The answer to understanding the love of [random character] usually boils down to "some of us read the comics."
The mini-comic slabs are trash without the spinner rack. It was clear the team knew it, as they stammered on and on about their "virtues".
Good luck with that, I would've bought the whole wave with a spinner and the premise the series would continue as a catch-all comic-based line. Now I'll buy half of them, and even those begrudgingly.
I'd been told the Micronauts were coming with ROM under a similiar deal, so the announcement of the S7 figs caught me by surprise. The ad copy seemed to indicate they were leaning into the "interchangable" feature, but I doubt that's a selling point these days. Although their Ultimates line has had some struggles, if Hasbro/Disney have failed to make a deal for Miconauts Legends, I'd be all in for S7 Ultimates.
I posted some of these thoughts in the other thread, but I'm surprised no one is commenting on:
- Banshee AND Warlock STILL having the forearm cuts in their arms
- Miles' hips being super wide
- Banshee getting two reused heads - they could have swapped the facial hair as mentioned above, or given us new ones - the figure is a simple repaint
- Ultimate Iron Man looks like the new MCU Ironheart
And this isn't a criticism but does Daken really have a third claw popping out of his hand? Ouch.
Do Miles' hips look wide to you in the promo shots, or just from the animation? I noticed it in the latter, but the photos look fine.
I don't care about reusing Banshee's heads, they looked great on the other version and they'll work just fine here. The forearm cuts and especially the lack of boot sculpt bugs the hell out of me, though. So many characters have that specific style of boot and they still won't invest in making it. Grumble.
Do Miles' hips look wide to you in the promo shots, or just from the animation? I noticed it in the latter, but the photos look fine.
Not the typical silhouette. It's probably so they can move really well, but this default looks very odd to me.
Also, on the lack of a spinner rack BAF, they could have each character come with a level of the rack and build it like a Christmas tree. One character would need the base but then it's just like Stilt-Man. Maybe it looked stupid and they abandoned the idea?
Now budget goes to a comic and an holding hand for each figure. Whether a holding hand is all that relevant to the character. Not that its that much $ but I'd like to see each budget maximized to each characters specific needs. Not just a put this in b/c they need it to hold their comic. That sort of only makes sense for She Hulk; maybe Deadpool and the FF; who in universe read their own comic as they licensed themselves to Marvel.
I think the wider hips are for range of motion. He'll be posed in a weird way anyway so it will look fine. In a perfect world there's a click in and click out feature on the hips for vanilla and Spidery twist pose purposes.
Those coxofemoral joints appear to be the type to eschew dishonesty and value verisimilitude.
@ibentmyman-thing These action figure fans want their heroes on the Ariana Grande diet.
I'm definitely in the cynical group when it comes to the mini-comics. Like the retro line, this seems like a good excuse to sell basic figures for the same price as a build-a-figure wave. I'm sure the ACBA community will find use for the comics, but I have minimal sympathy there. You could just as easily print your own mini-comics.
It's especially disappointing that they couldn't partner with Marvel to provide a QR code to the real comics. I've told the story here before, but my first comic books actually came from Marvel Legends. This was an opportunity to bring that back.
I'll grant Hasbro that these figures aren't otherwise linked by a theme, but they could be individual Fan Channel releases instead. I hope this is the first and last mini-comic wave.
Yep, I continue to be befuddled by no redemption code for a digital comic and no comic spinner BAF rack as rumored. ROM is the only "must buy" for me, but I know that I'll likely buy the whole wave.
I certainly don't personally feel a need for a second wave of this gimmick either. I really couldn't care less about the little plastic mini-comics. I'd much rather have something that I could actually read, or don't bother. Just my 2 cents.
I mean I don't care one way or the other I just don't think its a very helpful use of their production budget, even it it is minor. I'd trade one griping hand and a comic for 1 extra piece relevant to the character at hand. Like if a non evil Paul Smith Rogue comes out later I would trade a comic issue of say XMen 173 and a griping hand for a glove removal hand any day of the week.
My bet is the QR code was the plan and something happened due to corporate that killed it.
Yeah, no use for the comics. Gotta agree with the more character focused use of the budget over this gimmick.
The figures do look good, though. I was hoping for the pre-IG look for Adam.
Anyway to attach the cloth wings from Annihilus wave Banshee to the new ones?
I wonder if the mini comics are a cost saving measure to offset the three brand new sculpts in the wave: Rom, Ultimate Iron Man, and Miles.
The spinner rack will be an individual deluxe release in a couple of years time, there needs to be a bunch of waves worth of comics to put on it first.
A QR code and the associated URL to view a digital comic would be shared online in about 5 minutes so maybe they figured it wouldn't really be that much of a factor in sales - wonder if springing for unique codes in each package would be worth the effort.
In a different era, a spinner rack accessory would make for a great mail-away redemption - submit maybe 12 proof of purchases from the cardbacks and get a free (+shipping and handling) spinner rack.
I’m apathetic to the mini comics. I think they’re a cute addition that I won’t use with figures ever. Clearly, enough of you are opposed to it, and they seem to listen to the feedback. So maybe they’ll figure out a better way to use that budget.