MSWord posted in the Muppet and LOTR threads. Hopefully he also has Marvel newd
I went and looked at his posts, and surprisingly he said they will soon be posting pre-orders for new LOTR figures. New pre-orders implies that Diamond's toy manufacturing either has been going on or will keep going on at least a bit further. 😍
MSWord posted in the Muppet and LOTR threads. Hopefully he also has Marvel newd
Excited to receive some Marvel newds 😳
I have no Marvel information, and we are not soliciting a new MS figure any time soon, but I am hoping that sometime in the next month I will announce that one of the previously solicited MS figures is shipping to stores. The factories were recently shut down for Chinese New Year, but we are still shipping product, mostly statues and busts.
You know we're all hoping is Annihilus.
DST and Gentle Giant are assets up for auction on March 24.
Found some ToyFair pics on Instagram:
Marvel Select - mostly what we've seen before, but it's also our first look at some of Hobgoblin's accessories
The Mr. Sinister bust is EXACTLY what I was hoping it would be, aside from the cut in his neck - wish that wasn't just a straight line in that area, if it could be moved to his jawline or something that would be infinitely better. BUT - design-wise, he's the last one I *need* in my collection, aside from a Dark Phoenix variant.
Cable looks like Cable. He and Sunspot are definitely on the maybe list, but Sunspot's paint apps now including a glow around each yellow bubble really helps him look less leprous.
Archangel is going onto my ML shelf assuming he doesn't end up 8" tall, because Bucky Archangel I'm very much over.
Thanks for the links!
Pictures of Deadpool and Wolverine
Wolverine looks much better here than he did in the promo pics.
I don't think I realized War Machine has a swappable torso. That's pretty rad. I'm hoping these are all finished samples and not prototypes they had on display. I'm getting so antsy about these figures. There are days where I convince myself that they aren't coming and I can live without them. Then I see pics like these and think we deserve them.
I think it's just the chestplate that's swappable and the extra torso is just there for display/demonstration purposes. I seem to recall they did something similar with Captain America when it was making the rounds at the conventions so they could show off the swappable neck and cowl.
Very happy to see them still showing off their Marvel figures. I've got Annihilus, Archangel, and War Machine preordered. The latter two aren't even going to be fudgeable in my 6" collection, they just look too good to pass up.