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Marvels—Totally Awesome Hulk wave

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Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Really like the Marvels—Totally Awesome Hulk wave! Some fantastic comic figures like my long-wanted Heroes Return Iron Man. And some great MCU figures. 

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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I like this wave too, but it felt sparse when it came down to it. 

I have no attachment to Noh Varr, so that figure does very little for me.

Karnak is a very welcome addition to the Inhumans, but I had hoped he’d be on the Sunfire body. They really should retire this Pizza Spidey body.

Commander Rogers is so mixed. I think the mussed up hair sculpt is dumb and out of character. His shield clip is now smaller than all previous clips, and will likely stress and break if I put it on his wrist. I’d actually prefer if they packed him with just the twin pistols instead, but they didn’t give him gun grip hands anyway. Was excited, but that turned quickly to disappointment.

Heroes Return Iron Man is fine, though is from an era I’m really not familiar with. Still a good addition to the armory.

The Marvels are pretty good. Still not making Kamala thick enough. Fortunately Monica got some of that. I love Carol’s costume this time around, maybe my favorite design for her since the black lightning one piece with high boots and gloves. But Kamala and Monica’s foreheads are too big/exposed, and Carol’s is too small. Strange.

Amadeus Cho is excellent. Really happy to have a new member of the Hulk family, and a new Champions member. I still gotta make room for him on the shelf.

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Happy with my MCU figures, but still wish Dar-Benn got made. But alas.

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Karnak really should have been on smaller body. The whole point of the character is he is small but packs a big wallop. He's like 5'7" with that forehead. So he's like 5'4" guy with a thin frame. He should have been on AF Spidey at best or even a teen body.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Love finally having a figure of Karnak, but I agree that the Amazing Fantasy Spider-Man body would have been ideal. 

Really like having this new Captain Marvel with the double pinless joints. I want more energy effects for her and the other Marvels. Really hope we get a pinless comic Carol Danvers sometime soon. 

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So far I only have Karnak and Marvel Boy, love em both, I’ll eventually nab the Iron Man and the bad parts for Amadeus Cho Hulk

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Where does this Marvel Boy in this costume fit? What era/team?

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I believe he wore that outfit with both Young Avengers and GotG

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I picked up the Heroes Return Iron Man instantly because I’ve REALLY been wanting that armor. He’s now the main Iron Man in display. 

I also just picked up Karnak, and like him a lot. 

I’ve been considering the Commander Rogers, but really don’t feel much desire for him. I really only want the shield so I can swap that onto a 20th Cap for that Busiek/Perez look from time to time. But I don’t think the cost is worth it just for that. 

I’ve no desire for any of the other figures in the wave, nor the BaF. 

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Love that shot of the wave Akat! Great way to start the thread.

A Fwoosher hooked me up with the Hulk pieces from the movie figs, and that's all I've got so far (don't collect MCU, but I might have to pick Monica up down the line - great looking figure, love the character). Very excited to pick up the rest - I've been rereading all the Avengers books starting after Disassembled since I got Extremis earlier this year, and Commander Rogers and Noh-Varr fit right into that era. IM is a long-time favorite look, Karnak is obviously hugely overdue to add to the Inhumans, and Cho Hulk is a personal favorite that I still can't believe they made! Great stuff.

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I love the new Commander Rogers figure-except for the head. I have an extra 20th Cap Steve Rogers head I put on him instead and I am using the Commander Rogers head for the Ultimate Cap's Steve Rogers head. The expression and haircut fit better I think. I have been putting the shield clip on after turning his hands horizontal and it seems to be working okay. Makes the wrist not as bulky. The c clip with this one seems more pliable and not as stiff to me.

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Is there something really wrong about Cap's hair? To me it looks exactly like it did during the Secret Avengers run. 

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@onetwelfthghoul for me it is just the expression more than the hair and it looks more Ultimates style.

Flexion Dynamo
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Besides Karnak, this wave was an Easy Pass. As usual, Iron Man will go on my Amazon wish list for eventual clearance.


Otherwise I was happy for the break! 

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