It's a good question about the female faces - I did recently buy the classic Storm statue and the face looks decent enough - though of course the eyes are pupil-less which makes the painting a little easier. In examining that Jim Lee cover closely it doesn't look like anybody got drawn with any pupils on that either though - so bullet dodged, I guess.
The sculpt work on the figures thus far has been very nice as well and my only gripe has been the aggressive use of the black paint shading on them. I am eager to get the Beast in hand, and who knows... maybe they'll do such a good job on Archangel or Colossus I won't be able to resist.
It's a good question about the female faces - I did recently buy the classic Storm statue and the face looks decent enough - though of course the eyes are pupil-less which makes the painting a little easier. In examining that Jim Lee cover closely it doesn't look like anybody got drawn with any pupils on that either though - so bullet dodged, I guess.
That's a good point, as I hadn't thought of that Storm. Her piping on the cape was orange though as I remember, not yellow like the comic, which I thought was weird. I have my own issues with Cyclops' blue forehead. I'm interested to see how Colossus looks as "semi-metallic" looking paint might look odd with the black drop-shadows and shading you mentioned. I guess the test will be Psylocke, as even Marvel Legends struggles with making her look sufficiently Asian at times. One thing I always noticed about Jim Lee's art as a kid was that he draws eyes that are on a character medium-distance away as little brackets with empty space between, rather than a cohesive fully formed eye unless it's whited out. I liked how Beast looked but the two "Quicksilver" whisps on his head I'll have to see how they look from the front as I'm wondering if they just gave him that to simulate the Logan-styled hair he had in the 90s. Overall I enjoy the statues so far, but my biggest issue is if McFarlane really botches one and then I'm left with choosing between having to buy it or discarding the continuity of the project. Increasingly I'm noticing that Wolverine's statue doesn't really look like the artwork from the page in the face, so I have to accept that this is mostly a "close enough / meant to be viewed at a distance" line.
That's a good point, as I hadn't thought of that Storm. Her piping on the cape was orange though as I remember, not yellow like the comic, which I thought was weird.
In hand and up close it's really more of a goldenrod - but it's not as yellow as it probably should be - and doesn't match the yellow they used on the "X-Men" logo just inches a way, so odd choice.
Overall I enjoy the statues so far, but my biggest issue is if McFarlane really botches one and then I'm left with choosing between having to buy it or discarding the continuity of the project. Increasingly I'm noticing that Wolverine's statue doesn't really look like the artwork from the page in the face, so I have to accept that this is mostly a "close enough / meant to be viewed at a distance" line.
Yeah - I think since these are static these are meant even more to be 'put 'em on the shelf and admire" than any action figures - so the viewed at a distance thing is real.
The X-Men 1 cover is cool, but my favorite Jim Lee cover was always the cover used for the 1991 annual. Would love to see that done in statue form
Yeah - I think since these are static these are meant even more to be 'put 'em on the shelf and admire" than any action figures - so the viewed at a distance thing is real.
The irony is I have a number of Sideshow and XM Studios X-Men statues and I will sit and obsess over a $30 statue's looks, or a Marvel Legend on paint apps. At some point I'm going to have to remind myself "How many Gambits, Colossi, Omegas Red, and Nightcrawlers do you really need?"
The struggle is real, man.
The X-Men 1 cover is cool, but my favorite Jim Lee cover was always the cover used for the 1991 annual. Would love to see that done in statue form
Good grief don't tempt me. These two are one's I'd like to see but I dunno how well the Jubilee one would sell, but I like the family aspect.
I actually have statues of a couple of my favorite X-Men covers already - Uncanny X-Men 133 and Uncanny X-Men 137 so I can't get too greedy there.
The one I would love would be Jungle Action 23
Simple, but sill one of my all time favorite Black Panther pictures ever. I would love a nice 10" McFarlane statue of that image.
I'm trying to think of what other iconic covers work that feature a single character in classic pose and... its tough... Daredevil 181 is a fantastic cover but wouldn't work very well in this format... there's plenty of stuff like that.
I actually have statues of a couple of my favorite X-Men covers already - Uncanny X-Men 133 and Uncanny X-Men 137 so I can't get too greedy there.
The one I would love would be Jungle Action 23
Simple, but sill one of my all time favorite Black Panther pictures ever. I would love a nice 10" McFarlane statue of that image.
I'm trying to think of what other iconic covers work that feature a single character in classic pose and... its tough... Daredevil 181 is a fantastic cover but wouldn't work very well in this format... there's plenty of stuff like that.
I've never been a huge Black Panther fan, but I do like his aspect of being able to fight crime / common stuff and not always being in "King" related storylines, similar to how Aquaman's best adventures are the ones where everything isn't about him being the king. I think if they gave Black Panther some leeway like they give Batman where he can confront ALL sorts of criminals and didn't pigeonhole him as the "king" side of stories all the time (or rather more recently) he'd probably get a lot more traction. I'm not saying have him totally abandon what makes him unique, but I feel like he's a character who's unique suited to a jungle-based landscape, similar to how the Phantom is, or Spiderman is in NYC. He has a Batman quality in that he has to deal with issue from both worlds, and his ability to step into either is what gives the character breadth in my opinion.
Anytime McF wants to do this cover and look, I'd buy it full price:
Now that McF's doing the X-Men 1 cover characters isn't it weird that they went classic Storm inside of a Storm that matched that line-up?
I think the will do a Storm to match that line up as well... I think they are just spacing them out a bit - so far they've only done Magneto, Cyclops and Wolverine with Beast upcoming.
At first I thought he might be releasing them based on the individual covers - Magneto was on a cover by himself and he came out. Wolverine and Cyclops were on a cover together and they both came out. But if that were the logic Iceman was also on that cover with Wolvie and Cyc but instead Beast was next.
Instead it looks like Todd may be moving from Foreground to Back with his choices. Magneto is furthest forward so he went first. Wolverine is next and he came second. Cyclops is next and he was third. Beast is next and he is coming fourth... If that is indeed the logic then Gambit is probably next, followed by Storm, then Psylocke, then Rogue, then Colossus, then Jean, then Iceman and finally Professor X
Of course the order up to now might also just be random and the order the rest of the way might be random as well... who knows.