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Marvel Legends MINI COMICS Series

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Posted by: @akatsuki

I still love BAFs, and they remain some of my favorite figures. They just felt extra special. And I’m not sure if some of these characters would ever be made as deluxe figures. We’ve gotten some fun and obscure characters over the years. I hope BAFs continue. 


I agree with all of this for sure.   Just because I offer analysis for why I think Hasbro is moving away from BaFs doesnt mean i like it.  I love the BaF model... I love Ursa Major, Xemnu, Armadillo, the kinds of big characters well suited for the BaF slot, but probaly not popular enough to get a deluxe figure slot.


I hope the BaF model continues as long Legends does... but it wont shock me if it doesn't.


Akatsuki and fac reacted
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They pushed it a little too far with too many characters themed too far from the BAF or vice versa. 4 or 5 of 6 figures in a wave minimum needed to match the broad theme of the BAF; classic comic, modern comic, MCU.

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Posted by: @misfit

It's possible that Hasbro has found that the BAF isn't doing its job in getting people to buy whole waves. As a casual Marvel fan, I look at that list over the past five years and there's really no one compelling me to buy figures I otherwise wouldn't want. It was easy back in the days of Galactus and Sentinels, but now they're mostly deep cuts to someone like me. Better to just make a stand-alone figure and upcharge it on the basis of it being bigger than usual and sell direct.

The BAF struggle has been a cost issue for Hasbro and a weak sauce selection for us. Looking back at the list from 21-24, there really arent many compelling characters in there. Not to say I haven't bought waves to get some of them, but overall these are not badly wanted figures. Still think there's room for this, and even though I don't care, I know tons of people were dying for Blackheart and Onslaught, so maybe Hasbro is on the upswing with BAF character choice and that will motivate more buyers to buy full waves.

By the same token, I was thinking how standalone Dragon Man would've easily been a BAF in the early days, now he's $90. Wow.


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I think it'd have been better to drop the plastic brick comics and just do a BAF for a deeper cut character you all have been asking for, Marina from Alpha Flight or Namorita or whatever it was.  The packaging is "similar" to old ToyBiz ML stuff, so I'd just have claimed it was another anniversary (of whatever) line.

Banshee's going to be too busy flying in my display to be standing around reading a comic.  Had they included a pipe I might've actually used that.

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OK... orders for all six successfully placed at Amazon.    Love to be done quick.

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Posted by: @jtmarsh


Thank you.


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Yus! Pre-ordered Daken and Banshee.

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Got my preorders in for Rom and Banshee, thanks for the links.

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Ugh. The hi-res photos don't do this wave any favors. Banshee's yellow paint hits look terrible - his color line in particular. And no power effects.

Warlock needed sculpted boots to make this plain buck stand out, non-cut forearms and an alt head. Y'know, what used to be BASIC effort.

I think Ult IM looks pretty good, but it's going to be MCU Ironheart on my shelf. On sale.

No real opinion on ROM - hope he actually comes out this shiny. Unlike IM, which got the swirly silver. 🙄 

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Them taking so long to produce Banshee has me stressing for the first time in a long time about where to order from cos I just want to make sure I've ordered Mr. Cassidy in a set it and forget it way. Just ordered most of the wave on Amazon because I had a meeting before Pulse's links went live. ROM, too, definitely was stressed about missing him. 

Daken was an easy pickup, I don't have him anywhere in my collection yet. I know there's some meh about Warlock but I got him anyway because it adds one more option for him on the shelf. (I Might still like the older one more?) I've got so many Miles and Tonys I'm on the fence about those two, though I think I would rather display this look/age for Miles and they did do a great job on Ultimate IM here. Who am I kidding, I'll end up ordering both before lunch today. 

Magneto Was Right
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They had to overproduce Banshee, right? He's the clear standout in this wave.

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Posted by: @tsi

They had to overproduce Banshee, right? He's the clear standout in this wave.

Do they actually make fewer or more of particular figures in a wave? I imagine they make equal amounts of each figure to fill a case. Then again, Hasbro seems to ship solid cases of characters as well. But my guess is that they’re equally produced.


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Posted by: @schizm

Ugh. The hi-res photos don't do this wave any favors. Banshee's yellow paint hits look terrible - his color line in particular. And no power effects.

Warlock needed sculpted boots to make this plain buck stand out, non-cut forearms and an alt head. Y'know, what used to be BASIC effort.

I think Ult IM looks pretty good, but it's going to be MCU Ironheart on my shelf. On sale.

Plus them purposely leaving out a two-clawed hand for Daken.

And I'm just now noticing the hips on Miles.  Oh no......

All of the above is textbook Hasbro.


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Please consider using anyone but Amazon when ordering these. Especially with how Bezos has bent the knee to you-know-who now.


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