@schizm I bought Antman for $7.50 and Kang for $12.50 just today. A few of the others still rang up full price though. On Tuesday this week they were all full price. Keep checking. There were no tags indicating they were on clearance either; I just checked them on the in-store scanner.
Finally picked up Heroes Return Iron Man. Really love this era that the armor is from! I think enhancing the glowing bits in his gauntlets, the pocket things on his hips, his helmet, and arc reactor would really help capture the look I remember from Pacheco's art. Has anyone done any successful touchups of those areas? It looks like the sculpt work is already there, just needs some extra attention.
Wasn't intending to pick up most of this wave, but I've found them all on clearance at Target either in stores or via their Bullseye Deals eBay account. Kamala arrives in a few days for me to complete Hulk.
He seemed too similar to that MCU smart Hulk figure for me to much care about this new version. Is he sneakily better than that one?
Still wishing Dar-Benn got made cause while I think there will be demand beyond this year for a High Evolutionary and he will get made, Dar-Benn I think is going the way of Malekith and Whiplash and just never happening
Dunno why they decided to choose this Captain Marvel costume instead of the second one, especially when
I would buy the second costume in a heartbeat; it's the best look MCU Carol has had by far.
@enigmaticclarity Definitely the best use of that body so far. Really stands out on the shelf against other Hulks with the bright colors. Can hit some great bodybuilding poses with that body too that work well with the smug face
Before the wave was shown but we knew the breakdown, there was a promo still from the last act of the trio in their final suits and I posted it here assuming those would be the figures. And still surprised I was wrong heh.
I like that suit because it is sorta the MCU version of her classic Ms Marvel suit.
I love the first one in The Marvels. The exposed forearms make her look strong and the belt breaks up her very slender body so it also looks more strong then teeny. The second outfit looks more like PJs, like what normal humans could buy to look like Carol.
I actually really liked her just in a tank top with the costume folded down, like a pilot.
Hoping for a powered up Monica at some point with a less bored expression.
Edited for clarity - her first Marvels suit is the one I prefer.
I actually came to like the first one more after a while. I appreciated the simplicity of it.
I edited my comment to clarify I meant her first suit in The Marvels.
Which Dar-Benn look would people want? She's got three distinct looks! My favorite is her Aladna look with the "dress." And she needs to have her teeth bared to show off the grill! 🙄
The corset look of her last outfit is fine, but feels generic, and the last thing we need is a giant shell of a coat like her other look.
I knew what you meant but thank you.
I edited my comment to clarify I meant her first suit in The Marvels.
Which Dar-Benn look would people want? She's got three distinct looks! My favorite is her Aladna look with the "dress." And she needs to have her teeth bared to show off the grill! 🙄
The corset look of her last outfit is fine, but feels generic, and the last thing we need is a giant shell of a coat like her other look.
This would be the look I would want if they made her. I want to find a Dar-Benn esque head though for a kitbash I am gonna do
I'm sure the 3D Printers will have a Dar-Benn head for sale soon enough.