At least the way he's constructed easily lends itself to a classic faceplate in the future. Or maybe some intrepid customizer could make and sell a classic Lockjaw face? Hmmmmm Benty hmmmmm?
I've never thought of this before, but Lockjaw and Crystal both have these nebulous black bands as part of their designs. Is Crystal wearing a headband, or is it actual color in her hair? Does Lockjaw have an actual moustache?
I also thought Lockjaw's human/humanoid origins were canon, but it appears to be ambiguous at best. See "Notes" section here:
In Thing #3, writer John Byrne had Lockjaw himself reveal he possesses the ability to talk, as well as the fact that he's an Inhuman whose appearance was deformed to that of a dog due to exposure to Terrigen Mists. Apparently, many people at Marvel hated the idea, and said revelation was retconned in X-Factor #71, when Quicksilver disclosed to Multiple Man that the instance of the revelation was a prank meant for The Thing carried out by Karnak and Gorgon, who used the dog's antenna as a high-powered transmitter to make it seem as if he talked.[82]
According to X-Factor writer Peter David, this explanation for the retcon was meant to be absurd so it could be ambiguous whether Quicksilver was telling the truth or lying to Multiple Man. Fans who disliked Byrne's revelation could embrace the retcon, and those who liked it could look for reasons that Quicksilver was, in fact, lying to Madrox. David himself presented a theory to disprove his own reaction, arguing that if in Thing #3 it was revealed that Lockjaw's status was the Inhumans' darkest secret, Quicksilver could've come up with the prank explanation to throw Multiple Man off the track.
The flashback from Black Bolt #5 confirmed Lockjaw's origin as a dog, altered at birth due to Inhumans' experiments.
That is one weird ret-con from Byrne. I bought that Thing series off the stands for at least the first dozen or so issues and read it, but I forgot about that completely.
Wouldn't the Inhumans' darkest secret be that they had a group of enslaved sentient persons under their city for eons?
Yeah I think the finally settled on Lockjaw being a dog.
I would just like to chime in with the reminder that neither Phoenix nor Crystal/Lockjaw are part of the 85th Anniversary sub-line. That is all.
Was Odin part of the 85th line? The Odin figure came out amazing. Beautifully sculpted armor. Really nice colors.
Was Odin part of the 85th line? The Odin figure came out amazing. Beautifully sculpted armor. Really nice colors.
Yes Odin is part of the 85th Anniversary.
Dan Ketch, Carol Danvers, Skaar, Astonishing Wolvie, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, Hulkbuster, Superior Spidey, retro card Venom, and Iron Patriot/Doom/Taskmaster are the ten sets.
@normdapito Thanks, Norm! Man, I loved all of those 85th anniversary figures!