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Marvel Legends X-Men Retro Card Subline

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Marvel Legends Man
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I would like to restart discussions about Hasbro's retro-carded X-Men figures by saying that I can't believe we have not gotten a retro-carded 80s/90s Iceman - what would be a clear homage to the Toybiz 5" figures - that looks like this Crystar figure.

This is exactly the aesthetic that I've always wanted in a base body for Iceman, with the easy option to re-release the same thing, but clear without the blue hue. I'd buy both!

Please, Hasbro. This is a must. This Crystar aesthetic, with some accessories/effects (look at the recent Select figure for inspiration). I'd buy it as a deluxe. Take my money!

Magneto Was Right
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Just FYI for everyone, I believe you can place image links directly into your posts and they should appear. No [img] tags necessary.

Marvel Legends Man
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@tsi Good call, I have edited.

2nd most posts
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Posted by: @tsi

Just FYI for everyone, I believe you can place image links directly into your posts and they should appear. No [img] tags necessary.

How do you do that? I wound up putting in an image as an attachment when I tried...


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Because you uploaded it, you didn't put the link in from another site.

Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @normdapito

Posted by: @tsi

Just FYI for everyone, I believe you can place image links directly into your posts and they should appear. No [img] tags necessary.

How do you do that? I wound up putting in an image as an attachment when I tried...


If you're adding your own image, you'd have to either upload it or use a third-party site like Imgur.

If you're pulling from an existing image, like something from Imgur, the Fwoosh front page, or Toyark, you can just copy and paste the image address.


2nd most posts
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Oh so we still have to use a photo hosting site? I've been uploading via Tapatalk because I let my Photobucket account go inactive. I loved being able to do it directly through Tapatalk, it saved the extra steps of uploading to PB. Oh well.

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Posted by: @normdapito

Oh so we still have to use a photo hosting site? I've been uploading via Tapatalk because I let my Photobucket account go inactive. I loved being able to do it directly through Tapatalk, it saved the extra steps of uploading to PB. Oh well.

I hope the this new version of the forum becomes compatible with Tapatalk! Tapatalk is great for mobile and image upload.


Magneto Was Right
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 1476

Posted by: @normdapito

Oh so we still have to use a photo hosting site? I've been uploading via Tapatalk because I let my Photobucket account go inactive. I loved being able to do it directly through Tapatalk, it saved the extra steps of uploading to PB. Oh well.

Sounds like Tapatalk is incompatible with the new site per the New Forum Function thread in the new Bar With No Name.

Not sure if this is still the case, but Photobucket went way downhill a few years ago. They basically wouldn't allow you to do anything without a paid account. I moved to Imgur after that.


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Posts: 67

Yeah I can see Iceman being remade soon after this (hopefully). Maybe some characters with electrical forms too? Or possibly Vincente?

Imgur is good, I also tried Imgbb (which also seems good) when other members here were having problems seeing imgur posts on the old fwoosh board.

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Yeah hopefully Iceman soon. I don't understand how they keep messing him up. AOA is probably the best one

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I don’t see another retro carded classic  Iceman any time soon as they don’t seem to be an annual wave and they did him again in that Amazing Friends 3 pack with cell shading. 

That said Iceman would be great as a deluxe ala Black widow with several head options, belts, hands ice slide and add ons for the back post and of course an ice slide. Cover several eras of the character all at once. 

As for the Retro Xmen series the last wave was perfect, a mix of rereleases in new decos, and much needed resculpted Toybiz/Dark days Hasbro redos with new sculpts, wait and see on the rumored Wolverine 2 packs that are probably taking the retor Xmen wave’s place next year before we start wishlisting. 

Marvel Legends Man
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@maschine9 I sure hope you're wrong, because that Iceman on the Pizza Spider-Man body was even worse than the retro-carded version.

I think it's safe to say that the majority of us want an Iceman figure with that Crystar translucent aesthetic. Would be a shame if they don't make that happen eventually. Crystar, a character who plenty of collectors have never even heard of, ignited a real buzz just because the figure looks really cool. I think a properly done Iceman in that style would sell well. They could sell it to you multiple ways: clear, clear with blue hue, regular release, deluxe release with effects, etc.


Magneto Was Right
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 1476

I'm not sure how big Crystar is, but if he's reasonably sized, I hope they use him for Iceman. I would imagine they will because the Hasbro team is generally pretty savvy about body re-use. That's pretty much the color I'd like to see Iceman in, too:

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Posts: 79

The two X-Men Retro card waves have been stellar. I really hope they continue releasing them. 


Not taking it in account the recent rumors, here are some wishlists:

White Queen (classic Hellfire, shorter figure)

Jim Lee Psylocke (new body, recent face, more accessories)

Disassembled Psylocke

Outback Psylocke


Angel (blue or red costume)

Banshee (green costume)

Wolverine Brown costume (pinless, newer face)

Wolverine Brown tiger stripe (pinless, newer face)

Storm Jim Lee silver costume

Outback Storm


Outback Colossus

Iceman 90's (clear)


Phoenix (Rachel Excalibur)

Phoenix (Jean green costume)

Goblin Queen


Wolfsbane 90's X-Factor


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