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Marvels—Totally Awesome Hulk wave

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Was gonna pass on this wave but got sucked into the majesty of Amadeus Cho/Brawn/TAH.

I liked the Cmdr Rogers fig better than I expected -- particularly the inclusion of the energy shield, which they skipped on last time.  However, no extra hands, no pistols, and a weirdly small wrist clip on the shield took away some of my enthusiasm.

Karnak is great.  Could've been shorter.  Meh.  I like his chop hands.

The Marvels themselves are great, and I'm quite looking forward to the movie.  I generally have cut the cable on MCU figs, but I wanted Monica, am a sucker for Kamala/Iman, and liked the pinless Carol.  Sue me.

Still need Noh-Varr, but he'll turn up at some point. Not a character I have much specific love for, but looks cool enough.

I passed on HR Iron Man.  Not a fan of that era and don't need another Iron Man -- esp one without a BAF piece.

The Ghost
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Yeah, this is a very lacklustre wave for me personally. I don't really need Iron Man/Cap variants, and the other comic characters are just not in my wheelhouse.

I kinda like the BAF, I do like Hulk figures, but not really too essential for me.

I did pick up Photon today. I do collect MCU but don't need every version of every character, but obviously this is the first Photon. Damn, she is thiiiiccccc. <3 I'm glad they didn't make her generic in that area, if you know what I mean!

I thought about getting Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel... buuuuut.... damn that Carol Danvers looks boring. I just can't do it. I also HATE painted skin on figures. Really wish they could have just made those separate pieces like they're doing with necks here and there. And Ms Marvel I really only want for the Flerkin. 😛 I have zero attachment to the character and I have the Disney+ figure already. Maybe I'll like the movie, who knows. But happy to wait for now.

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I like all of the figures in the wave but after seeing the promo pics I wish we'd gotten a figure of Carol's other suit, the Mar-Vell inspired one.

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Does anyone have the leg from Carol they wanna part with?

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This wave came and went at my Targets, long before they could stick around for half off clearance. Would definitely have gone for extras of Rogers, Iron Man, maybe Karnak too.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posted by: @normdapito

This wave came and went at my Targets, long before they could stick around for half off clearance.

Same for me. I only ever saw IM and Marvel Boy.
I've ordered the rest because of Cho. Hadn't realized that Com Rogers didn't have extra hands or guns. I'll have to source a solution for that oversight. Anyone interested in the MCU figures minus their BAF part?

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Posted by: @normdapito

This wave came and went at my Targets, long before they could stick around for half off clearance. Would definitely have gone for extras of Rogers, Iron Man, maybe Karnak too.


There was a lone Karnak at my Target today. He was the only ML not ringing up on sale. 


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Posted by: @effigy

Posted by: @normdapito

This wave came and went at my Targets, long before they could stick around for half off clearance. Would definitely have gone for extras of Rogers, Iron Man, maybe Karnak too.


There was a lone Karnak at my Target today. He was the only ML not ringing up on sale. 


There’s a lone Karnak at mine too. But the package is ripped open and the BAF part is taken. 


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I ended up getting Marvel Boy from Amazon to finish my Cho.  Turned out to be one of my faves along with Karnak.


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Posted by: @normdapito

There’s a lone Karnak at mine too. But the package is ripped open and the BAF part is taken. 


I think it's weird that someone would want to build the BaF Cho Hulk figure but not want Karnak.


In my opinion, Karnak is one of the top 5 Marvel Legends released this year.   Okay... that's really 5 favorite as opposed to objectively "best",  and to be fair, my tastes do run heavily classic so that list would include:


Classic Monica Captain Marvel,  Blob, Ronan the Accuser and Yondu.


Safari Jacket Wonder-Man would have made the list if he were a tad bigger.   


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I could not sell off the Karnak figure that came with my Amadeus Cho arm fast enough.

Different strokes.

I've now tried to snag this wave on clearance at multiple Targets and though some have the shelf sticker of half off, all the figures ring up full price. Has anyone tried to check out to see if they are ringing up half price at the register?

new batman
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Posted by: @red_ogre
Anyone interested in the MCU figures minus their BAF part?

I’m interested for the marvel ladies, pm for an offer.


Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 586

Posted by: @new-batman

Posted by: @red_ogre
Anyone interested in the MCU figures minus their BAF part?

I’m interested for the marvel ladies, pm for an offer.


Right on! I'll chuck a Putrid Marshmallow your way with my conditions. 😀

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Posted by: @new-batman

Posted by: @red_ogre
Anyone interested in the MCU figures minus their BAF part?

I’m interested for the marvel ladies, pm for an offer.



Wait......we can PM on this new forum?  How?


new batman
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 352

Hmm yeah you got me there…. Forgot we don’t have a pm service.

not sure how this will work…

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