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@jroug yes, I know, I meant "shut down" in the sense that they're not going to scrap whatever work has started. If they've already contracted someone to cut molds, for instance, then they're likely to continue as that would be a major sunk cost. Projects that have not left the digital phase are the ones that could be in danger, especially if the Marvel license is non-transferable.

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Posted by: @stjjames

Just got notification that Annhilus is expected to arrive from Amazon on Thursday.

Did you get an actual shipping notification? Mine is marked as "Arriving Friday" in my orders, but nothing has shipped and I definitely don't get packages in two days where I am.

I had Annihilus preordered elsewhere but put in the order with Amazon when the bankruptcy news broke - figured there was a possibility of uneven distribution.


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Posted by: @h-bird

Posted by: @stjjames

Just got notification that Annhilus is expected to arrive from Amazon on Thursday.

Did you get an actual shipping notification? Mine is marked as "Arriving Friday" in my orders, but nothing has shipped and I definitely don't get packages in two days where I am.

I had Annihilus preordered elsewhere but put in the order with Amazon when the bankruptcy news broke - figured there was a possibility of uneven distribution.


No shipping notice yet, but it shows that the package is expected tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll get a "shipped" notice before end of day today.


hmmberto reacted
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I hope that I'm wrong, but I'm expecting that you'll be receiving an email within the next 24 hours letting you know that this has been delayed like I recently got for the Batman Beyond Batmobile that was supposed to arrive this past Monday. Good luck, though - I certainly hope that it shows up as indicated!

Magneto Was Right
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Yeah, I don't have a lot of hope for Annihilus, let alone this month or early next.

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I mean... there's zero chance Annihilus is shipping to customers this week.    I don't know that we need to be entirely pessimistic that he will ship eventually.   I assume he'll be too far along in production to not be distributed,  but this week is entirely pipe dreaming.

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If the long delays are because DST hasn't had the funds to pay the factories and/or shipping companies for these figures (which I assume is the case), then how would figures start shipping before the ch. 11 restructure occurs? There are many DST figures I REALLY want them to produce, and I certainly want folks to stay employed. I am just trying to understand this better and better set my expectations. Funds would have had to come in months ago for figures to be shipping now, right? I know the press release mentioned funding from JP Morgan. Is it possible that money is already available to DST?

I'm hoping for the best for the employees and collectors!

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@bills-all-day we don't know the specifics. Companies don't file Chapter 11 because they have no money on hand, it's usually because their debt far outstrips their income to the point where it's becoming a problem to secure more financing, make regular debt payments, and so on. They probably have operating capital to keep the business moving, but may have had to let go of people along the supply chain which causes things to slow down. It's also a big company with lots of sections to it walled off. The distribution arm was the one that initially ran into problems, Diamond Select could be operating under a business as usual plan, though actually moving product is probably an issue due to the problems at the distribution level. We don't know. Some of this stuff will get answered when and if a buyer is found.

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My Amazon order page states that Annihilus is scheduled to arrive today by 10pm, but lists it only as "ordered", not "shipped", and in any case that has happened before on Amazon, it's not coming that day. They'll reschedule it tomorrow, probably just calling it pending or something.

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Amazon says mine is coming tomorrow but I am not holding my breath 

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And there it is. Got an email from Amazon saying there's a delay in shipping MS Annihilus, that they'd notify me when they have a delivery date. I had to approve that "I still want this item". Order still exists, no delivery date listed. It's currently my oldest PO on Amazon.

Ducked Up Member
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Yup, same for me.

Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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I've had it pre-ordered on BBTS forever, and it's now funny watching the goalposts shift when it's not in by the end of whatever given month is listed.

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I haven't gotten the email yet but I probably will tomorrow 

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Amazon just told me Annihilus is delayed and I had to confirm I still wanted it.

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