@schizm I'm with you. The first costume in The Marvels looks fantastic. The second one is pretty bleh.
Fun movie! Extra psyched to have these figures already. I really liked Carol’s first outfit in the movie, and I agree that the folded down casual version looked cool. But is also like her second suit a lot.
Dar-Benn had a lot of cool action scenes! She got the kind of fights I wanted to see from Ronan, so that was cool. I would definitely get a figure of Dar-Ben if Hasbro made one. And a figure of the black armored Kree soldiers with the helmets.
I can't believe that the Marvels release date has come and gone and there's been no comic Carol figure anywhere to be found. Literally all of them are on the table for a first crack or an update. Get to it Hasbro!
@h-bird I think there's still a good chance we get her next year. They confirmed the Beyond Earth's Mightiest promotion is continuing into 2024 with Wasp, and Carol as Ms. Marvel is one of the few remaining characters from that key art we haven't seen in figure form yet (classic Falcon being the other major holdout).
I just hope that if they do get around to original costume Carol Ms. Marvel that they don’t color her legs blue. There’s been a trend with Marvel art lately to try to gaslight us into thinking she had long pants with that costume.
@hbhfback It's a good point and I hope you're right! Seems like a missed opportunity to not time it with the movie though. Maybe they have a whole slate of offerings that include Carol and didn't want to do a one-off. Would be great to get another set similar to this year that included classic Falcon as well!
@thor-el I actually think the costume looks waaay better with pants, but the stickler in me wants it to be accurate to the era so I hope they keep to the OG design. Although I could forgive them if the pants came with an extra head to make Dr. Minerva:
OG Carol with a Dark Ms. Marvel head is long overdue but at this point so is an upgraded figure of the modern Captain Marvel suit. I upgraded the head on the Odin wave figure but she needs double-jointed elbows.
Yeah I can't decide which of those two I want more, to be honest. I'd love to see her get the full articulation of the Target exclusive Black Widow and sculpted costume details - that level of effort would make it a figure of the year contender for me.