Scoured some YouTube reviews (ugh) for the answer: the pole is not removable in the smaller Spider-Man statue. Booooo.
Back to the store he'll eventually go.
Unless - does anyone have this guy in their Legends display and see if he looks good? Maybe the pole is worth it if he does.
The figure is definitely removeable from the pole, I have mine off the stand right now. It just slides into a hole in his back, nothing gluing or locking it on.
I had a $10 promotional certificate to Best Buy and nothing there that I wanted, so I decided to get the smaller McFarlane Spider-Man and wee what these are like in hand. The Todd McFarlane-style Spider-Man has never been my favorite interpretation of the character, but there is something fun about having a McFarlane Toys Spider-Man based on McFarlane art.
The bigger Spidey is removable; the smaller one is not. At least according to YouTube. Which is a sentence I regret having to write.
The bigger Spidey is removable; the smaller one is not. At least according to YouTube. Which is a sentence I regret having to write.
I don't know what Youtube video you're referring to, but I have the smaller McFarlane Spider-Man and it's definitely removeable. I've removed it.
I was skeptical about these, and I don't care for the ones with cross-hatching, but the clean Spidey ones are great. I was hoping we'd get 1/6 versions of all of them, but doesn't seem like that's the plan going forward - does anyone know for sure? I really wanted to add that Ditko Spidey in 1/6 scale, but now appears all are 1/10.
I saw the 1/6 Cap "statue" at Target on Saturday and was really tempted, but for $50 I couldn't pull the trigger. It looks nice though, the art translates well and I suppose if there's a sale or something I will probably grab it.
Man... that Miles 1/10 joint is noice! My resolve is weakening on these... if the price on these 1/10 pieces was like $35 they'd be instant purchases. At $50, I am hesitating.
I finally saw the Layton Iron Man one and oof. That thing looks rough. I adore the Layton cover they used as inspiration and the rendered sculpture is just garbage. It looks nothing like the illustration and is marred by a bunch of cross hatching and black paint that the original image doesn't have. It's like Todd couldn't resist "McFarlane-ing" it and he ruined it. It's honestly terrible, and it was the one piece I thought was a guaranteed purchase.
Man... that Miles 1/10 joint is noice! My resolve is weakening on these... if the price on these 1/10 pieces was like $35 they'd be instant purchases. At $50, I am hesitating.
But the 1/10 ones are $30, it's the larger 1/6 figures that are $50.
Yup... that's me all jumbled..
Here's the thing with these for me - I like the scale of the 1/6th but don't love the price for the feel... and I don't love the scale of the 1/10 offerings... too small for me to want to bother with something pre-posed.
If I can get the Captain America one marked down or on sale I'll buy it. And that Wolverine from the Hulk 340 cover... that one I'll end up getting too.
So the new wave of statues is up for pre-order at BBTS right now. The 1/6 Wolverine from Hulk 340 is probably going to be too hard to resist - even at $50. The Jim Lee Magneto is pretty nice too - even if the 1/10 scale feels tiny... the rest I think I can pass on.
Magneto looks cool until you see the textures. Yuck. They clash and they are era-inappropriate.
Might be worth a clearance pick-up for the background and base.
BTW, Spidey 1:10 was on sale in store at Best Buy yesterday for $21.99.
Yeah, I was wondering about the weird texture on the costume... McFarlane can't get out of his own way man. Even the Wolverine from the Hulk cover would look better without so much cross hatching and black paint. Make it look cleaner, man and it will be even nicer. It's so weird.
I picked up 1/10 Wolverine, Deadpool, and Spider-Man from GameStop when they were doing a Buy 2 Get 1 Free a week or two ago. At $20 apiece they’re pretty neat. Plastic quality’s surprisingly good for the price.
I actually don’t find the texture on Wolverine all that glaring in person. I’d still prefer it not be there, but the shading’s heavy enough to draw the eye away from it. If it was a bigger piece it’d be way more distracting. He’s probably my favorite of the three. I like Spidey but he’s just not as nice as the 1/6 one at all. Paint on the web lines was much crisper than I was expecting.
I really don’t feel like these are 1/10 at all after having them in hand. Wolverine is exactly the same size as the new AXM Wolverine and Deadpool’s barely a cm taller than ML’s generally undersized Deadpools. Can’t say any of them felt worth $30, but at $20 they’re kind of fun as a desk thing.
Looks like the second wave is out. I spotted Green Goblin, Venom, and Miles at Target this morning. Green Goblin looks sort of goofy (I wasn’t really ever a fan of how Todd McFarlane drew faces in the 90s), Miles seems just perfectly spot-on, and Venom just looks disappointingly weird.
Venom’s really showing the limitations of trying to perfectly have a cover recreated as a full-body statue. I’m certain that it’d be a great cropped photo, but it really looks like the hulk trying a ridiculous T-Rex tiny-hands impression. I wanted a McFarlane Venom from McFarlane, but the pose just really looks bizarre in 3d.
The line is expanding with Storm, Sam Wilson Captain America, Cyclops, Daredevil and Spidey.