I posted this on another board:
Of those of you who were of actual MEGO playing age, who were your top unmade wants as a kid?
Mine were Iron Fist, Hercules, Nova (Rich Ryder), and Hawkeye. I think I wrote a letter (more like scrawled a letter) outlining my choices, and sent it in to that old Super Hero Catalog (I thought they were the manufacturers!). I recall suggesting that Hercules should have one open hand and one closed hand/fist, like the Lizard, so that he could hold his golden mace.
Ahh, those halcyon days of youthful innocence…
Along with Herc, Iron Fist, Nova, and Hawkeye, a ‘70s black suit Namor and Stingray would have made for cool figures.
Daredevil must have been on the “To do next” list. And maybe Doctor Doom.
The Warriors Three would have been amazing.
And Doctor Doom, Loki, and Abomination for more villains.
I keep on thinking of the list of “What could have been.” ‘70s Captain Britain and the Black Knight? Oh mercy…
They should include the Hulk medallion for the set that includes Hulk, and they really should create one using the design that was made for the unproduced Fantastic Four medallion. That would have been my favorite of the medallions, what with the Thing featured on the front, and the rest of the FF on the back.
Now, as far as who’s coming, we’re getting twelve of the original thirteen Marvel Megos. No Conan, of course.
So, the twelve are Spidey, Lizard, Green Goblin, Hulk, Thor, Cap, Falcon, Iron Man, Thing, Torch, Sue, and Reed.
Electro makes thirteen. Seven to go.
My top contenders are Daredevil, Black Panther, Doctor Doom, Hawkeye, Loki…
Maybe Wolverine….
Namor? Black Widow? Dr. Strange? Silver Surfer?
Iron Fist? He’s perfect for the Mego treatment
Whomever they turn out to be, it’ll be fun to find out. I just hope they stick with pre-80s characters for this twenty-figure wave.
I posted this on another board:
Of those of you who were of actual MEGO playing age, who were your top unmade wants as a kid?
I liked the Marvel team books as a kid. So I wanted Vision, Hawkeye Scarlet Witch b/c I liked the Avengers as a 70s kid. More characters obviously but those were the ones that stood out. Beast too maybe. Back then I associated him with the Avengers. Doom to fight everyone. Cyclops, Phoenix, Nightcrawler, Magneto and Wolverine bc I was an early X-Men adopter. #98 was the 1st issue I bought off the spinner rack ... with my Slurpee.
They should maybe not finish off the original run this time. Keep people on the line for more. I'd take extra speculative characters. Some of the DC speculative ones have been great; Dr Fate, Firestorm, Brainiac.
This being Disney though, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to put Deadpool in there. Ugh!
Don't give them any ideas! That would be terrible.
I don't know if I'm considered "Mego playing age" since I never owned any as a kid, but I did play with my older cousin's Megos when I was at his house. I'm much more interested in the reproduction figures, but there's a few other characters I'd like to see. Red Skull, Dr Doom, Cyclops, Colossus in pajamas like Thing, Hawkeye and Yellowjacket could all be fun.
I'd take any character on either of the Alex Ross hero or villain murals created up to 1980; about the time Mego stopped 8" figures. Def no character past 82 when they went out of business. Assuming they are in a retro styled box. So the cut off is basically She Hulk for me.
I posted this on another board:
Of those of you who were of actual MEGO playing age, who were your top unmade wants as a kid?
They should maybe not finish off the original run this time. Keep people on the line for more. I'd take extra speculative characters. Some of the DC speculative ones have been great; Dr Fate, Firestorm, Brainiac.
I watched an interview with Marty Abrams, and it’s in that video wherein it’s stated that they’re doing the original lineup, and that each set will have a coin. So, unless plans have changed, the nine remaining characters of the twelve I listed should be coming out this year. Along with seven more new characters, Electro being the first of eight.
I posted this on another board:
Of those of you who were of actual MEGO playing age, who were your top unmade wants as a kid?
My number 1 want as a kid was Daredevil. I ended up using the Human Torch body with an old removable cowl from Batman to make a custom DD. I painted the cowl red and used red duct tape for the chest emblem.
I definitely wanted X-Men figures because I used the same Batman cowl to make a custom Wolverine at some point. I used a Planet of the Apes Cornelius head on a Hulk body, painted blue, for Beast.
Vision was another I wanted bad enough to create a custom using an Iron Man head. So, more Avengers would have been great to have.
I posted this on another board:
Of those of you who were of actual MEGO playing age, who were your top unmade wants as a kid?
My number 1 want as a kid was Daredevil. I ended up using the Human Torch body with an old removable cowl from Batman to make a custom DD. I painted the cowl red and used red duct tape for the chest emblem.
I definitely wanted X-Men figures because I used the same Batman cowl to make a custom Wolverine at some point. I used a Planet of the Apes Cornelius head on a Hulk body, painted blue, for Beast.
Vision was another I wanted bad enough to create a custom using an Iron Man head. So, more Avengers would have been great to have.
Nice, and very creative!
Daredevil must have been next on the list for Mego to make. It just makes sense. Just as Flash must have been the next DC character to get the Mego treatment. Probably followed by Green Lantern. Flash, Daredevil, and GL were relatively simple designs.
I had the same experience as mentioned above - I placed an online order when it first went up, it didn't go through, I refreshed and got it.
The shipping to Canada was US$40, so even with the discount I paid CDN$160 plus $20 in duty and brokerage. Still cheaper than what they're going for online, but I may be one and done with these sets at that price (if I'm even lucky enough to snag one next time). Regardless, I'm happy to have this set!