Another thread from the before times that I’d forgotten to bring back.
Out, am I?
Just reviving a thread because I just got the Goblin Electronic Pumpkin (not Bomb because well you know...). Although the French name (I'm in Canada so multilingual packaging) does say "Bombe Citrouille" so.
Anyway I just want to give a shout out and big applause to whoever designed this item. It is just so much fun and well designed. The lights and sounds, plus having them activate differently if you roll it on the ground versus pushing the button. "Chef's Kiss"
I am loving it so much that I might have to track down the Goblin Mask as well, but not at full price. I'll definitely be picking up more Pumpkins though because now I need at least 3. The price is also not too bad. I mean yeah it is small for a role play item, but $50Cdn ($40US?) feels worth it to me. Of course I'll try and pick up more on sale because who doesn't like saving some money. However, as I said, I think the value is there at regular retail price.
I’ve only heard amazing things about the Goblin mask. Among their best role play items.
Now to buy a green hoodie