than $360 at one point, but held off for now.
Thor up for preorder tomorrow.
Passing on Thor. No definition at all on his chest (uni-chest?) with sculpted ab area (badly) make it a pretty easy pass, actually.
I just wish the torso had more of a V shape to it. As it is, the shape of his torso looks like... I dunno, a beer keg.
I love a classic Thor. I do. But Mezco should have gone with Coipel’s return of Thor look. That may be my favorite look of his.
I can't understand why they used that hard rubber-looking piece for Thor's torso. It's not going to articulate at all. They would've been better off going full Mego.