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Marvel Legends MINI COMICS Series

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How much of the budget could the mini-comics possibly be? I'm not thinking that it's either a mini-comic or an extra head or extra articulation or anything important being lost in exchange.

Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @fac

A QR code and the associated URL to view a digital comic would be shared online in about 5 minutes so maybe they figured it wouldn't really be that much of a factor in sales - wonder if springing for unique codes in each package would be worth the effort. 

In a different era, a spinner rack accessory would make for a great mail-away redemption - submit maybe 12 proof of purchases from the cardbacks and get a free (+shipping and handling) spinner rack.

Who cares if it were a shared URL? Honestly the best thing Marvel could do is give away some free comics to entice new readers. That's worth way more than future digital comic sales for Infinity Gauntlet #1.

Not to mention the fact that comics are some of the most readily available pirated content online.


supreme_d, Red Ogre, rocko and 2 people reacted
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The figures in this wave seem to have the same amount of stuff that comes with retro carded figures. It doesn't seem obvious to me that any budget is being taken here - it's just a gimmick to theme the waves together. Would I prefer a BAF? Abso-lutely. But we're years into the retro waves and I've accepted it's a normal part of the line, and this wave seems like basically the same thing.

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Posted by: @fac

How much of the budget could the mini-comics possibly be? 

How much of the budget could making Jean's boots accurate possibly be?  I really don't care about the mini comic, it's just puzzling watching this toy line operate sometimes.

I'm down for ROM.  He's going to be this year's Crystar for me.  No attachment to the character but I know of him and my 80's nostalgia will prompt me to finally pick up the comic now that the toy is out.  Crystar #1 and #2 didn't hook me but I still have his ML figure.

Banshee will probably be a pick up.  No one here expected anything more than a Vulcan buck with the three pack head and wings, did they?  He was on a lot of want lists but he was never going to be anything more than this.  He checks the box, though.

Warlock's low effort is disappointing.  I'm always a bit let down when thigh-high boots are painted on.  I would have preferred his original look but a dedicated sculpt for the 90's look would have made me bite.

I'm indifferent toward the others.


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Posted by: @tsi

Who cares if it were a shared URL? Honestly the best thing Marvel could do is give away some free comics to entice new readers. That's worth way more than future digital comic sales for Infinity Gauntlet #1.

Not to mention the fact that comics are some of the most readily available pirated content online.

That's the point though, Hasbro is trying to sell toys, not comics, and having a QR code that will be shared instantly does nothing to entice people to buy a toy. If Marvel or Marvel Unlimited wants to get people into comics, they can promote free issues all they want. 

The mini-comic, even if many think it is pointless, is at least exclusive to the toy and may add value for some folks. 


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Posted by: @yojoebro82

Posted by: @fac

How much of the budget could the mini-comics possibly be? 

How much of the budget could making Jean's boots accurate possibly be?   

Those are separate issues, and I assume the lack of paint for Jean's boots is an oversight and not some cost-saving measure. I was mainly responding to those who felt the budget for the mini-comic would be better served elsewhere - I am unconvinced that applying that money elsewhere would result in too much extra in the package. Those things can't be more than a few cents.


hmmberto reacted
Magneto Was Right
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Jean's boots could've been a cost-saving measure, we don't know. They'd have to be painted on. That wouldn't be the case if the women had dedicated boot swivels, by the way.

It's odd because she's pictured with yellow boots on the cardback.


TheGillMan reacted
Basil Elks
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They can make Madcap for this series, and have the comic that he comes with be Ghost Rider #33. It's not his first appearance, but it is a significant issue, for him. 🙂

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@fac That's why I postulated a griping hand AND a comic could price out to one extra character thematic hand. Not like I shot for the moon. Rogue glove hand, Cap salute hand, etc.

TFitz reacted
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These non-baf waves save me money. I don't need another Miles or Ultimate Iron Man, but would have bought them for a decent baf.


EDIT Oh! ROM's legs would be a great start to a Micronauts Baron Karza!

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@derrabbi Fair enough if they are sculpting new hands just to hold the comics as well, and those hands have no other use...

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I’m in for Adam and Banshee. 

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Just 2 Banshee's for me (I always double up on characters I deem as important or have a costume I know I'll love).  I'll either get Daken on clearance or I wont, I don't particularly like the character anyway, so he'd just be filling a spot on the villains side, and since he's not really a villain so much any more I don't even know if I need him at all.  Happy to get a green/yellow Banshee to try other heads on for various 90s looks.  I had hoped he'd get an alternate head that looked a little more like his Phalanx Covenant look (referring to the hair, as the below poster wasn't the costume he wore during most of those issues), the screaming head we already have is alright for an Andy Kubert look though.

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As a kid in the 70's, I REALLY wanted Rom but I hated the fact that he was 12" tall and had the articulation of a Barbie. Maybe I was already spoiled by Mego figures. So, I'm absolutely getting Rom.

I'm definitely getting Banshee. I need him for my Giant Size X-Men #1 team. 

I'm on the fence for Adam Warlock. It's not the version I've been long waiting for. I may buy it just for the body and pop the last Warlock head that we got on it. I don't really care for the facial expression on the new head. 

Same goes for Miles. I still need/want a Miles Morales for my shelf but I don’t exactly like the narrow eyes.

I'm still debating whether I want to build a Dark Avengers display or not. So, until I make that decision, I'm holding off on getting Daken.

I'm definitely passing on Ultimate Iron Man. I had the original figure Hasbro made, only because it came with a build a figure piece. I don't like the way that armor looks so it's an easy pass for me. 

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Posted by: @dathing

As a kid in the 70's, I REALLY wanted Rom but I hated the fact that he was 12" tall and had the articulation of a Barbie.

ROM never excited me as a kid for the reason you mentioned, plus I felt he had limited play potential as he didn't do all that much. Not with Mego superheroes, Micronauts, 6 Million Dollar Man and Star Wars to compete with. 

Honestly the Legends version of the comic design is much better than the original toy.


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