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Marvel Legends MINI COMICS Series

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Indie comics publisher, writer, and letterer
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Pre-ordered the four I wanted from this wave at BBTS: ROM, Banshee, Ult. Iron Man, and Adam Warlock.

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Rom becomes the second ML figure I've ordered at full price this year.  Kaine being the first.  I think that's already more than last year!

Good grief. Admin
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I forced myself to only preorder two Roms.



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@justice I canceled my Amazon Prime account, sad as I was to do it. Pre-ordered these from BBTS instead.

TheSameIdiot and Justice reacted
JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Posted by: @jtmarsh

Banshee's going to be too busy flying in my display to be standing around reading a comic.  Had they included a pipe I might've actually used that.

Yeah. I'm apathetic to the lil' comic gimmick, but I'd much prefer an extra accessory like Sean's pipe, alternate hands, heads, etc. I know some of those aren't 1:1, but would still be cheaper to produce than a BAF part, I imagine.


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I pre-ordered the whole wave, but ROM was the only must have for me.

Stormbreaker reacted
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Only pre-ordering Rom, Banshee, and Warlock. Might get Daken on sale, but if that never happens I'm fine with the older figure they made. The Dark Avengers were cool but I don't need multiple versions of figures of them all (even with the improvements).

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Posted by: @fac

Posted by: @dathing

As a kid in the 70's, I REALLY wanted Rom but I hated the fact that he was 12" tall and had the articulation of a Barbie.

ROM never excited me as a kid for the reason you mentioned, plus I felt he had limited play potential as he didn't do all that much. Not with Mego superheroes, Micronauts, 6 Million Dollar Man and Star Wars to compete with. 

Honestly the Legends version of the comic design is much better than the original toy.


As a former owner of the OG Parker Bros Rom, I agree this is a muuuuuuuuuch better figure.  Even tho I'm 18th do and die I had to PO him and now I'm wondering whether to get a second to try bashing some red LEDs into the eyes, jetpack exhausts, and chest indicators.

I do have a small wish they'd not made the fingers so obvious, as they were generally shown as featureless mittens back in the day and on the original figure.

Hopefully one of the garage 3DPrinter guys will do up a Translator piece to complete his OG gear set.

hmmberto reacted
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Got my preorder in at BBTS for Rom, Banshee, and Adam Warlock. I was on the fence about Adam, but ultimately decided to pull the trigger. I'd prefer his classic 70's look, but at least this one can fill the void in my display for the time being.

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I wish they had reversed Banshee’s hairstyles from the heads of the 3-pack version. As a 90s kid, that one is my Banshee, so I'm not terribly inclined to get this classic one. But if they had offered reversed hair sculpts, that would have been a major incentive for me, so that each figure could have both heads with appropriate hairstyles. I don't remember him having mutton chops while wearing the 90s team suit.

The mini comic covers are cool, but I would have preferred that whatever budget was allowed for them had instead gone towards character specific accessories or paint, such as that.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Told myself I was only going to PO Banshee, but ended up in for Adam Warlock and despite never having read any of the comics, ROM. FWOOSH FOMO is real.

Thor-El, Lucid Silverback, puckace and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @akajomiha

Told myself I was only going to PO Banshee, but ended up in for Adam Warlock and despite never having read any of the comics, ROM. FWOOSH FOMO is real.

I read all 75 issues of Rom (and the annuals) about 5 years ago and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. Bill Mantlo didn't reach the heights of some of his contemporaries but he could tell a solid story, and he did more with this C-list licensed property than it maybe deserved. Plus he was the writer for the whole series so he was able to keep it cohesive.

Like any book it had its weak spots but when it was good it was really good, and I'm very excited to get old toaster head in Legends.


Akatsuki, TheGillMan, hmmberto and 3 people reacted
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Honest to goodness Marvel did a lot of work to integrate ROM into their super-hero Universe -  more than with a lot of their licensed properties.


I'm hoping with the recent deal to allow publication of the Omnibus volumes and allow this figure in the Legends line that it may pave the road for ROM to return to actual Marvel Comics in the future.   I know there is a deal with IDW that has to expire first, but I don't think it would be too difficult to reintroduce the Galadorian to the comics.    Have some Dire Wraiths pop up from who knows where and have ROM follow them.     Given the history of the wraiths with the X-Men there could be a story there so he has an extended guest stint in one or more X-Books for a few months as a soft launch before branching out and getting his own title.   I'd buy it.

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Posted by: @akajomiha

Yeah. I'm apathetic to the lil' comic gimmick, but I'd much prefer an extra accessory like Sean's pipe, alternate hands, heads, etc. I know some of those aren't 1:1, but would still be cheaper to produce than a BAF part, I imagine.

If you look he only comes with one open hand unlike the 90s version.  Instead you get a C-grip hand and a trigger finger hand (perfect for a pipe).  I assume they just figured anyone who cares about the 70s will use the mutton chops head on this one, and the screaming head for the 90s.  You may want to look into custom heads on ebay and CastingCave as CC sometimes does more John Byrne looking Banshee heads in the past and may bring them back since this will be coming out.  Finding the right alternate head can breathe new life into an otherwise underwhelming figure (I'm looking at you Avalanche).


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Ordered ROM, nothing else to say really!

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