@joshuakat I don't know where the 3rd figure originated, but Marvelousnews has mentioned it a few times like it's a given now.
@joshuakat I don't know where the 3rd figure originated, but Marvelousnews has mentioned it a few times like it's a given now.
Correct. And I don't know if they're right, I am just speculating on what that 3rd figure would be assuming that info turns out correct
@e-rock Did I miss something? I know DD and Punisher were in a rumored D+ wave. But where was a 3rd figure discussed? Sorry if I'm out of the loop, the lack of MCU Legends has casued me to step away for a while.
JayC said there were 3 figures from the show coming, and I think someone else said it as well. But no one knows who the 3rd might be. So that's where it's coming from
Sorry, I didn't see you'd replied!
I'm sure it'll be Bullseye, who I'll definitely get. I can't believe we still don't have an Echo though.
Ah thanks! I had seen that on a few news outlets after reading it here and I'm like where did this come from?? haha. Well I hope it's true. But more importantly, I hope that leaked D+ list is true! I really want Werewolf. Then all we need is Echo to get back on track with atleast having the title character of each project.
In all honesty, I really want those leaked lists to be true for 2 main reasons, 1. It means The D+ waves will finally return! And 2. That Deadpool and Wolverine wave 2 and boxset is a dream come true!
ToyShiz posted on their Instagram story that someone in New Jersey had found the NWH Electro figure. My Amazon pre-order still says May 5th, but I'd be totally down if he wanted to show up before then!
Heh, and I'm okay if he takes even longer to delay spending!
Pre-ordered DD on Amazon. He has a Nov. 3rd release date. Interestingly enough, if you scroll down to the "whats in the box" portion it says 2 figures and 5 accessories. I'm guessing this is an error because it would mean the 2nd figure comes with 0 accessories. Although Hasbro has been short on accessories before so who knows lol.
Pre-ordered DD on Amazon. He has a Nov. 3rd release date. Interestingly enough, if you scroll down to the "whats in the box" portion it says 2 figures and 5 accessories. I'm guessing this is an error because it would mean the 2nd figure comes with 0 accessories. Although Hasbro has been short on accessories before so who knows lol.
Maybe they are referring to a BAF part... 🧐
Wouldn't that be nice!
I would guess that if it is a full wave, DD would be the double-packed character so may not include a piece. Unless they go with Loki, but DD seems the best choice.
November release makes me sad. But I guess between now and then we have MCU releases of 97 Wave Three, Thunderbolts, FF and possibly Deadpool and possibly something Spidey, plus Lizard and Electro. And November really means September, so... guess it's fine.
Found the Funko Pop of Wiccan and Agatha last night on sale and couldn't resist. I love Agatha's outfit and who knows how long Hasbro will take to get these looks out. But I DO still want them, Hasbro!!
@enforcer Now that's big brain energy! Haha. I could absolutely see that!
First to mind is Abomination, although the only look I'd want of him so far is from Shang-Chi. Worst case scenario for me would be a B&W Ted or a What if character.
I know were not exactly back in the hay day of MCU Legends but it'd be cool if we got a one off Amazon exclusive of Echo to accompany the wave like they've done in the past.
And just for old times sake, if this wave pans out to be true my hopes for the next one are...
1. Lady Death w/alt head
2. Wiccan
3. Agatha (I'm actually fine with the one we have tho, so runner up selfishly is Titania)
4. The long awaited Darcy freaking Lewis!
5. S2 Ravonna or Elsa Bloodstone
6. Red Hood
7. Iron Heart final suit
BAF: Taweret
Honorable mentions to Scarlet Scarab, Arthur Harrow, and B15.
It's all a bit female heavy but that's Hasbro's fault for skipping all of them.
Honestly, with everyone above I would consider us caught up to DD with D+ figs.
It also doesn't include a picture of the box anywhere. Could be an indication he is part of the wave. Otherwise, why hide the box?
@e-rock I hope so too. I recently sold my iron monger, so I'm throwing in the villain towel aside from Avengers movie bad guys, but it would be great if they finally did Abomination anyway.